The enemy was in a hurry.

There were more and more sumo robots around, and Xiaoban gradually found it difficult to resist.

Until a sumo robot went around Xiaoban and tried to sneak attack.

When Xiaoban noticed the sumo robot, he was too late to defend.

Seeing the sumo robot's fist getting closer and closer, a big dart suddenly appeared and flew over, cutting the sumo robot in half.

After the sumo robot was cut in half, the dart flew back in a detour.

Xiaoban looked in the direction of the dart, and saw Xiaowen raised his arm and caught the dart accurately.

Xiaoban didn't want to admit that he was impressed by this scene.

Xiaoban still said unconvinced, "Tsk, the violent sumo master will do better!"

Xiaowen didn't care too much, and turned his head away, not wanting to pay attention to this stupid guy. At this time, he happened to see a yellow round platform in the distance.

Xiaowen pointed at the round platform, "That's a buoy, we have to use it to enter the next level!"

"I know!"

Seeing Xiaowen running towards the yellow round platform, Xiaoban responded and followed closely.

When the two stood on the round platform, the round platform automatically separated from the ground and began to rise like an elevator.

When the round platform stopped, the two came to a place surrounded by floating boulders.

In this level, there are flying sumo robots that can also spray fireballs.

Seeing Xiaoban and Xiaowen coming, the surrounding sumo robots surrounded them.

One of the sumo robots sprayed a fireball at Xiaoban and Xiaowen.

Seeing this, Xiaoban and Xiaowen jumped to both sides and each landed on a floating boulder.

Facing the sumo robot that can fly and has long-range attacks, Xiao Wen is fine, but Xiaoban is in trouble. After all, he only has melee means, which means that he can only dodge.

Xiaoban keeps jumping to different boulders to avoid the big fireball.

But the sumo robot still has the advantage of numbers.

When Xiaoban just dodges a fireball and jumps to another boulder, before he can stand firmly, another sumo robot emerges in front of him and sprays a fireball at him.

Seeing the fireball getting closer and closer, but Xiaoban has no time to dodge.

At this moment, a voice came to Xiaoban's ears, "Look, the knife, this is how to use it."

Xiaoban only felt a breeze blowing by the side, and heard the crisp sound of the knife.

I saw a figure crossing in front of him, pulling out the long knife at his waist, and slashing at the incoming fireball.


The fireball was split into two, hitting the two floating boulders behind him respectively.

Xiaoban looked at the man's back, holding a knife in his right hand and letting it hang naturally, with his high ponytail and old robe fluttering in the wind.

The man turned around and said, "Xiaoban, it's only been a short while, how come it's so late?"

Xiaoban was surprised, "Cousin?!"

Then Xiaoban rushed to Klein, who pushed Xiaoban away with disdain.

Xiaoban was a little confused, "Cousin, why are you here?"

Klein said lightly, "When I saw two game characters on the game console that could move by themselves, I realized something was wrong, and then I immediately created a character to save you."


In reality.

Klein sat on the sofa, wearing headphones, holding a game controller, and looking at the display screen of the game console.

That's right, he didn't enter the game world, because that would be too uncertain. Even if Xiaoban and the others got into trouble outside, he would have a way to save them.

It is worth mentioning that he had actually discovered the abnormality a long time ago. As for why he only controlled the game character to save people now... it was because he spent some time designing the character image.


In the game world.

Klein took Xiaoban to rescue Xiaowen, even though it seemed that Xiaowen didn't need to be rescued.

Xiaowen threw a dart again and cut the last sumo robot nearby in half.

At this time, Xiaowen also noticed Klein and Xiaoban who came over.

Xiaowen said in surprise, "Cousin!"

Xiaowen rushed to Klein, and this time Klein didn't push him away.

Xiaoban, who was pushed away by disdain just now, saw this scene and his expression became very strange. Well, it turns out that he didn't dislike the action but the person!

Xiaowen seemed to suddenly remember something, "Cousin, can you take us out?"

Klein nodded, "Anytime, but are you sure you don't want to experience it now? I'll cover you, even if you die here, you won't really die."

"Me! Me! I want to stay and be well

Have fun! And then break the nerd's score record!"

Xiaoban raised his hands excitedly.

Xiaowen looked at Xiaoban and smiled contemptuously, "Daitou, you can't beat me."

Xiaoban still refused to accept it, "Really?! I'll let you see what a real violent sumo master is!"

"It seems that you have decided."

Klein smiled slightly, holding the knife in his right hand and making a knife flower, then walked towards the yellow round platform in the distance.

At this time, Xiaoban seemed to have discovered something and looked at Klein carefully, "Cousin, your equipment seems to be different from ours. "

Although Klein's robe looks a bit old at first glance, if you look closely, you can find that there is still some light mist lingering outside the robe, which makes the robe give people a hazy feeling.

And Klein's long sword is also the same. If you don't look closely, it's nothing, but if you look closely, the sword also emits a faint silver light, which is definitely not caused by the refraction of light by the blade!

Klein's equipment is just like recharged money.

Xiao Wen was also a little curious, "Cousin, where did you get these things?"

Klein pretended to be puzzled, "Is it given away at the beginning? What's wrong? Is there anything wrong?"

This is a lie. This is actually the game plug-in he made when he turned into a little warrior just now, because whether it is real or in the game, he doesn't like the feeling of being abused.

Xiao Wen shook his head, "Nothing, maybe we think too much."

"Then let's go! "

Xiaoban ran to the yellow platform first, he couldn't wait to get to the next level.

But just when the three were about to arrive.


A sumo robot that looked like an elite monster flew over and smashed the yellow platform.

Klein was a little surprised, "That thing can be destroyed? !"

"Don't worry about that! Run for your life!"

Looking at the huge fireball condensed by the special sumo robot, Xiaoban subconsciously took two steps back, then turned and ran.

As soon as the three jumped away, the huge fireball blew up the boulder they were standing on. The power was obviously far greater than that of other sumo robots.

Xiaowen threw the dart in his hand at the special sumo robot.

But what was unexpected was that the speed of the dart was not as fast as the special sumo robot, and it dodged it directly.

Xiaoban was a little unhappy, "Oh, annoying! How to fight this!"

"Fight like this! "

Klein slightly tightened the long sword in his hand, and the silver light of the blade became more and more dazzling. Then Klein raised the sword and chopped at the special sumo robot.

A dazzling silver crescent-shaped sword energy flew out, and the special sumo robot was cut in half at lightning speed.

Seeing this scene, Xiaoban was silent.

After a long while, he spoke, "... cousin, turn it off, it's boring, really."

Klein was a little helpless, "I really didn't cheat."

But Xiaoban and Xiaowen both looked unconvinced.

"Okay, okay!"


In reality.

Klein pulled out the game plug-in plugged into the game console.


In the game world.

The mist on Klein's robe and the silver light on the sword were gone.

Klein shrugged helplessly, "Is this okay?"

But before Xiaoban and Xiaowen said anything, a voice came from behind Klein, "Your performance just now was really amazing, this powerful warrior. ”

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