The two of them were so confused that they had to face each other.

"Shishan Henggang?!"

Xiaoban looked at the newcomer in surprise.

"Do you know me?"

Shishan Henggang was a little confused. He didn't remember when he had seen this kid.

Xiaoban was very excited, "You are my second idol! I know all your information! You weigh 527 pounds, your combat power is level 7, your intelligence is level 9, and your magic is level 8! In order to get your card, I eat every issue of Furious Sumo Corn Flakes..."

Seeing that Xiaoban wanted to continue, Klein quickly stopped Xiaoban, "Okay, okay, Xiaoban, if you continue, people will think you are a pervert."

After hearing this, Xiaoban immediately shut up and made a zipper-up gesture, then smiled at Ishiyama Yokogawa.

"Let's not talk about that for now, Ishiyama, do you know how to enter the next level? The buoy has just exploded."

Speaking of this, Klein shrugged helplessly.

Ishiyama Yokogang nodded, "I do know a place that leads to any level, but the road there is full of difficulties."

Ishiyama Yokogang has always been very friendly to the wrestlers he recognizes, so he did not hide anything and directly told them the address of that place, and even suggested that he lead the way.

"But, shouldn't we get rid of them first?"

Xiao Wen pointed to the sumo robots that surrounded him again.

Then, Klein, who had lost his long-range attack means, fell into the same situation as Xiaoban.

Klein and Xiaoban fled everywhere together.

Xiao Wen can still deal with it with darts.

As for Ishiyama Yokogang, although this guy has no long-range attack weapons, he has more skills than anyone else, including enlargement, throwing, and shock waves.

"Why does he have so many skills?"

Seeing this scene, Klein was unhappy.

So Klein didn't run away. The game can be lost, but it can't be played so aggrievedly.

Klein turned to face the sumo robot behind him and pulled out the long sword from his waist.

"Take my sword!"

Klein threw the long sword in his hand with force, and the sumo robot was stabbed directly.

"Ten points!"

Klein raised his hands excitedly, completely ignoring the confused Xiaoban next to him.

Xiaoban didn't expect that this game could be played like this. After recovering, he looked at Klein and said worriedly, "Cousin, but your sword is gone, and you can't throw it a second time."

Klein smiled at Xiaoban with an ambiguous meaning, "There is another one."

Xiaoban was stunned after hearing this.

So Klein threw Xiaoban's sword out, and stabbed another sumo robot to death.

"Cousin, what should we do now?"

Xiaoban looked at the increasing number of sumo robots around him, and now there was no place to run.

Klein was not panicked at all, anyway, he still had three lives.

Klein said calmly, "Xiaoban, you have to understand that sometimes being a little flexible is not called cheating, it is called maintaining the balance of the game. Look, we both have nothing now, how can we play this game?!"

Xiaoban was stunned and agreed to Klein's cheating behavior without thinking.


Klein took out a Desert Eagle from somewhere and threw it to Xiaoban.

Xiaoban stared at the gun in his hand in amazement. If he remembered correctly, there should be no such thing in the background era of violent sumo.

Samurai holding guns, it looks weird no matter how you look at it.

Then Xiaoban looked up at Klein, "What about you, cousin?"

"Me? I'll be fine."

Then Klein took out the Gatling gun with his backhand.

Da da da da...

The hail of bullets swept through the sumo robot.

"Who is this warrior?! So brave!"

The power of the Gatling gun stunned Ishiyama Yokogatsu.


Soon, everyone was on the road again.

However, Klein and Xiaoban's guns were gone because they were discovered by Xiaowen.

But the knife was picked up anyway.

On the way, Xiaowen quietly pulled Xiaoban back a step because of curiosity, and then whispered, "Daitou, you just said that Ishiyama Yokogang is your second idol, then who is the first?"

Xiaowen did not expect that Xiaoban, who was so fascinated by violent sumo, did not put Ishiyama Yokogang in the first place.

Xiaoban said as a matter of course, "Of course it's my cousin. No matter how cool Ishiyama Yokogang is, he is just a game character. Do you think I don't know?"

"What game?"


Ishiyama Yokogang, who heard something, looked back at Xiaoban curiously.

"Nothing, he said..."

Xiao Wen waved his hand and tried to fool him.

Ishiyama Yokogang didn't pay much attention to it.

But no one noticed that a dark shadow quietly slipped away behind everyone.

It is worth mentioning that on the way, Xiaoban picked up a treasure box of strange things, opened a green coin, and unlocked the ability to transform into a four-handed overlord.

Xiao Wen also picked up a treasure box of strange things and opened a bow.

Only Klein didn't pick up anything, so he planned to find an opportunity to continue cheating later.


After a while, everyone finally arrived at their destination, the Katami Palace.

There is a huge raccoon statue in the Katami Palace.

With the arrival of everyone, the raccoon statue spoke a riddle, which should be solved to unlock the function of entering other levels.

Xiaoban was confused, "Uh~ Do you understand?"

Xiao Wen and Ishiyama Yokogang both shook their heads.

So Xiaoban placed his hope on Klein, "Cousin, what about you?"

Klein did not move.

Xiaoban stretched out his hand in front of Klein and waved it, "Cousin? Cousin?"

"Stop making noises! I'm looking up the guide!"

Klein casually slapped Xiaoban's hand away.

Xiaoban was surprised again, "There is a guide for this game?!"

Klein looked at Xiaoban in silence, not knowing that he bought it himself, "It must be a gift. Didn't you pay attention when you bought it?"

Xiaoban shook his head and started playing as soon as he got it.

Ishiyama Henggang was stunned by the conversation between the two.

Only Xiaowen remembered the business, "Cousin, have you found it?"

"I haven't turned it yet... Damn! Who tore this page!"

Klein was a little confused. There is still a missing guide? !

When Xiaoban heard the word "tear", he seemed to suddenly remember something, "Uh~ Didn't I find paper last time when I ate a hamburger? So..."

Everyone else present was silent.

Xiaowen wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Klein who suddenly pounced on him.

A dragon suddenly appeared and tied up Shishan Henggang with his body.

In fact, according to the position of everyone, Xiaowen would have been tied up, but Klein saved her. As for Shishan Henggang, Klein said he couldn't push him.

"Let him go! Evil bandit!"

Xiaoban recognized the person.

Evil bandit, who turned into an evil dragon, said to Klein and the other two, "Tell me quickly! What does 'game' mean?! Is this a game world?! How do we get to the real world?! Tell me quickly! Otherwise he will die!"

As he said that, Evil bandit tightened his body again and strangled Shishan Henggang painfully.

Klein said calmly, "Who are you kidding? He still has three lives."

Xiaoban and Xiaowen, who were still nervous, also reacted. Yes! Ishiyama Henggang can be resurrected even if he dies.

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