The enemy was killed, but the enemy was still alive.

E-Kou also reacted. Even if he killed Ishiyama Henggang now, it would be useless, after all, he could be resurrected.

"Then I'll take him away! If you want to save him, come to the thirteenth level to find me!"

As soon as the voice fell, E-Kou disappeared with Ishiyama Henggang.

Klein looked at the empty space after E-Kou and Ishiyama Henggang left, and said lightly, "This is the first time I've seen a game where a hero was captured by the devil. Shouldn't the princess be captured?"

"Also, why does he think we will definitely save Ishiyama Henggang?"

Klein expressed disdain for E-Kou's methods.

"Uh~ cousin, this is not good, right?"

Xiao Wen felt that Ishiyama Henggang was a righteous man.

Xiaoban nodded repeatedly. He wanted to say something but was stopped by Klein, because Xiaoban would probably say a lot of good things about Ishiyama Yokogatsu.

Talking is fine, but talking too much is a problem.

Klein didn't have the patience to listen.

"Okay, go save him!" Klein waved his hand, and then seemed to remember something, "But why didn't Ishiyama Yokogatsu fight back just now?"


In reality.

Klein picked up the strategy book on the side and started reading, "Evil bandit, evil bandit, evil bandit... Oh! Here. Let me see..."

It would have been better if he didn't read it. He was speechless after reading it.

Who designed such a disgusting boss? ! Top data and disgusting mechanism, how to beat this? !

At the same time, Klein also knew why Ishiyama Yokogatsu didn't resist just now. He was "silenced" and couldn't use skills, and the attribute data of the evil bandit was still higher than his.

Klein found that there were many necessary props to defeat the evil bandit, and it was quite troublesome to collect these props.

After thinking about it, Klein decided to cut down the evil bandit.

Real world.

Klein took out another game plug-in and inserted it into the game console. A control interface appeared on the screen of the game console.

Klein found the data of the evil bandit and modified it.

Game world, thirteenth floor.

The evil bandit was looking at Ishiyama Yokogang in the cage with pride.

But before the evil bandit could boast for a few words, he suddenly felt that his body was hollowed out, and he felt like he had been a man for eighty times in one night.

Looking at the evil bandit who suddenly became weak and knelt on the ground, Ishiyama Yokogang was also confused.

Katami Palace.

"Let's go!"

Klein, who was moving again, called out to his cousins, and then turned and walked to the corner of the Katami Palace.

Klein found a floor tile that looked no different, pulled out his long knife and chopped it down, and the floor tile shattered, revealing something inside, a lever.

Klein pulled the lever, and the raccoon statue in the Katami Palace shattered and collapsed, and a yellow round platform slowly rose.

"There is this here?! Cousin, is this also written in the guide?"

Xiaoban looked at the yellow round platform in surprise, and then turned to look at the lever.

"Let's go."

Klein did not answer, and walked directly to the yellow round platform.

After all, Klein did not know how to answer. Should he tell Xiaoban that he added this temporarily? !

This lever was added by Klein just now while weakening the evil bandit.

The three of them walked onto the round platform, and the round platform began to rise slowly.

After the round platform stopped, Klein and the other two began to observe the surroundings. This seemed to be a dojo.

At this moment, a familiar voice came from behind Klein, "You are finally here?! I have been waiting for you for a long time. The evil bandit has been defeated by me. Everything is over."

The three looked back and saw that it was Ishiyama Yokogawa who spoke.

"Ishiyama Henggang, how come... what you said is true?! I knew it! How could the great Ishiyama Henggang lose to the hateful villain!"

Xiaoban ran over excitedly.

Seeing this, Ishiyama Henggang wanted to say something, but Klein spoke before him, "Xiaoban, do it! He is not Ishiyama Henggang!"

Hearing this, both Ishiyama Henggang and Xiaoban were stunned, and even Xiaowen, who was standing next to Klein, was surprised.

Although he didn't know why, Xiaowen believed Klein's judgment, so he immediately took out the archery bow and aimed at Ishiyama Henggang.

Ishiyama Henggang showed a panic expression on his face, and then looked at Xiaoban, "Xiaoban the strongman, as a great strongman, you will definitely believe me, right?!"

Hearing this, Xiaoban did not answer.

Xiaoban was silent for a while, and then slowly said, "Sorry, Ishiyama

Henggang. Although I believe you are real, I believe my cousin's judgment more! "

After saying that, Xiaoban turned around and faced Ishiyama Henggang with a knife. Just an idol! One of my classmates will cut him with a knife!

I saw Ishiyama Henggang's body began to change, turning into an evil dragon and quickly dodged, but Xiaoban's knife just now didn't even react to him, resulting in an extra scar on his stomach.

Ekou really didn't expect that Xiaoban would actually attack Ishiyama Henggang! Based on his previous observation, Xiaoban's admiration for Ishiyama Henggang is not ordinary!

"Little ghost! How did you see that? !"

Ekou looked at Klein unwillingly.


Klein chose to remain silent because it was difficult to say and he was too lazy to say it.

Ekou's data was changed by him, so how could he not know what ability Ekou had?!

"Ekou! Where is Ishiyama Henggang? ! "

After being surprised, Xiaoban looked at Ekou with anger. He actually wanted to use his feelings just now!

"Hehehe...hahahaha...what do you think I will do? ! Little ghost. Do you think I will let him go after using Ishiyama Henggang? ! I tell you, he is long gone!"

Ekou laughed a little crazy, but it didn't matter. What mattered was that this thing was indeed qualified to be a villain and decisive enough.

It was a pity that it was useless. After all, Ishiyama Henggang had three lives as a game character. Even if he died, he would be resurrected in a safe place.

"What? !" Xiaoban was stunned, and then transformed into the Four-Handed Overlord with a sad face.

Xiaoban was so excited that he even forgot that Ishiyama Henggang would be resurrected.

A green light flashed, and the Four-Handed Overlord pounced on Ekou.

"Little ghost, do you think you are the only one who can transform? ! "

After saying that, the evil bandit turned back into human form, and then gradually grew larger until it became a giant 20 to 30 meters tall.

The four-handed tyrant pounced on the feet of the evil bandit, and tried to knock the evil bandit down with all his strength, but the evil bandit did not move at all.

The evil bandit kicked the four-handed tyrant away.

The four-handed tyrant rolled several times before stopping, and it took a long time for him to get up, "Oh, I must not have practiced enough."

Then the evil bandit looked at Klein and Xiaowen, "Now it's your turn, tell me how to get to the real world, otherwise, you will all die!"

Klein said lightly, "Come on, I'm just sitting here, can you jump out of the screen to hit me? !"

The evil bandit was stunned after hearing this, and then he reacted and looked at Klein with gritted teeth.

Klein ignored the evil bandit, but took out a mechanical glove and put it on, and then pressed the button on the mechanical glove with his other hand.

"I will attack in Gundam form! "

The mechanical gloves glowed, and the phantom of the mecha appeared around Klein, and then the phantom gradually solidified.

A mecha of 20 to 30 meters high appeared.

E-Kou stared at the Gundam mecha in amazement.

"What? Have you never seen a cheating player?"

Klein said that this boss was still too young.

Gundam's right hand pulled out a lightsaber, and then while E-Kou was still in a daze, he cut E-Kou in half with one sword.

E-Kou was gone just like that, as evidenced by the astronomical score that appeared above the Gundam.

The transformed Xiaoban and Xiaowen stared at the huge Gundam and the score above the Gundam in amazement.

Real world.

Klein took off his headphones and started Another Omnitrix.

A faint blue light flashed, and the shapeshifter appeared.

The shapeshifter turned into a pool of liquid and drilled into the game console.

Game world.

The shapeshifter suddenly appeared next to Xiaoban and Xiaowen.

"We should go out. "

After getting Xiaoban and Xiaowen's consent, the Shapeshifter wrapped them with its body and turned into a black-green sphere, which then shrank until it disappeared.


The real world.

A black-green sphere flew out of the screen of the game console, then began to grow larger and cracked.

Xiaoban and Xiaowen in the sphere were released, and the sphere turned back into the shape of the Shapeshifter.

A faint blue light flashed, and the Shapeshifter turned back into Klein.

Xiaowen opened the door and walked out of the old broken car. Looking at the clear sky after the rain stopped, he stretched and took a deep breath, "I think I won't want to play games for a long time. "

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