
"The Iktouri people's phantom transformation?!"

Vilgax was stunned when he saw the blurry figure of the Ten-Unlike.

How can he fight this!

The Iktouri people are the race of ghosts.

Originally, the Ten-Unlike only had one-tenth of the ability of the ghosts, and could not enter the phantom transformation, which could be said to be weakened.

But now, the Ten-Unlike has been strengthened to its peak state!

It has all the abilities of the ghost!

Phantom, invisibility, purple laser......

"Vilgax, you are done for."

Shi Bu Xiang snorted coldly, and his figure disappeared.

Ghostly invisibility!

"Where did you go?"

Vilgax's body trembled, and he looked around hurriedly.

"Behind you~"

A hoarse and eerie voice came from behind.

Vilgax narrowed his eyes and punched behind him!

The fierce fist actually went straight through the shadow of the Ghost. The ghost's phantom was immune to all physical attacks!

Vilgax was about to escape in a hurry. The Ghost re-condensed into a physical body, using the super speed of the Flash Star, one hand turned into a sharp blade, superimposed with the power of the Four-Handed Overlord!

In an instant, it caught up with Vilgax and slashed him on the back!


Vilgax screamed, staggering and falling to the ground.


At this time, the Four-Handed Overlord climbed out of the river, all wet, and happened to see this scene.

The Ten-Unlike is so powerful!?

He didn't know that the Ten-Unlike had been strengthened nine times by the system at this moment.

The strength is no longer what it used to be!

"Brother Ye is so powerful, and Shi Bu Xiang is so strong!"Min Lin was overjoyed, her beautiful eyes twinkling.

It's still the same, every time I encounter danger, I have to rely on Brother Ye!

Tian Mark scratched his head,"How come he has become so much stronger all of a sudden, something is wrong...."

Of course, it would be great if Vilgax could be defeated.

The raging fire spread across the prairie, and the smoke filled the air.

The sky was filled with flying ashes, surrounded by a huge space battleship.

Even though the giant Vilgax had grown to ten meters and its combat power had tripled, it was still no match for the Ten-Unlike! It was too abnormal to be able to perfectly use the superpowers of the ten original heroes!

The slime of the Glider King + the flame of the Flame Man.

The speed of the Flash Star + the power of the Four-Handed Overlord + the Diamond Sword!

Or the Super Speedy Fire Fist!

The crystal giant palm that fell from the sky was comparable to the legendary Buddha Palm!

The invisibility of the ghost, the keen senses of the super beast, the super intelligence of the little warrior, and the laser of the shapeshifter!

The terrifying bite force of the big steel teeth and underwater breathing!

At this moment, the Ten-Unlike is completely a"killing machine on land, sea and air"!

Suitable for fighting in various occasions!

There is no weakness, and the whole body is strong!

"Ah! Don't hit me, I give up!"

Vilgax was beaten so badly that his face was covered in dirt.

"Yechen, kill Vilgax and destroy his spaceship!"Tian Mark shouted.

Shi Bu Xiang nodded. Even if his grandfather didn't say so, he would do it.


Suddenly, the omnitrix standard on his chest flashed.

The red light burst out and turned back to Yechen's appearance!

The transformation time has come!

Vilgax was stunned when he saw Yechen's human form.

Then he laughed wildly and regained his former majesty, looking down at Yechen.

"Hahaha, your transformation time has come, let's see how you can stop me!"

As he spoke, Vilgax's nose bled.

He had just been hit hard by the Ten-Unlikes and was already seriously injured.

In addition, the effect of the drug was about to disappear, and his fighting power was almost gone.

"Brother Ye, let me help you!"

The Four-Handed Overlord rushed forward and tried to stop Vilgax.

"No need."Ye Chen shook his head slightly. He still had a trump card.

The Four-Handed Overlord stopped and looked at this side worriedly.

Vilgax's figure gradually shrank and returned to normal.

The effect of the blood pill had expired, and the strengthening effect disappeared. Vilgax was beaten back to his original form.

""Cough, cough!"

Vilgax covered his chest and kept coughing up blood.

The severe injury from the Ten-Unlike, plus the side effects of the blood pills, made Vilgax suffer unbearably.

In five minutes at most, he would be forced into a dormant state for a month.

"You're so injured, and you still want to rule the earth?" Ye Chen raised his mouth with contempt.

"It's enough to deal with you!"

Vilgax clenched his fists, ready to use the remaining few minutes to kill everyone present!

Then, he would return to the spaceship and send out a destructive ray to destroy the entire planet!

"In this case......"

Ye Chen reached into his pocket and pulled out a silver summoner with golden patterns engraved on it.

"What is that?"Wen Lin was stunned.

Ye Chen said nothing and put the silver summoner on his wrist.

"Snow Mastiff Armor, combine!"

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