
A mighty roar sounded.

Ye Chen instantly put on a layer of silver armor, with a strong physique and majestic appearance.

On both sides of his shoulders were the domineering Tibetan mastiff heads, with brown-yellow hair in the gaps.

One of the five elements of armor, the Snow Mastiff Armor!

Last time in the Crazy Universe, Ye Chen exchanged for the Snow Mastiff Armor, which came with the strongest gold bloodline.

He used this trick to defeat the powerful Crazy Class!

"Oh my god, what level of technological equipment is this?"

Tian Mark was full of disbelief and rubbed his eyes.

He had never seen such equipment before, which could instantly summon armor and put it on his body.

It even exuded the breath of gold element.......

Moreover, just now Tian Mark vaguely saw the shadow of a white Tibetan mastiff roaring above Ye Chen's head and disappearing in a flash.

"Could this be a product of magic combined with technology?"

Tamak held his chin up, thinking.

""Brother Ye is so cool!"

Minlin looked at the direction of the Snow Mastiff Armor with admiration.

In her eyes, Ye Chen, wearing the Snow Mastiff Armor, looked like a heroic general in ancient times.

The Four-Handed Overlord was stunned,"Oh, I want to have such a set of armor too!"

"I'll go back and ask Brother Ye how he got it."

Vilgax didn't take it seriously.

He looked at the Snow Mastiff Armor with disdain and sneered,"That's it?"

"I thought you had a surprise for me."

"It turns out that I am wearing a set of inferior earth armor."

"Without the power of the Omnitrix, you are nothing!"

Velgax said, crushing the ground under his feet, and pounced towards this side viciously, vowing to tear Yechen into pieces.

Snow Mastiff Armor smiled faintly:"Really?"

Even without the Omnitrix, he still has the Snow Mastiff Armor, the strongest gold bloodline, and the SS-level ghoul physique! The combination of the three created the most powerful Snow Mastiff Armor in history!

"Go to hell, little Earthling, this set of armor will be buried with you!"

With the power of the universe, Vilgax's fist broke through the air with a roar, and his momentum was extremely fierce.

Snow Mastiff Armor was not in a hurry, and turned the round handle on his waist.

The Tai Chi pattern in front of the belt burst out a white weapon totem, glowing illusory, with a heavy axe engraved in the middle.

Snow Mastiff Armor's eyes flashed, and he reached out to hold the axe.

"Thunder Axe!"

At the same time, the furious Vigilante had already approached.

His iron fist as big as a mountain tore through the air and directly hit the face of the Snow Mastiff's armor.

""Be careful!" Tian Mark shouted anxiously.

Although this armor looks very handsome, can it really stop the great devil of the universe?

A strong fighting spirit burst out from the eyes of the Snow Mastiff Armor, and he waved the silver giant axe in his hand with great vigor!

For a moment, Vilgax was chopped back again and again, screaming continuously.

There were many bloody marks on his body from the sharp giant axe, which injured the flesh. Although it did not hurt the bones, it was enough to hurt Vilgax. Vilgax retreated while looking at the Snow Mastiff Armor in horror.

"Damn Earthling, what kind of armor is this!"

An armor with such terrifying power is simply unheard of!

"Vilgax, where did your arrogance just now go!"The

Snow Mastiff Armor jumped up, raised the silver thunder axe high, and chopped it down fiercely!

Vilgax hurriedly raised his hand to block it, but was chopped with a deep blood mark. The

Snow Mastiff Armor rolled in the air and landed steadily on the ground.

Then he turned the handle on his waist again, and the Tai Chi pattern released a white totem with bright light.

Inside the totem, there was a word"cut". The

Snow Mastiff Armor held the silver giant axe and gently tapped on the word"cut".

The next second, the word"cut" instantly turned into countless energy light particles, gathering on the axe blade, and the power skyrocketed!

"The Thunder Axe's Thunder Chopping Post, destroying all evil, chopping it like mud, dispersing all chaos!"

Gold, the master of killing!

This time, he used all his strength!

The Snow Mastiff Armor was fully charged, and it swept forward fiercely!

The Thunder Axe instantly burst out a silver axe energy, with great momentum, with the power to pierce gold and break stone, and slammed into Vilgax!

Vilgax screamed, and was hit by the silver axe energy to fly high into the sky, like a human-shaped cannonball, hitting the spaceship fiercely.

Boom - the dazzling white light exploded, full of destructive power, symbolizing the Thunder Chopping of killing, bursting out powerful gold elements, instantly destroying the entire spaceship and annihilating it in the air!


Vilgax roared unwillingly and was drowned in the endless flames.......

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