"Thank you, Brother Ye."

Wenlin took the magic-purifying liquid and drank it in small sips.

Soon, the blue potion was empty.

The magic backlash energy remaining in Wenlin's body was also rapidly dissipating and clearing away.

A warm current flowed through Wenlin's limbs and bones, repairing her damaged tendons and veins.

"I feel like I've recovered......."

Minlin widened her beautiful eyes and looked at her hands in disbelief.

She could clearly feel that the stagnant Qi and residual magic in her body were disappearing, as if they were neutralized by the potion!

""Brother Ye, your potion is simply amazing!"

Wenlin was overjoyed and rushed forward to hug the stunned Yechen. She refused to let go no matter what.

"Brother Ye, you are so kind. You always save me. It has been like this since I was a child......."

"I don't know how to repay you."

Wen Lin hugged Ye Chen tightly, resting her chin on his shoulder, whispering in his ear.

Feeling the fragrant wind and hot breath coming from his ears, Ye Chen's body trembled and sweat broke out all over his body.

"Small...."Minlin, we are a family, and it is only natural for Brother Ye to help you."

After hearing this, Minlin let go of Yechen with some displeasure, muttering,"That's true."

Only then did Yechen feel his breathing return to normal, and he turned around to leave.

It's not a good place to stay for long!

"Night Brother......"


Ye Chen turned his head in confusion, and instantly felt a burst of warmth between his lips, and an electric shock-like feeling went straight up his spine to the top of his head!

Ye Chen's eyes widened, and his breathing became rapid.

"Xiaowen, we can't......"

However, Wenlin couldn't help herself at this moment, she closed her beautiful eyes and enjoyed this moment.

She was wooing Yechen with passion.

Yechen was very conflicted and wanted to push Wenlin away.

But when he thought of her recovering from a serious injury, he......

If I use too much force, I might hurt her, but if I use too little force, I won't be able to push her away.......

For a moment, Ye Chen was in a dilemma.

At this moment, Wen Lin could no longer care about so much. She only knew that she liked Brother Ye and everything about him. She no longer suppressed her heart.

Moreover, she was already 18 years old and could fall in love.

She could even......

Anyway, he and Brother Ye are not related by blood.

Ye Chen's thoughts were in a mess. As Wen Lin's attack became more and more fierce, he began to respond, breathing heavily and quickly.

Imagine, a beautiful woman over 1.7 meters tall, with orange hair and blue eyes, sitting on you, can you control yourself?

In a moment, countless green vines entangled the two of them, and a bright red rose opened and swallowed them both in one bite.

Wood magic!

In the dark basement, an old broken car was shaking gently, making a creaking sound.......

More than an hour later, the old car stopped shaking.

Inside the car, a huge rose gradually bloomed, and countless vines dispersed, revealing two lingering figures.

"Night Brother......"Minlin's eyes are blurred

"I will be responsible for you."

Ye Chen put on his clothes, leaned over and kissed Wenlin on the forehead.

Wenlin's lips curled up with a satisfied smile, closed her beautiful eyes, and enjoyed this warm moment.

While Grandpa and Xiaoban were not back yet, the two hurried to clean up the battlefield, open the windows for ventilation, and remove the smell to avoid leaving any traces.

Of course, Ye Chen will confess all this to Tian Mark afterwards and tell him that he will be responsible for Wenlin.

After all, Tian Mark is Wenlin's grandfather, and their affairs must be approved by him.

Ye Chen's eyes condensed, as if he thought of something.

He remembered that at the beginning of the system, in order to let him wear the Omnitrix, he was specially given"Tian Mark's bloodline".

Will it affect his relationship with Wenlin in the future?......

"System, can you help me remove Tian Mark's bloodline?"

Ye Chen asked in his heart

【Yes, the host has already formed a close connection with the Omnitrix, and removing Tian Mark's bloodline will not have any effect】

"Please help me remove it."

Ye Chen was happy, otherwise it would feel weird.

【Ding~ Clearing Tian Mark's bloodline......】

【Cleared successfully! 】

In this way, even if he and Minlin give birth to offspring, it will not be affected at all.

While thinking about this, Tian Mark's voice came from not far outside the car.

"Hehe, I don’t know if Yechen has taken good care of Wenlin......." ps: Okay, Xiaowen has officially accepted it. Are you satisfied?>_<¦¦¦

Well, let's get down to business. In addition to Takatsuki Izumi and Minlin, there will probably be one more, and then it will be almost over.

To be honest, writing this is quite risky.......

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