In the underground garage,

Tian Mark and Tian Xiaoban, each carrying two large bags filled with food, were walking towards the old car.

"Oh my god, why didn't Grandpa buy me some Crazy Sumo Corn Flakes?"

Tian Xiaoban looked unhappy.

"Children will get tooth decay if they eat too much. I will buy it for you next time."Tian Mark laughed.

During the conversation, the two had already come to the old car.

As soon as Tian Mark opened the car door, he found Min Lin sitting on the bed. She had just washed her hands and was wiping them with a towel.

She looked unnatural and seemed a little nervous.

""Wen Lin, why don't you take a good rest?" Tian Mark was stunned.

It's not easy to recover from the damage caused by magic backlash.

"Grandpa, I'm fine now."

Minlin lowered her head, her cheeks flushed, as if she had something to hide.

At this time, Yechen came over.

"Grandpa, Wenlin has been cured by me."Ye Chen smiled.

Then, he used the excuse of a little soldier, claiming that he made the magic liquid to help Wenlin recover.

"That's good." Mark Tian breathed a sigh of relief, then looked aside and said,"Minlin, you must thank your brother Ye, otherwise you will have to lie down for at least a month."

"I thank you, Brother Ye......."Minlin said in a low voice, as soft as a mosquito.

As for the way to say"thank you", she didn't dare to say it out loud, for fear of being beaten.

"What?"Tian Mark scratched his head.

"It's nothing, Grandpa, go drive first."Wen Lin hurriedly urged.

She was not ready to confess.

Tian Mark looked strange and looked at Wen Lin and Ye Chen for a while.

Then he shook his head, put the food in the kitchen area, returned to the driver's seat and started the car.

Wen Lin felt relieved and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, she and Ye Ge cleaned up the battlefield in time and were not discovered by Grandpa.

"I don't know how grandpa will react when he finds out about this......."

Minlin sighed in her heart, hoping that grandpa would not break her legs.

If not, she hoped that the orthopedic department of the hospital would be more capable.......

""It's inexplicable, what a nerd."

Tian Xiaoban shrugged, put on his headphones, and started playing games.

Half a minute later, a tall old car drove out of the dark underground garage and headed straight for Mount Lacimo.......

That night.

The moon was bright and the stars were twinkling.

Antique Cafe in the United States.

The shop was closed, and a dim light bulb hung on the door frame, lonely and desolate, with a faint light.

A few uninvited guests came to the living room on the second floor.

The leader of the Aogiri Tree, Yoshimura Eto, pen name"Takatsuki Izumi".

With a beautiful face, soft green hair draped over his shoulders, and a petite figure, he leaned lazily on the sofa.

Behind him stood several core members.

They were Tatara, Noro, Kamishiro Chasei, and Gekko.

Kamishiro Chasei, the leader of the original 6th district of Sakura Country, a powerful SS-level ghoul, good at fighting.

Code name: Shashi.

Kagome type: Tail Kagome (whale-shaped, bright red).

Unlike ordinary ghouls, Kamishiro Chasei does not rely on kagome to fight, but only uses it for assistance. His real killer is his impeccable fighting skills.

At the same time, he is also Kamishiro Rize's adoptive father.

He was rescued from CCG's prison by Aogiri Tree a while ago, and then joined Aogiri Tree to find Rize.

Except for Gekko, all members of Aogiri Tree present are top-notch masters.

Sitting opposite them is an old man with gray hair and a kind face.

"Welcome to Anding District......"

Yoshimura Kousen opened his eyes, his pupils were scarlet.

Behind him stood the members of the cafe.

SS-class ghoul Mayuan, Black Dog, Shiho Renshi, Kaneki Ken, and Nishio Nishiki. Nishio Nishiki was a rebellious-looking young man, an A-class ghoul, with brown hair and a tall stature. He originally studied at Kamii University and was Kaneki Ken's senior.

He was a later member of the Antique Cafe.

"Old man, do you know why we are here today?"

Takatsuki Izumi said with a sly look.

Yoshimura Kousen and Takatsuki Izumi are father and daughter.

The relationship between the two was originally very tense, but after the last life-and-death battle between the ghouls and Xiao Guanghai in the Fantasy Light Paradise, the situation has improved.

"I know, Ate." Yoshimura Kozen smiled.

Takatsuki Izumi sat up and straightened his chest.

"Well, I'll make it short."

"Doctor Kano and Dr. Touwu are no longer satisfied with Rize as a test subject, and claim that they want to capture two of us SSS-level ghouls as experimental donors!"

"So, you understand what I mean, right?"

Takatsuki Izumi's bright eyes flashed with murderous intent.......

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