Mutated ghouls are deformed monsters created by Dr. Dong Wu by combining the DNA of animals and ghouls.

They basically retain the human form, but their appearance is very similar to that of animals.

For example, the lion ghoul, although in human form, has a thick mane around his neck, sharp teeth and claws, golden eyes, and roars from time to time.

He has the aggressiveness of a beast, but also retains the ghoul's strong recovery ability and invulnerability.

Coupled with Dr. Dong Wu's transformation, the combat power of the seven mutant ghouls far exceeds that of SSS-level ghouls. Even Takatsuki Izumi can't beat him in a one-on-one fight.


The wolf ghoul took the lead, covered with black hair all over his body. He jumped up, stretched out his dagger-like claws, and grabbed the back of the head of the God Tyrannosaurus! The

God Tyrannosaurus seemed to sense something and punched back.

The wolf ghoul screamed and was smashed into a meat paste!

The lion ghoul and the saber-toothed tiger ghoul, one on the left and one on the right, surrounded the God Tyrannosaurus from both sides.

The God Tyrannosaurus roared and kicked one by one!


Dr. Dong Wu was stunned.

What the hell was going on?

The mutant ghoul he had worked so hard to create was killed instantly by the other party?

Is there any justice in the world?

"Too weak, it can't withstand a single blow."

The Divine Tyrannosaurus slapped back and killed the Mantis Ghoul again.


The mammoth ghoul stepped forward with a pair of white fangs, intending to kill the God Tyrannosaurus.

He was five meters tall, breaking the limit of humans and ghouls.

But in front of the twenty-meter-tall God Tyrannosaurus, he was still nothing.

""You shorty, get out of here."

The Tyrannosaurus Rex didn't even turn around, but used its divine power to swing its tail, sending the mammoth ghoul flying into the air, shattering it into blood and flesh all over the sky! The remaining beetle ghouls and bullfrog ghouls had already begun to retreat.

"Come back quickly!"

Dong Wu shouted desperately. He had seen the power of the Tyrannosaurus Rex and couldn't let the two test subjects die in vain.

"It's boring, not fun at all."

The Divine Tyrannosaurus said, patting the Omnitrix on his chest, igniting a brilliant green light.

""Ten unlikes!"

With the Four-Handed Overlord as the main body, the Diamond God of War's right arm, the Flame Man's left arm, and the claws of the Super Beast on both sides of the ribs, the shoulders are covered with the skin of the Shapeshifter, and the dark cracks of the ghostly shadow are cracked on the chest.

The tail of the Flash Star, the gliding diamond wings, the green chandelier on the head of the big steel tooth, and the right eye of the little warrior.

After the system enhancement last time, the Ten Unlikes has reached the perfect form!

The ability of each initial hero is no longer one-tenth, but one hundred percent!

The Ten Unlikes flashed, and in the blink of an eye, it caught up with the fleeing beetle ghoul and bullfrog ghoul.

The extreme speed of the Flash Star!

A crystal blade surrounded by flames drew a dazzling afterimage, and instantly tore the beetle ghoul into pieces!

With a bang!

The remaining body of the beetle ghoul exploded, mixed with flesh and fire, and died completely

"That's amazing!......"

Dong Xiang stood on a rooftop, looking at the brave and invincible Shibuya below, her beautiful eyes full of surprise.

How many powerful aliens does this man have hidden?......

"Hehe, you are worthy of being my man!"

The One-Eyed Owl pierced through the nearby artificial ghoul with one blow, grinned, and shouted to the Ten Bu Xiang not far away:"Big idiot, kill them all!"

"I have a reward when I get back!"

Shi Bu Xiang was embarrassed and said:"Are you sure you are not rewarding yourself?"


At this moment, the bullfrog ghoul suddenly leaped up with an amazing bounce, trying to escape to the rooftop above!

And its landing point was exactly where Kirishima Touka was!

""Damn it, how could it be!"

Touka was startled and quickly dodged to the side, barely escaping.


The bullfrog ghoul fell heavily on the rooftop like a falling cannonball, creating spider-web-like cracks.

Its eyes rolled and it immediately locked onto Kirishima Touka!

It wanted to use this female ghoul as a hostage to threaten Shibu-sensei!


A blood-red tongue shot out from the bullfrog ghoul's mouth and instantly wrapped around Touka!

"Ah! Let me go!"

Kirishima Touka released Yuhe and attacked the tongue frantically, but to no avail.

The bullfrog's tongue was like tough steel, invulnerable to swords and guns, and stood still.


Renji Shiho in the distance wanted to rush over, but was blocked by a large number of SSS-level ghouls and could not take care of himself!

Seeing Touka's arm was about to be chopped off!

Suddenly, the body of the bullfrog ghoul slowly floated in the air.......

It feels like being grabbed by something transparent!


The bullfrog ghoul's eyes widened to the point where they almost popped out, and he felt terrified.

In a moment, a huge figure gradually appeared behind him.......

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