"Just you?"

Shi Bu Xiang lifted the bullfrog ghoul in the air with one hand, his eyes grim.

The strong flaming left arm released a terrifying temperature, burning the bullfrog ghoul and making it scream miserably, with its skin ulcerated.

"Yechen, it's you......"

Dong Xiang looked at Shi Bu Xiang with a melancholy look, feeling like she had survived a disaster.

For some reason, whenever Ye Chen appeared, she would have an inexplicable sense of security.

It seemed that as long as this man was there, any danger would be a piece of cake.

"Don't be touched, I just think mutant ghouls are disgusting, so I just killed them."

Jubuxiang smiled faintly, and suddenly exerted force with his palm!

Puff - the bullfrog ghoul's head was directly crushed by the giant flaming palm.

The headless corpse kicked its thick legs, struggled for a while, and then completely lost its breath.

"Thank you, Yechen."

Dong Xiang lowered her head, her pretty face slightly red.

If Yechen hadn't appeared in time, she might have been eaten by the bullfrog ghoul.

"Take care of yourself. I'm leaving."

Shi Bu Xiang waved his hands, flapped his wings, and instantly soared into the air, flying at high speed in the night sky.

The ability of the Gliding King Kong has been improved to the extreme, and it can easily carry Shi Bu Xiang's body.

At the very least, he also has the ghost's ability to become a phantom and float.

So for Shi Bu Xiang at this moment, flying is no pressure.

He can even fly freely in the universe, because he has the ghost's genes and can survive in a vacuum without breathing.

Shi Bu Xiang carried wings on his back and overlooked the chaotic battlefield below.

The Demon Ape and the Black Doberman Organization, the thousands of ghouls, although their individual strength is weak, but their coordination is in place, and they advance and retreat in an orderly manner.

They can barely fight against those unconscious SSS-level ghouls.

However, the casualties are not optimistic.

After all, they are at most S-level, or even lower, and there are quite a few A-level and B-level ghouls. Facing The powerful SSS-class ghouls were still too strenuous.

So far, the two major organizations have lost nearly one-third of their ghouls.

As for Aogiri Tree, the two kagunes, Takatsuki Izumi and Tadara, killed many artificial ghouls.

Noro was responsible for containment. He possessed a powerful tail kagune, shaped like a red death worm, which could bite the enemy and had extremely strong recovery ability!

For a time, it caused a lot of trouble to the ghoul army.

Yoshimura Kousen turned into the Unkillable Owl, and together with Shikata Renshi, Moyuan and Irimi Xuan, killed many SSS-class ghouls, suffering only some minor injuries. The half-kagune-like gecko was still beaten by many SSS-class ghouls and fled in panic several times.

Fortunately, he ate and ran at the same time to provide himself with recovery energy, so he survived.

The seven mutant ghouls have all been killed by the Ten Bu Xiang

"Now, it's Dong Wu and Jiana's turn."

The golden eyes of the ten-unlike man revealed a cold murderous intent.

"I'll start with you!"

The Ten-Unlike's eyes quickly locked onto Doctor Kano below.

He had caused such a big commotion, and had conducted many cruel experiments on human bodies and ghouls, taking a large number of innocent lives.

No matter what the ultimate goal was, he should be punished!

The Ten-Unlike flapped its wings, dived straight down, and pounced on Doctor Kano.

Doctor Kano sensed the danger, his eyes were filled with horror, and he turned and ran to the middle of the ghoul army.

"You can't run away!"

Shi Bu Xiang roared, as if he had turned into a vicious devil, sweeping away many SSS-level ghouls along the way.

Those seemingly powerful experimental subjects were smashed into pieces of blood mist by Shi Bu Xiang's brutal power, and torn into pieces. Countless limbs and internal organs flew in the air, and none of them could stop Shi Bu Xiang's steps!

In an instant, Shi Bu Xiang caught up with Dr. Kano. He chopped down with a crystal axe!

The sharp green cold light instantly cut off Dr. Kano's neck!

The latter's body shook, and he fell straight to the ground, losing his breath.

Just when Shi Bu Xiang thought Kano was dead and was about to turn around to deal with Dong Wu.

A head grew on the headless corpse.......

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