The originally"dead" Dr. Kano actually grew a brand new head!

He stared with his bloodshot eyes, twisted his neck into a strange arc, leaned back and stared at Shibuxiang, grinning.

"Hehe, do you think I'm that easy to die?"

He had already transformed his body into a one-eyed ghoul and injected the"gecko" gene!

SSS-level ghoul, Doctor Gecko!

You know, the recovery ability of geckos is already strong, even if they lose their hands and feet, they can recover quickly.

Combined with the genes of ghouls, the recovery ability is not as simple as 1+1!

The survivability has increased at least ten times!

Otherwise, the knife of the Ten-Unlike would have killed Doctor Kano long ago. The

Ten-Unlike was a little surprised, but he was not panicked.

No matter how much Doctor Kano strengthened, he could not be his opponent.

This is the essential difference in the level of life.

Doctor Kano stretched his limbs, lay on the wall, and quickly climbed to the top of the tall building.

Because of the gecko gene in his body, it gave him the ability to stick to the wall with his hands and feet.

He was going to capture Takatsuki Izumi of the Aogiri tree and use him as a hostage to threaten the Ten-Unlike.

Doctor Kano knew very well that with their strength, they were not enough to take down this fierce monster.

They could only use a treacherous trick!

"Idiot, he's going to catch you!"

Dong Wu shouted desperately below, reminding Dr. Jiana.

Dr. Jiana's eyes turned, and he was horrified to find that there was a huge monster approaching behind him!

"How is it possible!"

The guy's figure was looming, his originally golden eyes were stained with a strange purple light, and his whole body was full of ghostly aura!

The ghost shadow ability was totally different!

"I will fight you to the death!"

Dr. Garner was determined to fight to the death. He cut off his gecko's tail, held it in his hand, and turned it into a sharp yellow spear!

This is the gecko's way of saving its life, cutting off its tail to survive!

""Go to hell, monster!"

Song - the sharp gecko tail, like a steel spear that can break through bamboo, burst out with surging kinetic energy and fiercely shot at Shibuxiang!

"That's it?"

Shi Bu Xiang sneered, and tore open the crack on his chest, shooting out countless black and white tentacles!

Ghost Shadow's ability!

Then, a dark purple death light burst out from the inside of the tentacles!

The terrifying power instantly shattered the gecko spear and turned it into ashes!

"No, this is impossible!"

Dr. Garner's face was ashen, and he shook his head in disbelief.

This was the strongest attack he had ever used, and he was very proud of it.......

How could I lose to this hybrid monster in front of me!

"It's over, this guy is finished."

Dr. Dong Wu shook his head and smiled jokingly, not caring about it.

He took out a purple pill from his pocket and prepared to fight Ye Chen to the death.


Shi Bu Xiang smiled calmly and spat out a large amount of green mucus, splashing it on Doctor Ghana who was lying on the wall.

"Ugh! It stinks!"

Dr. Garner rolled his eyes and felt like he was about to be suffocated.

It was as if he was hit by a bucket of feces that had been preserved for a hundred years. He felt so painful that he wanted to die.

Then, Shi Bu Xiang rushed forward and kicked him high into the air!


A fierce fire dragon roared up into the sky and crashed into Dr. Kano's body!


A thunderous sound reverberated throughout the night sky.

The slime of the Gliding Kong, combined with the energy of the Flame Man, caused an explosive chemical reaction!

The terrifying explosive energy directly took Dr. Kano's life!

No matter how strong his recovery was, he could not survive such an attack.

The gorgeous fireworks dripped on the street.

Many ghouls were stunned. They didn't expect that the arrogant Dr. Kano would die just like that! ?

The alien that Ye Chen turned into was too powerful!!

After destroying Dr. Kano, the Ten-Unlike was suspended in the air, with both hands aimed at the battlefield below.


Countless sharp crystal spikes, mixed with blazing fireballs, frantically bombarded those SSS-level ghouls.

In an instant, there were only less than a dozen of the thousands of artificial ghouls left, with heavy casualties!

The ghouls in the Qingtong Tree and the Antique Cafe cheered loudly, and began a new round of counterattacks!

The situation was one-sided!

Dong Wu gritted his teeth and stared at the figure above.

The existence of the ten-like monster seriously unbalanced this"survival game"!

It should have been a slaughter, but the addition of this monster made the ghoul army end in a miserable defeat!

This power has surpassed the scope of life on Earth!

"Dong Wu, it's your turn."

Shi Bu Xiang turned his eyes to Dong Wu who was riding on the back of the pterosaur.

He remembered that before, in the Wolma Mall, Dong Wu's bounty points were 5,000! It is not only a judgment of personal strength, but also a comprehensive index of social threat.

Shi Bu Xiang spits out a green laser, which is the ability of the shapeshifter.

Dong Wu's face changed drastically, and he quickly jumped off the back of the pterosaur.


The ferocious pterosaur was directly blasted into slag.

After Dong Wu fell to the ground, he swallowed the purple pill in his hand without hesitation!

"Hahaha! Just wait for death!"

"This is the giant ghoul pill I created using whale DNA and ghoul genes!"

"Everyone, will surrender to me!"

As he spoke, Dong Wu's figure quickly rose and expanded! In just a few seconds, he turned into a 50-meter-tall ghoul giant, staring with his blood-red single eye, locking onto the Ten-Unlike-looking creature in the air.......

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