"The most primitive reproduction!?"

The two said in unison, looking at the Soul Reaper behind the screen in shock, and then looked at each other.

For a moment, the atmosphere was extremely awkward!

Dong Xiang's face turned red, and she was ashamed and angry. She clenched her fists and wanted to rush in and beat up the Soul Reaper.

"You bastard, I warn you not to mess around!"

Although she likes Ye Chen a little bit in her heart......

But I'm not ready to get there yet.......

As soon as this soul-stealer came up, he wanted to arrange for them to"get everything done in one go""?

"Hehe, this is not up to you."

The Soul Reaper stretched out his claws and grasped in the air.

The next moment, a ball of scarlet light emerged under the feet of the two people!

They were teleported to a dark secret room!

The walls here are made of steel and are indestructible. No one can get here by themselves except the Soul Reaper Webok.

In the middle of the secret room, there is a small wooden table with a wine glass on it. There are two candles with pink flames dancing in it, exuding a strange fragrance.

In the corner, there is a soft double bed with white sheets, spotless, like a place for the two to rest.

Above the ceiling, there is an exhaust system and a refrigeration device similar to an air conditioner, which blows out cold air from time to time to cool down.

"Where is this place?"

Ye Chen looked around blankly.

"That bastard, where did he teleport us to again!"

Dong Xiang was furious. She really wanted to escape from here.

Suddenly, the three-dimensional projection of the soul-stealer Weibok appeared, standing on the ground like a ghost.

"Hey, do you see the pink candle on the table?"

"This is a rare product from the Succubus Star and is very expensive. Just this pair of candles cost me fifty pieces of Sky Crystal Jade!"

"I have worked very hard to ensure that you can cooperate better in the next fight and bring a better viewing experience to the audience!"

The Soul Taker covered his chest, looking like he was reluctant to give up.

In order to make more profits in the arena, he was also willing to give up.

"So, what is the use of this candle?" Dong Xiang had a bad feeling.

The Soul Reaper suddenly began to smirk:"Hehe, this pink candle is called the Succubus Candle, which can release a strong aphrodisiac mist, causing the inhaler's hormones to surge, and the person will only want to reproduce and satisfy themselves......."

"If it is not resolved in time, the drug and hormones in the body will be released, and the person who inhaled it will explode and die!"

Dong Xiang was shocked when she heard this, and hurried forward to knock the pink candle to the ground.

She continued to step on the pink flame until the flame went out.

"Phew~ Your plot will not succeed. Dong Xiang breathed a sigh of relief

"Hehe, it's too late." Soul-stealer Weibok laughed sinisterly,"The aphrodisiac mist has already spread in the room, and you have already inhaled a lot of it, just waiting for the drug to take effect!"

"What? You bastard!"

Dong Xiangqi's teeth itched, and she rushed forward and waved her fist at the Soul Reaper, her expression extremely indignant.

However, this was just a three-dimensional projection, not the Soul Reaper's body, and her fist could only pass through the phantom and had no effect.

"Hehe, even I can't solve this kind of medicine, I can only use"physical" treatment"

"Don’t think about escaping. If you want to survive, just reproduce obediently. Hahaha!"

"Time is running out, I won't bother you any more, bye......"

As soon as the words fell, the Soul Reaper's figure blurred and disappeared into the secret room.

The two looked at each other in bewilderment.

As time passed, Dong Xiang's face began to flush and heat up.

"I think......There is something wrong with my body."

She lowered her head, clenched her teeth, and forced herself to suppress the impulse in her heart.

The aphrodisiac mist took effect!

Ye Chen didn't feel anything, he asked in confusion:"System, why am I fine?"

【With me here, please rest assured, no poison will work. 】

The system's cold reminder sounded.

Ye Chen suddenly realized.

It turns out that this system also has the function of being immune to poison!

It is really a conscientious system!

"Then can you help remove the aphrodisiac mist on Dong Xiang's body?" Ye Chen asked

【Host, isn't this a great opportunity?】

""What?" Ye Chen was puzzled."What good opportunity?"

The system did not answer and fell into silence.

Ye Chen asked again, and the system remained silent.......Run away! ?

"Night, I feel so uncomfortable......"

Dong Xiang was panting, her cheeks flushed with heat. She looked up at the man in front of her and felt that he was even more handsome.

He had a straight and capable figure, and his muscles were looming. He must be very powerful, right?

The aphrodisiac mist released by the succubus candle not only increased the desire of those who inhaled it, but also affected their thinking.......

Ye Chen took a deep breath and watched Dong Xiang undressing her clothes bit by bit. He could no longer hold back.

"Night, please help me......"

"I'm dying of heat, I feel itchy......"

Dong Xiang's eyes were blurred. She leaned close to Ye Chen's ear and whispered, her hot breath lingering around him, her breath as fragrant as orchid.

"Wait, I will find a way to save you."

Ye Chen closed his eyes and tried not to think about the charming body.

He entered the system mall and looked for medicine that could cure the succubus.......

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