However, Ye Chen searched for several minutes but still could not find an effective medicine to treat the succubus candle!

Perhaps, there is no cure for this thing?!

Since the system is on him, it can help him block and filter out the toxic succubus candle.

"Come to think of it, even the buyer like the Soul Taker can't detoxify......Perhaps the manufacturer did not make the corresponding antidote when producing the succubus candle."

Ye Chen sighed, looking at Dong Xiang who was sinking into endless desires, he felt a little sorry for her.

If she was not treated in time, Dong Xiang would explode and die, torn apart by the terrifying power of the medicine!

There was only one way to save her.......

This is what the Soul Reaper calls"physical therapy"!

Ye Chen also thought about turning into an alien, fighting directly, pulling out the Soul Reaper, and tearing him into pieces.

But even so, he still couldn't remove the aphrodisiac mist on Dong Xiang's body.

Besides, it was too late.......

""Ye, don't you like me?"

Dong Xiang's proud chest was close to Ye Chen's face.

Looking at the beautiful face with bright eyes and white teeth, the blood-red eyes revealed charm and ambiguity, as well as the sexy and charming figure......

【Ding~ Trigger the mission of eliminating violence and maintaining peace!】

【Save Kirishima Touka who is controlled by the succubus Candle, help her release the power of the medicine and avoid the fate of exploding and dying!】

【After successful completion, you will receive 2500 points! 】

A cold reminder tone suddenly sounded.

"Dog system, you won’t help me save it." Ye Chen muttered in his heart

【Reply to the host, I can't save her. 】

Ah, right, right!

Ye Chen would never believe the system's lies. He looked at Dong Xiang rubbing her body uncomfortably, and his heart became more determined.

He was saving people! Not taking advantage of people's misfortune!

My heart and my actions are as clear as a mirror, and everything I do is justice!

"Dong Xiang......"Ye Chen called softly.

Dong Xiang's body trembled, and she slowly turned her head, her beautiful eyes full of desire and passion.

"Come here." Ye Chen whispered.

Dong Xiang came over obediently, her ruby eyes looking at Ye Chen with enthusiasm and hope, and took the initiative to touch him.

Ye Chen felt like he was burning in the fire, and he rushed forward, releasing four blood-red tentacles from behind, dancing wildly.

It was like a bright rose, wrapping itself and Dong Xiang in his arms.......

Dong Xiang also opened fire, releasing the blood-red scales on her left shoulder, seductive and moving, and quickly counterattacked.............(20,000 words omitted here, readers don't want to read it anyway.)

About three hours later.

In the dark secret room, the sound of fighting gradually subsided.

Ye Chen successfully helped Dong Xiang, released the powerful medicine in her body, and saved her life.

After Dong Xiang recovered, she felt very angry and frustrated at first.

But she also knew that Ye Chen was trying to save her, so she naturally let it go.

Moreover, she liked Ye Chen very much.......

"Ye, will you be responsible for me?"

Dong Xiang whispered softly, sounding a little weak.

"Yes, of course."Ye Chen's eyes were firm.

Not long after, the Soul Taker Weibok appeared again.

"Very good, very good, you have successfully completed the fit!"

"I believe you will perform better in the next battle!"

"The new fight will start in an hour, be ready!"

After he finished speaking, the Soul Reaper disappeared, coming and going without a trace.

Ye Chen and Dong Xiang also put on their clothes one after another, adjusted their states, and prepared for the next fight.

Ye Chen planned to harvest another wave of alien DNA and then take the Soul Reaper's head.

Not long after, scarlet teleportation light ignited under their feet. When they appeared again, they came to the huge arena.

"Extinction Man, Lightning Snow Monster! ?"

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