In Ye Chen's impression, Bei is a character who is both good and evil.

In the early stage, he was a friend of the antique coffee shop, but secretly he was a member of the clown organization, and later he brought a lot of trouble to the four parties.

The clown organization is a group of guys who regard hedonism as the top priority.

In short, the fun people.

The founder is the SSS-level ghoul, the mother of chaos-Roma.

Bei is very strong, with a level of SS, and is good at disguise and disguise, and can disguise his face into the appearance of others.

Not long after, Flash Star came to Bei's mask shop.

Coincidentally, the antique coffee shop was nearby, and Flash Star noticed it when he passed by just now.

At this time, it was 12 o'clock in the middle of the night.

Bei's shop door was ajar, and a faint red light emanated from it.

Flash Star changed back to his original form and pushed the door open.

Inside the store, there were all kinds of masks hanging on the wall, colorful and exquisitely made.

Bei sat at the front desk, his eyes always kept red, his face was handsome, the right side of his hair fell down his face to his chin, and the left side was flattened, with a very unique shape.

There is a string of Latin words tattooed on his neck.

Translated, it roughly means:"I can't live with you, I can't live without you."

He has almost always kept his red eyes, but due to the special nature of his profession, if outsiders ask him about it, he will say it is"eye tattoo"."

"Hello, what kind of mask do you need?"Bei's eyes were fixed on his phone.

"I want to customize one."

Hearing this, Bei raised his head.

His pupils suddenly shrank.

"Are you the monster agent that Dong Xiang mentioned?"

Ye Chen was slightly stunned. How could he know him?

"Dong Xiang described your appearance to me, um......He is really handsome.

"Do you have such a strong imagination?" Ye Chen didn't quite believe it."You can imagine what I look like just by describing it in words."

"Well, of course it's because of the cool watch on your wrist."Bei admitted generously,"Dong Xiang said that you are wearing a unique-looking watch, a watch without a timer. This is not difficult to describe, right?"

Ye Chen nodded,"Okay, then you should know why I came here."

"Well, come with me."

Then, Bei took Ye Chen to a dark room.

The space here was small, but it was filled with a large number of strange masks, hanging all over the four walls, except for the door.

Bei suddenly turned around and punched Ye Chen!

In a flash, Ye Chen caught it steadily and looked at Bei calmly:"You want to fight?"

Bei smiled awkwardly and scratched his head,"Just a joke."

Of course, he was testing Ye Chen's strength. Sure enough, he was not weak.......

""Then I beat you for nothing?" Ye Chen asked.

The corner of his mouth twitched, a little embarrassed.

"I'll give you a discount later.

"Free of charge." Ye Chen's voice was cold.

Bei immediately became anxious,"No, little brother, our shop has little profit and can't afford to suffer......."

"OK, then I'll ask the Four-Handed Overlord to tear this place down."Ye Chen said.

Through Dong Xiang's words, it was assumed that Ye Chen was the monster's agent.

In other words, Ye Chen had the ability to control those monsters.

""Okay, I'll give you a free meal!"

Bei was so scared that he waved his hands repeatedly. He didn't want to fight with a four-handed strong man.

——Really, what was I doing just now?

——Why did you punch him?......

"What pattern do you want? Bei's tone became respectful.

Ye Chen took out a blueprint that he had drawn not long ago.

It was a white mask with empty eyes and mouth.

Above and below the eyes, there were two scarlet spots, like eyebrows and blood and tears.

It seemed to be crying and laughing, unpredictable.

"Well, it's a nice mask." Bei nodded, a hint of surprise flashing in his eyes,"Very creative design"

"Help me make this mask, is that okay?"Ye Chen asked calmly.

"No problem, it can be completed in two days!" Bei was very confident

"By the way, ghouls all have code names, usually named after their masks. What do you want to call yours?" Bei asked curiously.

"No-Face Man......"......

The next morning, everyone woke up one after another, washed up, and prepared to set off again.

"Grandpa, where are we going to play today?" Tian Xiaoban chewed the bread in his hand.

"Hey, we are going to your aunt Vera's house today." Tian Mark said with a smile

"Oh my god, what a boring old aunt!"Tian Xiaoban held his head with both hands, recalling the fear of being dominated.

Tian Xiaowen was very happy instead,"I like Aunt Vera"

"Please, because you are all old women."Tian Xiaoban rolled his eyes.

"Be careful with your cheeks, Vera is really good at pinching them." Tian Mark grinned and was about to step on the accelerator.


Suddenly, there was a sharp sound of bullets coming from the gas station next to him!

Three gangsters armed with guns robbed a money transport truck!

The escort was ruthlessly thrown on the road, his head was bleeding, and he fell into a coma.

One of the gangsters started the money transport truck, turned around and smiled sinisterly at his companion,"Set off some fireworks for them to see!"

The companion understood, took out a grenade from his backpack, and threw it directly at the gas station!

They were going to raze this place to the ground!

Unexpectedly, before the grenade was thrown out, the car window closed automatically! Clang!......

The grenade bounced back and landed at the feet of the crowd.

The faces of several gangsters froze, looking uglier than if they had eaten a fly.


The entire armored car exploded, and the robbers inside died in the sky full of banknotes and flames.

At the same time, the black and green liquid on the surface of the armored car slowly faded away.

It condensed into a human shape on the ground.


His skin was black and green, and looked soft. There was a green circle on his head, which was his eye.

As a Gavin Star shapeshifter, Shapeshifter can attach to machinery, control its actions, use its functions, and even control abandoned and damaged machinery.

The single eye on his head can shoot green lasers.��

He was the one who just attached himself to the money transport truck, closed the window, and returned the grenade to the gangsters.

【Successfully stop the armored car and get 600 points!】

【Current points: 7000! 】With so many points, Ye Chen thinks he can draw a new hero.

Or redeem RC cell enhancers to improve his physical fitness to SS-level ghoul.

Back to the old broken car

"Xiaoye, well done." Tian Mark gave a thumbs up.

Those criminals deserved to die. If it weren't for the shapeshifter, who stopped the criminals' grenades, everyone near the gas station would have died.

Including Xiaoban and Xiaowen.

"Get in the car, kid, we're leaving." Tian Mark smiled kindly.

"Grandpa, are you sure you want to go to Aunt Vera's place?" Ye Chen couldn't help asking.

"Yes, I haven't been to her place for a long time. Tian Mark responded without hesitation.

"Okay, wait for me here for a while."

Ye Chen said and ran directly into the store in the service area.

""Brother Ye, what are you doing?" Tian Xiaoban looked puzzled.

"Don't ask, you can't understand anyway." Tian Xiaowen said unhappily.

A moment later, Ye Chen entered the old car carrying a big bag.

"Hey, let me see what delicious food Brother Ye bought?"

Tian Xiaoban came over and couldn't wait to open the bag.

The next second, he was stunned.

It was a bunch of toy water guns.......

Galvan's Shapeshifter - Shapeshifter

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