A desert town.

An old broken car slowly drove into the rural road, with clusters of houses on both sides.

Many elderly people were hanging out at the door, some playing badminton, and some repairing water pipes.......

When the old car appeared, they all focused their attention on this"uninvited guest".

Tian Xiaoban leaned against the car window and muttered,"I have a feeling that the elderly here will be extremely bored!"

"No, Aunt Vera and I have a lot of common topics. Tian Xiaowen smiled.

""Okay, little old lady, when the time comes, Brother Ye and I will go play with water guns, and you can stay in the house and chat with Aunt Vera."

Tian Xiaoban spread his hands and said nothing.

Ye Chen said nothing, staring out the window.

He remembered that the residents of this town had been replaced by some alien creatures.

Now what was in front of them was just a monster in human skin.

But now it seemed that there was nothing unusual.

The old people did not show any abnormality, but just stared at the old broken car and watched it go away.

"Could it be that this town has not been occupied?"This thought came to Ye Chen's mind.

Soon, everyone arrived at Aunt Vera's house.

An elderly lady opened the door to welcome everyone.

She had gray hair and a kind face. She was wearing a purple T-shirt and shorts. Perhaps because of her age, she was a little fat.

"Hi, Mark. Aunt Vera walked up to hug Tian Mark,"Long time no see.""

"Long time no see, Vera. Tian Mark also missed her.

"The children are so big now.

Vera turned her attention to Ye Chen and others.

"Hi, Aunt Vera."

Everyone greeted her immediately.

Vera came over enthusiastically and pinched Xiaoban and Xiaowen's cheeks,"I'm so happy to see you, oh wow wow......"

Aunt Vera's laughter was very magical, and it made everyone's scalp tingle.

Aunt Vera had heard Tian Mark mention Ye Chen before. He was the son of Tian Mark's comrade-in-arms.

After a brief reminiscence, everyone entered Aunt Vera's house.

"Oh my god, why does the old man's house have a strange smell?"Tian Xiaoban covered his nose with an exaggerated expression.

""Don't talk nonsense, Daitou, if you say that, Aunt Vera will be very sad." Tian Xiaowen reminded in a low voice.

Ye Chen looked calm, he knew that this was the smell that only old people have.

Or in other words, it was the smell of decay, which meant that the body's various functions were aging.......

Some people also say that this is the smell of death.

Vera was very happy to see them. She kept chattering and asked Tian Mark about the children's recent situation.

Tian Mark also patiently explained to Aunt Vera, especially when he mentioned Ye Chen, a look of relief appeared on his face.

After listening, Aunt Vera praised Ye Chen highly and did not treat him differently because they were not relatives.

Everyone sat at the dining table, talking and laughing.

Soon, Aunt Vera brought a plate of purple cake.

"Children, this is the lizard cake I made myself, with olive juice in it~" Aunt Vera laughed.

"Oh~ so disgusting." Tian Xiaoban pinched his nose and felt like he was going to vomit.

Tian Xiaowen's face was also very ugly. She liked Aunt Vera, but the food she cooked was not good for her.......

"I just had eight-treasure porridge in the car. Xiaoban and Xiaowen, you guys must have been hungry all the way, eat quickly."Ye Chen smiled, he had prepared it.

Since Ye Chen was an adult, Aunt Vera didn't force him, and cut a large piece for each of the others.

""Mm, it's delicious!"

Tian Mark praised it endlessly, his mouth full of cream, and a pale green lizard leg hanging from his mouth.

Xiaoban and Xiaowen looked like they had lost all hope in life.

They suddenly missed the fresh rice bugs made by their grandfather.

What Aunt Vera made was even more terrifying than Grandpa's!

But Ye Chen's attention was not on the lizard cake at the moment.

He had been observing Aunt Vera's demeanor, words and deeds.

To see if she had been replaced by the alien monster.......

However, Aunt Vera's performance has always been very natural, not like an alien pretending to be one.

She can also talk about many things in the past, and Tian Mark has been agreeing with her. It seems that he has not been"replaced" yet.

Tian Xiaoban tried to eat a bite of the cake, his face turned pale, and he couldn't help spitting it out.

"Oh my god, this is the most delicious thing I have ever eaten! Tian Xiaoban's tongue began to get tied.

"Oh, really, Xiaoban, then you should eat more.

Aunt Vera didn't understand Xiaoban's sarcasm, so she cut a big piece of cake for Xiaoban.

"I want to go out and get some fresh air!"

Tian Xiaoban rushed out of the door, leaving behind a few people staring at each other in bewilderment.

"This big idiot must be too excited!"Tian Xiaowen muttered.

This cousin actually ran away by himself without taking her with him.

Ye Chen glanced at the direction where Xiaoban left, his eyes flickering.......

After leaving Vera's house, Tian Xiaoban walked alone in the town.

There were low houses all around because most of the residents here were left-behind elderly people, with few children and young people.

It was a place for the elderly.

"Hehe, I finally left that damn place."

Tian Xiaoban rubbed his hands, his face full of uncontrollable excitement:"Let me see what's fun in this place."

Tian Xiaoban was alone, wandering in the streets and alleys, curiously looking around.

At this moment, he passed by the window of an old man's house.

There was an old woman inside, holding a dry towel in her hand, looking up at the fan hanging on the ceiling.

The fan was too high and the old woman couldn't reach it.

Just when Tian Xiaoban thought the old woman was going to get a ladder, a terrifying scene appeared!

The old woman suddenly jumped up, lying on all fours on the ceiling, wiping the fan upside down!

""Ah! Weirdos!"

Tian Xiaoban screamed in fear, causing the old woman to bar her fangs and roar towards the window.

But the old woman saw nothing, and after hesitating for a while, she began to wipe the fan again.

Tian Xiaoban covered his mouth and curled up under the window, not daring to make a sound.

Did that old woman turn into a monster?

Tian Xiaoban didn't dare to say anything, he wanted to go back to find Brother Ye!

Let him beat up this weirdo!

But on the way back, Tian Xiaoban found two old men standing under the big tree.

""Woof woof!"

A puppy kept barking at the old man, with its hair standing on end, as if it had discovered something.

The two old men's originally kind faces suddenly became ferocious!

They showed their sharp green fangs and grabbed the puppy!

The puppy was so scared that it clamped its tail between its legs, turned around and ran away, making a low whimper of fear.

But the two old men chased after it relentlessly, with ferocious faces, like demons who would eat people without leaving any bones!

One of the old men, seeing that he couldn't catch up, stood still, and his hands stretched out like plasticine at a very fast speed, and suddenly grabbed the puppy!

"Okay, who can explain clearly what's going on now?"

Tian Xiaoban was at a loss, but seeing the puppy about to be caught by the monster, he couldn't just stand by and watch.

He looked around, picked up the golf club next to him, and smashed it at the monster's hands with all his strength.......

Zina Flash Mob - Flash Star

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