Flame Man!

A thin and lanky man with flames all over his body suddenly appeared here.

At this moment, the two octopus robots have already accumulated enough energy to fire lasers.

Flame Man remained calm in the face of danger, condensed two fireballs in his palms, and threw them at the enemy.


The two octopus robots exploded instantly, and all kinds of parts and wires flew in the air.

【Congratulations to the host for destroying the"octopus robot" and obtaining 200 points!】

【Congratulations to the host for destroying the"octopus robot" and getting 200 points! 】

The system's prompts sounded one after another.

Just one encounter, and 400 points were earned!

At the same time, on Vilgax's spaceship.

There were originally five perspectives on the big screen.

But now, two of them have gone black.

Those are the two robots that were killed.

"Who are you? How dare you ruin my good deeds!"

Vilgax's forehead was bulging with blue veins, and a lot of bubbles came out of his mouth.

"Send the other three robots immediately to kill the person who attacked me!" Vilgax roared


Under the night sky, at a campsite,

Mark Tian and the others stood there in shock, staring at the robot wreckage on the ground in disbelief.

The robot that was so aggressive just now turned into a pile of scrap metal in the blink of an eye!

What was going on?

At this time, a monster with flames all over its body walked out of the forest, emitting hot waves all over its body.

Its golden eyes, like flaming eyes, scanned the people present.

"Oh my god! What a weirdo!"

"It's on fire! Let's run!"

Tian Mark frowned, a trace of fear flashed in his eyes, and whispered:"Pyronai? How could he appear here?......"

The Pyronai are the race of the Flame People.

"Grandpa, it's me."

The flame man waved his hand and said in a low voice.

Everyone was shocked when they heard it.

""Xiao Ye? How did you become like this?" Tian Mark was stunned.

This familiar look was too similar to Ye Chen!

But how could a good earthling become an alien?

On the contrary, Tian Xiaoban next to him was excited.

"Oh great! Brother Ye has turned into a cool fire man!"

"Oh no, the fire man sounds too bad."

"I might as well call you Fire Man!"

Tian Xiaowen's beautiful eyes moved slightly,"Brother Ye has become more powerful again.....So handsome......"

At this moment, in Tian Xiaowen's heart,

Ye Chen's image became even taller!

Women all admire strong men.

Even the young Xiaowen is no exception.

Tian Mark walked forward and stretched out his hand to touch the flame man's cheek.

But before he touched it, the heat wave from the flame man burned his palm.

""Shh~ It hurts so much."

Tian Mark's forehead was covered with cold sweat and he covered his hand in pain.

It was not an illusion.

Now he believed that Ye Chen had really become a Pyronai.

"But Xiaoye, how did you become a pie?......Uh, the flame man?"Tian Mark quickly changed his words.

It was a close call. He almost got exposed.

"Yes, Brother Ye, we are also curious."Xiao Wen nodded repeatedly, her expression full of expectation. The flame man pondered for a moment and said,"I picked up a watch in the back mountain, and then I accidentally pressed it, and it became like this."

He couldn't just say it was the omnitrix.

Otherwise, it would be easy to expose his identity as a time traveler.

After hearing what the flame man said, Tian Xiaoban and Tian Xiaowen were still confused.

But Tian Mark, holding his chin, was thoughtful.

"Is it......"

Just as everyone was silent, several rapid sounds of breaking through the air came from the woods behind.

Three octopus-shaped robots flashed scarlet light in the darkness, rushing towards this side at high speed like a group of bloodthirsty hunters.

"Oh no! It's those robots again!" Tian Mark's face changed.

"I'm not afraid of this bunch of weirdos!"

Tian Xiaoban said viciously, throwing a stone and hitting a robot.


The stone bounced back and hit Tian Xiaoban's forehead.

"Ah! It hurts!"

A big bump soon appeared on Tian Xiaoban's head.

"Dai Tou, stop being so stubborn." Tian Xiaowen rolled her eyes, then looked at the flame man, her beautiful eyes full of admiration and dependence,"Let Brother Ye do it......."

The flame man clenched his fists and looked vigilantly at the three octopus robots opposite him.

【An octopus robot is detected. Destroy it to get 200 points】

【Octopus type detected......】

A series of system prompts sounded in the flame man's mind.

"Discover the Omnitrix!"

""Omnitrix found!"

These octopus-shaped eyes locked onto the Omnitrix logo on the flame man's chest.

On the space battleship,

Vilgax's chest was heaving violently with anger, and his eyes were red and almost bleeding.

"How outrageous!"

"My Omnitrix was actually taken by an Earthling first!"

The robots below were trembling and kneeling on the ground.

They didn't dare to fart.

"Quick, bring me the Omnitrix!" Vilgax ordered angrily.


The three octopus-shaped robots, with red light condensing from their muzzles, suddenly shot towards the flame man.

The flame man dodged two lasers and then leaped into the air, with a fiery fire dragon bursting out of his hand.


The fierce fire dragon ruthlessly devoured a robot.

【Congratulations to the host for destroying the octopus robot and obtaining 200 points!】

""Wow! Brother Ye is so awesome!"

Tian Xiaowen jumped up excitedly, with a look of excitement and joy on her face.

"It's OK." Tian Xiaoban waved his hands and whispered,"When can I become like Ye Ge?"......"

At the same time, two octopus-shaped robots have surrounded the flame man.

"Hehe, now you can't escape even if you have wings!" Vilgax's mouth curled up into an evil smile.

The octopus-shaped robot gathered all its strength and gathered a scarlet laser cannon.

It blasted at the flame man from both sides!

"night���", be careful!" Xiaowen screamed, her face full of anxiety.

Even a three-year-old child could see that this move was extraordinary and was definitely not comparable to the previous attacks.

"Xiaoye, run!"Tian Mark also shouted, he didn't want his comrade's son to get into trouble.

"Don't panic, they are just a bunch of minions."The Flame Man said calmly.

Just as two thick laser cannons were about to hit the Flame Man, the Flame Man leaped up and a"flame somersault cloud" appeared under his feet, and he rushed out in an instant.


The two laser cannons arrived as promised, and they hit the ground fiercely, with a loud thunder.

The mountains collapsed and the ground cracked, and the soil splashed everywhere. The scarlet lasers raged, the wind howled, and a large amount of dust and leaves were mixed in, blocking everyone's sight.

""Xiaoye!" Tian Mark shouted anxiously, and was about to rush into the flames of the explosion.

At this moment!

In the smoke and dust, a flash of extreme red light flashed!

The flame man stepped on the somersault cloud, majestic and powerful, and passed the two octopus robots at a very fast speed.

Two seconds later.


The octopus robots were all torn into pieces by the fire fist

【Congratulations to the host for destroying the octopus robot and obtaining 200 points!】

【Congratulations to the host......】

【So far, a total of five octopus-shaped robots have been captured!】

【Current points: 1000!】......

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