Outer space.

Space battleship, main control room.

In the sanatorium, Vilgax was torn into pieces, gritting his teeth in anger, his tentacles trembling constantly.

In front of him, the five perspectives on the screen had all gone black.

The five octopus robots sent out were all killed by Ye Chen.

"Quick, send out the giant robot and two mechanical tigers!"

"I want to wipe out all these earthlings!"


One of the men nodded and immediately went to make arrangements.

"Omnitrix, I must get you!"

Vilgax's eyes were cold and his eyes narrowed slightly........

The moon was bright in the sky.

The white moonlight spread over the forest below, tinging it with a layer of silver.

At the campsite,

Tian Xiaoban and the others opened their mouths in surprise, staring at the flame man opposite them in shock.

"Oh my god, Brother Ye killed the robot with just one punch!"

"Yes, Yege is very manly......"Tian Xiaowen's cheeks flushed slightly.

Tian Mark's pupils shrank slightly,"Xiaoye, you are so....."The flame man is too strong!"

Much stronger than the average Pyronai!

The flame man smiled faintly,"Just a bunch of minions, not worth mentioning."

Having said that, Ye Chen was already very happy.

It is worthy of being the omnitrix!

The alien that has transformed is so powerful!

Because the omnitrix will automatically optimize the genes and optimize it to the best of the race.

"Xiaoye, luckily you are here this time, otherwise we would be in trouble."

Tian Mark said with lingering fear

"Yes, Brother Ye, thanks to you, otherwise those weirdos would have eaten us!" Tian Xiaoban echoed.

The Fire Man was about to respond.

Tian Xiaowen suddenly looked up and looked at the Fire Man worriedly,"But Brother Ye....How are you going to change back?"

"It won't always be like this......."

When talking about the latter part, Tian Xiaowen's eyes were red.

She couldn't accept this fact.

The flame man was very cool.

But she liked the old Ye brother more.

Tian Mark and Xiaoban also looked puzzled and stared at the flame man closely.

"Xiaoye, this isn't true....."

"Brother Ye, are you really unable to change back?"

Seeing everyone's concerned expressions, the Flame Man was stunned at first, then he laughed heartily and said,"You think too much. I can feel the loss of energy in my body, and I should be able to change back soon."

Well, a white lie......In fact, he couldn't sense the loss of energy, but he just wanted to prevent Tian Mark and others from worrying.

As soon as he finished speaking, the omnitrix logo on the flame man's chest flashed quickly.


There was a strange sound effect, and the omnitrix burst into red light.

Tian Xiaoban couldn't help but cover his eyes.

When he opened his eyes again, his pupils trembled, and a look of surprise appeared on his face.

""Brother Ye, you're back!" Tian Xiaoban was overjoyed.

Opposite him stood a tall and thin young man.

He had messy black hair, deep eyes, was about 185cm tall, had a handsome appearance, and was dressed in black. He had a cold temperament, but also a hint of easygoing.

Ye Chen stared at his hands in a daze, muttering to himself:"Yes, I'm back again."

He clenched his fists, and his joints crackled. That was the powerful power of an S-level ghoul.

However, it was far less powerful than the flame man.

"It seems that if you want to gain more powerful strength, you have to use the Omnitrix......."Ye Chen thought to himself.

This S-level ghoul physique is just the icing on the cake.

It gives his weak body some self-protection ability.

While thinking, Ye Chen recalled the news about"eating people"

"I don't know if there are SSS-level ghouls in this world......."

Strong ghouls like the Unkillable Owl, Takatsuki Izumi, and Kaneki Ken all have SSS-level strength, or even above it!

Even if Ye Chen has the Omnitrix, he has to be careful.

Tian Mark looked relieved and smiled bitterly,"It's good to be able to change back, otherwise I can't explain to your father."

"Don't worry, Grandpa. When has Brother Ye ever let us down?"Tian Xiaoban spread his hands.

"Brother Ye, you are still so handsome...."Xiao Wen whispered, her beautiful eyes sparkling with light.

Ye Chen nodded slightly without saying anything more.

He didn't want to explain too much.

"Wow! Brother Ye, your watch is so cool!"

At this time, Tian Xiaoban noticed the Omnitrix on Yechen's wrist.

"Well, this is the watch I picked up." Ye Chen responded.

Tian Mark stared at the Omnitrix, thinking,"So this is the device that turns you into a flame man......."

"Hehe! Brother Ye, why don't you take us out to play this summer?" Tian Xiaoban laughed evilly.

He had already thought of many pranks.

For example, burning Xiaowen's butt with fire.....

Tian Xiaowen probably knew what her cousin was thinking, and her face turned red with anger, and she shouted,"Daitou! Brother Ye is not as bad as you!"

"Really, Miss Know-it-all?" Tian Xiaoban looked at him with disdain,"What if I ask Brother Ye to lend it to me for two days?"

"You!" Tian Xiaowen's fingers trembled with anger, but she could do nothing about it.

At this moment, Ye Chen spoke.

"Sorry, I may disappoint you."

"Once you put on my watch, you can't take it off."

This is the truth. Unless you use some alien high technology, it is difficult to remove the Omnitrix that recognizes its master.

Tian Xiaoban was petrified on the spot.

After a while, he uttered a sentence

"Oh my god!!"

"Hahaha, stupid! You deserve it!"

Tian Xiaowen gloated over the misfortune and laughed so hard that her body shook

"Okay kids, it was just a false alarm, I'll go make some food to calm you down."

Tian Mark said, walking towards the old car. He started to prepare a"protein midnight snack" in the kitchen."

"Oh no!"

This was a double blow to Tian Xiaoban. As for

Ye Chen, he sat by the campfire, motionless.

His consciousness had already entered his mind.

"System, how many points do I have now?"

【Current points: 1000】

"You said before that I can redeem items with points.���What?"

【The host can directly enter the system mall, which contains various items with detailed prices and uses.】

【You can choose to exchange】

"System Mall?"

Ye Chen tried to enter with a thought. In a trance

, a picture similar to a game mall appeared in his mind. There were all kinds of elixirs and fruits. There were even drugs for curing cancer! 100% cure! If this were put in the medical community, it would definitely cause a sensation! However, Ye Chen was not interested in this for the time being. His eyes continued to move downwards. Flame Dragon Armor, Wind Eagle Armor, Black Rhino Armor, Earth Tiger Armor, Snow Mastiff Armor


The legendary five elements armor!

The exchange price of each set of armor is 5000 points!

"This is a surprising product......"Ye Chen murmured.

He had never thought that he would wear the most classic five armors in the world of Ben 10.

Ye Chen still remembered that his favorite when he was a child was the Snow Mastiff Armor.

It was handsome and powerful!

It looked very tough and strong!

"I must exchange for a set if I have a chance." Ye Chen secretly made up his mind.

After calming down his excitement, Ye Chen looked down again.

The next moment, his heartbeat suddenly stopped.

A set of golden armor suddenly appeared in front of him!

Emperor Armor!!

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