Buzz buzz— the old car accelerated at full speed and drove on the road in the uninhabited area.

On both sides were desolate wastelands with few people and coyotes appearing from time to time.

In the car, Ye Chen roughly explained the situation to Tian Mark.

But he concealed something.

He used the power of ghouls to repel the crab monster, which he did not reveal to everyone.

After all, this was his trump card.

"That big crab has no grudge against us, why did it catch us?"Tian Xiaoban held his chin up, looking unhappy.

He didn't know what the"Amitras" in the crab monster's mouth was.

Tian Xiaowen shook his head, also confused.

"Maybe it's for something....."Tian Mark sighed.

He already had an answer in his mind.

"Don't worry about the big crab for now, maybe it's just a coincidence."Tian Mark smiled,"Kids, let's go to the Fantasy Light Park next stop, it's super fun there!""


As soon as the voice fell, there was a cutting sound from the roof!

Ye Chen looked up and found that a purple light wheel cut a gap in the roof, and a familiar face emerged.

The black and purple helmet was murderous and stained with the blood of many creatures!

Liuliu monster!

【Ding! Bounty Hunter"Six Six Monster" detected"!】

【Kill six monsters and you will get 3000 points!】


Liuliuguai was chattering, raising the purple electric saw in his hand and ready to fire.

Tian Mark immediately stepped on the brakes, and the old car drifted at high speed, throwing Liuliuguai away and rolling on the road ahead!

Tian Mark looked at Liuliuguai on the ground, his eyes full of resentment:"Liuliuguai, it's you again!"

Liuliuguai is a notorious bounty hunter in the universe. He is also the murderer of Yechen's father!

When Tian Mark thought of his comrade-in-arms dying at the hands of this monster, he felt a pang of heartache and hatred.

"Go to hell!"

Tian Mark stepped on the accelerator and crashed straight into Liuliuguai!

Liuliuguai had just climbed up and hadn't reacted yet when he was hit by the angry old car! He almost vomited blood!

But Liuliuguai, who was hit hard, did not die. Instead, he used the hidden weapon on his body to cut the tire of the old car!


The old car skidded, the whole car lost balance, and crashed into a big tree uncontrollably!

Ahead, there was a deep and dense forest.

They had driven away from the wasteland and came to a more mysterious area.

This place is located on the outskirts of the dense forest, and you can see that it is overgrown with weeds and lush branches and leaves.

But for some reason, it was surprisingly quiet inside, and not even a trace of cicadas sounded.

Everyone got off the car in a daze. The collision just now was no joke.

Ye Chen was safe and sound, because he turned into a four-handed overlord at the moment of the collision!

【Alien Hero: Four-Handed Overlord】

【Enhancement level: Attack power has been enhanced by 25%. 】

The Four-Handed Overlord rushed out of the car, swung his iron fist without saying a word, and smashed directly at the Six-Six Monster


Liuliuguai was shocked and immediately activated his jetpack. He instantly flew into the air and fired several blue energy bombs at the Four-Handed Overlord! The

Four-Handed Overlord waved his fist and smashed all the energy bombs!

After being strengthened, his attack power was even more terrifying and his strength was even more amazing!

The Four-Handed Overlord leaped up, bursting out with an extremely powerful bounce, and pounced on Liuliuguai!


Two gun barrels popped out from Liuliuguai's shoulders, firing a torrent of shells in an attempt to shoot down the Four-Handed Overlord!


The Four-Handed Overlord took the cannonball and threw the Six-Six Monster to the ground with a bang!


The Four-Handed Overlord rode on the Six-Six Monster and beat him in the face!

The Six-Six Monster screamed and struggled madly.

"Cool! The Four-Handed Overlord is so powerful!"Tian Xiaoban stood not far away, staring at this scene in a daze.

""Brother Ye is so manly!"

Tian Xiaowen murmured, her beautiful eyes full of surprise and admiration.


The fierce iron fist of the Four-Handed Overlord hit the head of the Six-Six Monster, making a series of loud noises.

Even the alloy helmet of the Six-Six Monster was cracked by the terrifying punch.

Seeing that the Six-Six Monster was about to be beaten to death, two huge crab claws emerged from the ground and clamped the legs of the Four-Handed Overlord.

"It's you again, the crab monster."

The Four-Handed Overlord smiled coldly, and pulled the crab monster out from the ground with his backhand, just like picking up a chicken!

""Let me go! Dirty Taizoman!"

The crab monster raised its other claw, emitting a fiery blue light.

The four-handed king reached out and pinched the crab monster's claw, extinguishing the blue light!

"How can this be......"

Before the crab monster could come to its senses, the four-handed king directly twisted its claws off!


A golden crab claw with a short-circuit current was ruthlessly thrown to the ground, just like throwing away garbage.

The crab monster's eyes kept flashing, full of horror and fear.

"You devil, how dare you take one of my pliers!"

"Can you afford it?"

The Four-Handed Overlord laughed when he heard this,"When did I say I would pay?"


The crab monster was about to get angry, but the sound stopped abruptly.

Because the four-handed king smashed its head with a punch!

With a bang, all kinds of parts and debris flew everywhere.

【Successfully killed the crab monster and obtained 2200 points!】

【Current points: 5200!】

"Now, you are the only one left."

The Four-Handed Overlord cast his eyes on the fallen Six-Six Monster.

The cracked helmet of the Six-Six Monster revealed a look of fear, as if he was facing a demon that would eat people without blinking an eye!

The Six-Six Monster turned around and tried to escape, but was stepped on the ground by the Four-Handed Overlord, unable to move.

The Four-Handed Overlord looked down at the struggling Six-Six Monster from above, his eyes bursting with cold murderous intent.

It was this guy who killed his cheap dad.

In this case, then strangle him!

The Four-Handed Overlord clenched his iron fist and was about to smash the Six-Six Monster's head!

Unexpectedly, a terrifying roar was heard!

A���The huge red shadow pounced on the Four-Armed Overlord, and the two of them entangled together and flew backwards into the dark forest!

""Xiao Ye!"

Tian Mark shouted anxiously, and immediately ran back to the old broken car to get weapons.

He wanted Ye Chen to take revenge himself, but unexpectedly there was a third enemy.

Liu Liuguai covered his head, and just as he got up, he felt a strange wind passing by.

He looked around, but saw nothing.


Liuliuguai shook his head, holding a gun in one hand and a knife in the other, and followed into the dark forest.

He wanted to kill the Four-Handed Overlord and avenge his hatred!



In the dark forest, a strong and burly gorilla covered with red hair was fighting with the Four-Handed Overlord.......

As usual, here is a beautiful picture~

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