[Bounty Hunter"Magic Flame Ape" detected"!】

【Kill the Demon Flame Ape and you will get 4000 points!】


"Hand over the Omnitrix!"

The Demon Flame Ape had amazing strength. He cut off a towering tree with one punch and swung it towards the Four-Handed Overlord!

"Omnitrix, I guess Vilgax sent you here."

The Four-Handed Tyrant was not to be outdone, and burst out with a terrifying fist force, instantly smashing the tree to pieces!

The fallen leaves and broken branches were scattered all over the sky, and the two burly figures flickered, shaking out invisible air waves!

Those were the air waves generated by the collision of the two fists! Incredibly terrifying!

The Four-Handed Tyrant knocked the Demon Flame Ape down with one punch, pressing him to the ground, and his fists bombarded his body like a storm.


The flame demon roared, and his whole body was burning with blazing flames, forcing the Four-Handed Overlord to retreat!

He stood up slowly, his eyes were golden and burning like a furnace, and his whole body turned into a strong flame gorilla!

"Taizhuoman, you pissed me off!"

The Demon Flame Ape was already irritable, and after being blasted by the Four-Handed Overlord just now, he was even more furious!

"I've changed my mind. Even if you hand over the Omnitrix, I will cut you into pieces!"

After the Demon Flame Ape finished speaking, he pounded his chest frantically, making a thunderous sound to boost his power!


Facing the arrogant Demon Flame Ape, the Four-Handed Overlord snorted coldly and took a photo of the Omnitrix logo.

Boom - a green light flashed, and it instantly switched to the Frozen Lizard!

Previously, Ye Chen used 2,000 points to redeem the ability to seamlessly switch heroes twice in the system mall.

In other words, Ye Chen can switch again.

This ability is permanent.

Of course, if Ye Chen obtains unlimited time, it will be overwritten.

The Demon Flame Ape opened its sharp fangs and spit out terrifying energy flames, distorting the air wherever it went.

But the Frozen Lizard spit out a cold air to dissolve the Demon Flame Ape's attack.

"What!"The Demon Flame Ape was stunned.

The Frozen Lizard didn't waste time talking to the other side, and directly spit out a lot of cold air, trying to freeze the Demon Flame Ape.

The Demon Flame Ape's face changed drastically, and it fled in a hurry, getting into the depths of the dark forest!

The Frozen Lizard chased after it.

He chased, he fled.

He couldn't escape even if he had wings.

The Demon Flame Ape ran around like a madman. Due to its large size, it could only swing its fire fists wildly, smashing the big trees and bushes that blocked the way.

Just as he passed a bush, a pitch-black wild boar suddenly rushed out!

The wild boar was covered with hair like steel needles, shining, and its size was many times larger than that of an ordinary wild boar!

""Get out of here!"

The demon flame ape slapped the wild boar with his hand, wanting to smash it to pieces.

However, something strange happened!

The ferocious wild boar's head split apart, turning into sharp sickles that danced wildly!

Parasitic beast!

A wild boar infected by a parasitic beast!

The demon flame ape stretched out his hand but had no time to retract it, and was cut by the sharp sickle

, leaving a bloody mark! The wound was not deep, but it was a great insult to the demon flame ape!

When could the creatures on earth hurt him!

The demon flame ape didn't know that this thing came from outer space and was just parasitic on the wild boar.


The Flame Demon Ape rushed forward and bit off one of the sickles!

The parasitic wild boar's head recovered instantly, and then turned into two rows of electric saws!

It opened its bloody mouth and suddenly closed it towards the Flame Demon Ape in the middle!


The Flame Demon Ape was swallowed in one gulp.

The parasitic wild boar narrowed its eyes slightly, showing contempt.

But before it could be happy, a blazing fire suddenly broke out in its body!


A terrifying flame tore the body of the parasitic wild boar into pieces, exploding into blood mist and pieces of meat all over the sky.

"What a bummer!"

The demon flame ape touched the blood on his head, with a look of resentment and anger on his face, and turned to leave.

He still had to avoid the pursuit of the extremely frozen lizard!

However, at the moment when the demon flame ape turned around, a sharp cold air fell from the sky, covering the demon flame ape's whole body, and instantly condensed it into an ice sculpture.

On the big tree, the extremely frozen lizard jumped down and landed next to the ice sculpture.

"I didn't expect there were parasitic animals here, and they were wild boars......."The frozen lizard looked thoughtfully at the boar fragments not far away.

He had already caught up with the demon flame ape, but he didn't act rashly in order to observe the combat effectiveness of the parasitic wild boar.

Not to mention, after the parasitic beast infects large animals, its combat effectiveness is quite fierce, and it can actually hurt the thick-skinned demon flame ape.

What if it parasitizes lions and tigers?


At this time, a slight crack appeared on the ice sculpture.

Then it exploded, and the demon flame ape broke free from the shackles of freezing!


"You bastard, hand over the omnitrix!"

"I won't kill you!"

The Flame Demon made the biggest"concession" and glared at the Frozen Lizard angrily, trying to persuade it to retreat.

"You don't seem to understand who is killing whom now." The Frozen Lizard smiled coldly.

""Roar! I’ll fight you!"

Just as the Demon Flame Ape was about to attack, a large number of green spikes suddenly attacked from the left!

Clang clang!

The Demon Flame Ape narrowly avoided them, and all these spikes shot into a big tree, flashing a cold light.

"Who?"The Demon Flame Ape turned his head suddenly.

But just as he turned his head, the Frozen Lizard spit out a stream of cold air, freezing the Demon Flame Ape directly!

The Demon Flame Ape turned into an ice sculpture again, his eyes widened like copper bells, his expression was extremely angry.

You.......No moral principles!

The Frozen Lizard grinned. He was not like other protagonists who would"hang up" when the villain showed a flaw.

Then, the Frozen Lizard spit out several streams of cold air to reinforce the ice sculpture.

After doing this, he looked at the person who came.

It was a mysterious man wearing a large black robe, riding a hoverboard, and his face could not be seen clearly.

Those green spikes just now were emitted by this person.

"Diamond King Kong?"The eyes of the Frozen Lizard flashed. He was right.

When he first saw the crystal cone, he already had the answer in his mind.

Because in this universe, besides the Diamond God of War, the only Pedro Shaping star is Diamond King Kong.

The black-robed man was shocked and slowly took off his mask.

The face made of crystal, the golden eyes, the sharp edges and the firm expression

"It's you, after all." The Frozen Lizard said calmly.

"Do you know me?" Zuan Jin Gang was a little confused.

"You are here for the Omnitrix, right?" the Frozen Lizard asked.

"That's right, the Omnitrix cannot fall into the hands of an Earthling. It is a vital high-tech product and cannot be damaged in any way."Zuangkong said firmly.

He was tired of working for Vilgax and didn't want to see the lives of the people suffer.

If Vilgax got the Omnitrix, the consequences would be unimaginable.

"It's mine, I can't give it to you." The Frozen Lizard shook his head slightly.

"I'm sorry!"

Diamond King Kong's eyes shone, his hands turned into sharp cones, and he rushed over here quickly.


""Cri, ri!"

Suddenly, a sharp scream was heard not far away!

Diamond King Kong and the Frozen Lizard looked in the direction of the sound at the same time.

It turned out to be a group of mutant bats!

They were pitch black, with bloodshot eyes, flapping their wings and attacking this side. There were at least hundreds of them!

"Why do bats appear during the day? The Frozen Lizard was puzzled.

"What is that?"Zhuang Kong felt a little creepy. The roar of the bat made him uncomfortable.

As a Pedro Shaping, he was very sensitive to sound waves.

Especially ultrasonic attacks, which would destroy their body structure.


The leading bat approached, and its head exploded, turning into tiny, sharp sickles!

"No, this is a parasitic bat!" The Frozen Lizard suddenly realized.

At the same time, a large number of parasitic animals are attacking this side!

Wild boars, mountain cats, cheetahs, mandrills, pythons!

They are all infected by parasitic beasts!

In other words, the entire forest has been occupied by parasitic beasts and turned into a hell on earth!

""Roar! Don't try to trap this gorilla!"

The demon gorilla broke free from his restraints and was about to get angry, but was stunned by the scene in front of him....... carnitrix——fire man

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