The dark forest is filled with ferocious parasitic animals. Their heads have turned into sickles and saw teeth, and they are baring their fangs and claws, and making terrifying roars!

"What the hell is going on!"

The flame ape's body suddenly ignited with flames, and he looked at the monsters with hostility.

The three of them were surrounded by monsters.

Hundreds and thousands of parasitic animals!

Diamond King Kong covered his head with a painful expression,"The calls of those black birds make me very uncomfortable......."

"That's a bat." The Frozen Lizard corrected.

Bats emit ultrasonic waves, so the Diamond King Kong reacted like this.

"Kill them! Do you really think this gorilla is easy to mess with?"

The Demon Flame Ape spit out a blazing flame.

The terrifying temperature instantly killed a large number of parasitic pythons!

This move directly angered all the parasitic animals!

Countless sickles attacked frantically, with sharp edges flashing, killing several people!

The Diamond King Kong waved his hand, bursting out a large number of spikes, killing dozens of bats.

The extremely frozen lizard spit out cold air, freezing a group of parasitic wild boars and leopards. The icy cold made their blood coagulate and froze them to death.

The fighting power of several people was so strong, and they were alien life forms. They killed all the parasitic animals in a short while.

After killing the last wild boar, the Demon Flame Ape couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief and sat down dejectedly.

"Phew! It's finally over!......"

Before he could finish his words, he was frozen by the Frozen Lizard.

"What are you going to do with him?" Zuan Jin Gang asked solemnly.

"Kill it."

The Frozen Lizard pressed the Omnitrix and transformed into the Divine Tyrannosaurus.


The Divine Tyrannosaurus smashed the ice sculpture with one punch, killing the Devil Flame Ape.

If he wasn't strong enough, he would be the one being hunted down.

To be kind to the enemy is to be cruel to yourself.

【Ding! Successfully killed the Demon Flame Ape!】

【Get 4000 points!】

【Current points: 9200! 】

Diamond King Kong looked at the decisive Divine Power Tyrannosaurus with a complicated look.

"Your control over the omnitrix seems pretty good."

"You don't need to tell me that." The Divine Tyrannosaurus said in a strong and powerful voice.

"But Vilgax has set his sights on you. One day he will come to Earth and take the Omnitrix away. Diamond King Kong doesn't want this to happen.

"I will make him taste all the bones and then kill him."The Divine Tyrannosaurus responded domineeringly.

Diamond King Kong looked at him deeply.

Judging from the battle performance just now, it would be very difficult for him to take down this Omnitrix controller.


Suddenly, a strange cry came from above their heads.

The two men looked up immediately. It was the Six-Six Monster with the jet engine on its back!

The Six-Six Monster raised his pistol and pointed it at the Diamond King Kong:"……##@!"

"I'm not a traitor, because I no longer work for Vilgax!"Diamond King Kong turned his hands into shields to block the bullets of the six-six monster.

The God Tyrannosaurus directly became huge, stretched out his palm-leaf fan-like claws, and suddenly grabbed the six-six monster in the air!

As a Vaxsarian, the God Tyrannosaurus can quickly grow from more than three meters high to twenty meters!

The six-six monster in his hands was as insignificant as a fly.

"*&¥#"Damn it!"

Liuliuguai couldn't help but swear, and at the same time, he stretched out his shoulder and was about to fire the cannon.

The Godly Tyrannosaurus pinched it fiercely!


Liuliuguai was directly crushed into a meat paste, and along with the broken armor, he slowly slid down to the lawn.

The Godly Tyrannosaurus threw Liuliuguai's body on the ground.

He was considered to have avenged himself.

【Ding! Successfully killed Liuliu Monster!】

【Get 3000 points!】

【Current points: 12,000! 】

Diamond King Kong looked up at the tall humanoid Tyrannosaurus Rex and said,"You're pretty ruthless, but I like it."

"Then I thank you."Then the Tyrannosaurus grinned.

"Well, since you have the ability to protect the Omnitrix, I won't force you. Diamond stepped onto the hoverboard.

"You betrayed Vilgax, where else can you go?"

"I am leaving the Earth to help other weak aliens, punish evil and promote good, and eliminate violence and protect the good." Diamond King Kong clenched his fists and spoke in a very firm tone.

""Well, I won't send you off." The Mighty Tyrannosaurus responded.

Soon, Diamond King summoned a huge spaceship.

It landed directly in the dark forest, crushing a large area of trees. Anyway, all the creatures here died. The

Mighty Tyrannosaurus returned to its original state and stood at the door of the cabin with Diamond King.

"This thing is for you, you should be able to use it."

Zuang Kong gave the black hoverboard to Ye Chen.

Shenli Tyrannosaurus was a little surprised, and then took it.

This is a good treasure.

When he was a child, he always wanted to get Zuang Kong's skateboard when he watched this drama.

Which teenager can refuse a skateboard that can fly?

【Ding! Bounty Hunter Detected......】

"There are still enemies!"The Divine Tyrannosaurus focused his eyes, and his blue eyes quickly looked around.

Diamond King Kong looked puzzled, and did not see the enemy.

However, his tiger body trembled, as if he remembered something.

"Could it be him!"

As soon as the words fell, a green poison arrow shot out from the air, heading straight for the face of the Godly Tyrannosaurus!

Diamond King Kong reacted very quickly, immediately blocking in front of the Godly Tyrannosaurus, waving the crystal blade to cut off the poison arrow! The

Godly Tyrannosaurus grabbed a handful of soil and threw it at the place where the arrow had just been shot.

In an instant, a short figure loomed, and the coordinates were exposed by the soil!

The Godly Tyrannosaurus narrowed his eyes slightly. It was a humanoid mouse with green hair all over its body, holding an iron bow and carrying a bamboo tube full of green poison arrows.

Seeing that he was exposed, the green poisonous mouse was terrified and ran away

"Damn traitor, I will go back and report to Lord Vilgax!"

"Just wait for death!"

Just as the Divine Tyrannosaurus Rex was about to catch up, a scarlet light burst out from his body and he turned back to his original form.

Ye Chen looked at his hands and said,"This little broken watch......"

Forget it, let him go after it himself.

S-level ghoul physique, with a keen sense of smell, just in time to restrain the green poison rat

"Let's chase him!"

After saying that, Diamond King Kong rushed out and���Jumping back, using the crystal to rebound itself,

Ye Chen unfolded the hoverboard in his hand, jumped up, and rushed forward......

Adult Xiaowen and the Witch of Evil Curse

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