
The crystal chains gathered together like a blooming piranha plant, wrapping the reactor tightly and turning it into a big dumpling!

The fireball that had just condensed in the reactor dissipated, and he was furious and struggled madly.

"Let me go now!"

"You loser, where on earth did you come from!"

"If the wise and powerful Viggas comes back, he will never let you go!"

The Atomic Reactor roared angrily from inside the crystal dumpling.

In this world, Tian Xiaoban respected Viggas very much because he was his life mentor.

The Diamond War God did not speak. He just opened his hands and continued to reinforce the"Crystal Dumpling".

His purpose was not to defeat Kuangban, but to delay time.

What's more, it is difficult for the Diamond War God to defeat the Atomic Reactor because the opponent's armor is too hard.

The body structure of the Diamond War God is not composed of sky crystal jade, so it cannot be cut open.

Even if he cuts open the armor of the Atomic Reactor, he cannot defeat it.

Because the body of the Atomic Reactor is even more terrifying!

It is a group of"fire demons" containing extremely strong radiation, which is almost immune to all physical attacks and has high magic damage. Ordinary aliens are not its opponents at all.

Opening the armor of the Atomic Reactor is no different from opening Pandora's Box.

Therefore, Ye Chen always maintains a strategy.

That is to delay time!

How long it can be delayed.

Anyway, he still has a back card......

However, these crystals could not contain the nuclear reactor.


A loud roar came from the crystal zongzi, and the nuclear reactor exploded with terrifying heat, melting all the crystals around it!

A large ball of"crystal liquid" flowed on the ground, scalding the sand and making a sizzling sound.

"I will make you pay the price!"

The Atomic Reactor thought that the Diamond God of War's behavior just now was a blasphemy against the king, and immediately became furious, releasing a radiation fire dragon from his eyes.

"It's really tough."

The Diamond God of War condensed a huge crystal wall in front of him, and thickened it madly.


A thunderous sound!

The terrifying radiation fire dragon, with explosive energy, shattered the crystal wall abruptly, and the sky was full of green residues flying in the air.

The atomic reactor laughed:"That's it? You are not worthy of carrying shoes for this king!"

The next second, countless interlaced green spikes burst out from the ground and attacked the atomic reactor.

The atomic reactor could not dodge in time and was directly knocked over by the crystal spikes. The bloated body lay on the sand, trying to get up again.

The Diamond God of War jumped up and stepped on the chest of the atomic reactor.

Then he waved his hand and put a"crystal vest" on the atomic reactor, embedding it deep in the sand.

"You'd better lie down, my good king."Diamond War God smiled coldly.

Atomic Reactor still wanted to resist.

Suddenly, there was an unusual vibration from the ground.

The eyes of Atomic Reactor and Diamond War God condensed, and they immediately became alert.

The two of them were not fighting at this time, so what was going on with this sound?

Was it an earthquake?

The underground vibration was getting stronger and stronger, and it was approaching this side quickly!

Diamond War God let go of the Atomic Reactor without hesitation and left the original position

"Hey, wait for me!" Atomic Reactor was anxious and wanted to curse.

This guy was only concerned about running away?!


A huge death worm opened its bloody mouth from underground, with dense fangs inside, and swallowed the atomic reactor in one gulp!


After swallowing the atomic reactor, the death worm did not return to the underground, but continued to drill out of the ground.

It did not stop until the huge worm body over 30 meters long was completely exposed on the surface.

The gray-white skin, the body surface was segmented, the body was extremely fat, and it had sharp fangs, like a large meat grinder.

"This guy won't die just like that." Diamond War God stared at the roaring death worm not far away.

To be honest, the probability is almost zero.

But it is not impossible. What if the atomic reactor inside changes back to its original form?......

At this time, the Death Worm discovered the existence of the Diamond God of War and immediately turned around and rushed towards him.

The Diamond God of War turned his hands into sharp blades and entered combat mode.

Suddenly, a bright light ignited from the Death Worm's abdomen!

A fiery red energy burst out from the Death Worm's body, and a terrifying heat wave swept in all directions, tearing the entire worm body apart in an instant! The

Death Worm, which was originally so powerful, was killed less than two and a half minutes after its appearance.

The atomic reactor was surrounded by hot radiation energy and was in a sea of fire, filled with rage and brutality.

""Let's fight to the death!"

The atomic reactor was about to take action.

The ground shook again!

This time it was more violent and rapid!

It seemed as if the entire desert was about to overturn.

"Is it going to end yet?"

Atomic Reactor clenched his fists in anger, ready to explode in anger.

However, in the distance, on the desert horizon, hundreds of huge death worms, staring with bloodshot eyes, rushed towards this side frantically like zombies foraging at night!

Each one was at least 20 meters long, and some were even more than 50 meters long!

"Damn it, did they dig out the worm nest today?"

It's not like the Atomic Reactor hasn't seen this kind of creature before, but there has never been a sign of them coming out in droves like this before.

The golden eyes of the Diamond God of War flashed, and it was probably because they made too much noise.

First, the battle between the Mad Titan and the Mighty Tyrannosaurus almost overturned the entire desert.

Then the Mad Titan was angered by the Flash Star, and he bombarded it again, almost demolishing the home of these death worms.

Who wouldn't be angry!

"Hey, are you scared to death?"

Atomic Reactor laughed sarcastically and looked at Diamond God of War.

"I'm not afraid, but......You do your best."

The Diamond God of War punched the ground, and a huge crystal mountain rose up under his feet.

He stood alone on the crystal mountain, overlooking the desert below.

The death worms are huge and can burrow into the ground. The surface is undoubtedly the most dangerous.

It is easy to be swallowed by them.

"Damn it, you coward!"Atomic Reactor was very angry that the other party did not fight alongside him.

Kuangban was not afraid of these death worms, but was afraid that he would consume too much energy and be taken advantage of by the Diamond God of War.


The first charging death worm arrived, opened its terrifying mouthparts, and tried to tear the atomic reactor to pieces!

A flame shot out from the eyes of the atomic reactor, directly burning the head of the death worm.

Other death worms followed one after another, fearless of death, and madly pounced on the atomic reactor!

Some worms also rushed towards the crystal mountain and attacked the Diamond God of War above. The

Diamond God of War was high above, facing the death worms from all directions, and still seemed to be at ease.

With a crystal sword, he chopped off the neck of a death worm. A large number of crystal giant thorns shot out from the other side, shooting more than a dozen worms into"hedgehogs", which fell to the ground after a twitch, Then it stopped moving.

At the same time, crystal mountains broke out of the ground and floated in the air. Under the control of the Diamond God of War, they crushed one huge worm after another. Green juice splashed and sprinkled on the yellow desert.

The atomic reactor was not to be outdone. It slapped the ground with a palm, melting the area of 50 meters into a sea of fire, burning a large number of dead worms.

Just when the two were killing happily, a strange roar echoed from the sky!

The fearless death worms heard this sound and were so scared that they fled everywhere and drilled into the ground like crazy, as if they had encountered some nemesis.

The atomic reactor and the Diamond God of War looked up at the same time.

"That is......What is this?"

Error List - Super Beast

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