A strange creature was hovering in the sky above the desert.

It had the body of an elk, a sheep's head and dragon horns, wolf hooves under its feet, a dragon's tail swinging, and golden hair all over its body, emitting a sacred light.


Diamond God of War was stunned. Isn't this the auspicious beast Qilin?

It looks very similar, but why is it here?

""Where did you come from, wild dog? Get out of my way!"

The atomic reactor looked down on the unicorn in the sky and fired a column of fire.

Even though the unicorn blew lightly, it actually rolled up a terrifying sandstorm!

The whole desert was instantly dark and thundering.

The towering sandstorm swallowed the column of fire and swept towards the atomic reactor.

This is a creature living in the depths of the wasteland, called the desert unicorn, which can call the wind and rain and set off a large-scale sandstorm.

Usually, its whereabouts are ghostly and rarely appear in the eyes of the world.

Even the mad class has never seen this magical creature.

Perhaps because it likes peace, or perhaps because it is afraid of Vilgax and Modron, the desert unicorn has been living in the deepest part of the wasteland and has never taken the initiative to show up.

But today, the mad giant and the divine Tyrannosaurus made too much noise and alarmed this sacred alien.

The atomic reactor wanted to run, but it couldn't run faster than the sandstorm, and was directly swept into it, emitting a miserable howl.

"Ah! I warn you, let go of me!"

"Otherwise I won’t forgive you!"

"I [mute], I [mute]】!"

The atomic reactor cursed loudly, cursing in the sandstorm, and the fragrance of the curse spitted out.

The desert unicorn didn't care about it. It turned its head and looked at the diamond god of war not far away, its eyes burning red.

"This is not good. Diamond War God felt something was wrong.


With a sharp blast, the Desert Kirin opened its mouth and spit out ultrasonic waves that were strong enough to shatter bulletproof glass. It swept out like a gust of wind and caught up with the Diamond God of War!

The coverage area was very wide, over a thousand meters!

Seeing that he could not escape, the Diamond God of War immediately turned around and held up a crystal protective shield!


The ultrasonic waves emitted by the Desert Kirin actually penetrated the crystal protective shield, shattering the Diamond God of War into pieces and falling to the ground!

His body was covered with cracks, and the molecules in his body were struggling and wailing, as if there were millions of ants crawling on his body and biting his body.

The Pedro Shaping people are most afraid of sonic attacks because they will affect the molecular gaps in their bodies and become fragile.

The redness in the Desert Kirin's eyes gradually faded. He looked at the fallen Diamond God of War and then glanced at the atomic reactor in the sandstorm.

"" Cry!"

With a strange cry, the desert unicorn stepped on the sand and dust, ran in the night sky, and disappeared into the depths of the wasteland.

It lost its temper.

After a moment, the sandstorm gradually subsided.

The atomic reactor"boomed" and fell heavily to the ground, stuck in the desert, unable to extricate itself.

"Damn it, you beast, I'm going to kill you and eat you later!"

The Atomic Reactor shook his legs, fell to the ground with great difficulty, and got up again.

At the same time, the Diamond God of War also recovered.

The influence of the ultrasound was basically over, and his body gradually recovered and began to become strong.

The Atomic Reactor looked around:"Where is that beast?"

"Gone." Diamond God of War turned his hand into a big sword,"The battle continues."


At this time, the Omnitrix flashed and burst out with a dazzling red light!

Diamond God of War, restore Ye Chen's appearance!

""Haha, it's my turn."

Atomic Reactor said, changing back to the appearance of Mad Class, and then into Rabidmon.

Rabidmon, like Supermon, is a Wapinmanser Star Beast!

However, Rabidmon is covered with some armor covered with spikes, like a war beast, fierce and violent.

Facing the aggressive Rabidmon, Ye Chen gritted his teeth secretly.

This Mad Class took longer to transform than him.


Maddogmon bared his fangs and pounced at Yechen fiercely.

Yechen released his kagune, and four blood-red scales of kagune instantly shot out from his waist.

S-class ghoul physique, Kamishiro Rize's kagune!

The whole body burst out with strength, and the scales of kagune that were enough to smash steel hit Maddogmon hard!


Maddogmon was hit on the head and staggered back two steps.

He shook his head and continued to rush forward, frantically tearing the blood-snake-like scales of kagune.

After a while, the scales of kagune were torn to pieces by the sharp fangs.

The power of an S-class ghoul could not stop Maddogmon.

""Roar, roar."

The mad dog crouched down and slowly approached Ye Chen.

A trace of contempt appeared on the corner of its mouth, as if it had seen victory.

Ye Chen was well prepared.

Before coming to the Crazy Universe, he had found a treasure in the system mall.

A treasure that was enough to overturn the situation of the battle!

"Spend 5,000 points to redeem Snow Mastiff Armor!"

【Ding~ Successfully exchanged for one of the five elements armor: Snow Mastiff Armor!】

【Bonus: The strongest golden bloodline!】

【Consume 5000 points!】

【Remaining points: 3500. 】

The system's prompt sound continued to ring.

Ye Chen's mind moved, and the Snow Mastiff Armor Summoning Device appeared in his hand.

He placed the summoning device on his wrist.

""Snow Mastiff Armor, combine!" Ye Chen shouted in his heart.

He didn't dare to shout it out loud, it was too childish.

But the dream in his childhood still made him shout it out in his heart.

Song -

Ye Chen instantly put on a set of silver-white armor, with a strong physique, and domineering and majestic Tibetan mastiff heads on both sides of his shoulders, with brown-yellow hair in the gap. Ye Chen was 185cm tall, and after putting on the snow mastiff armor, he became even taller.


Rabidmon was stunned where he was. What was going on

? Why could he transform without a watch?

Never mind, let's bite the other person to death first!

Rabidmon roared, opened his fangs and bit into the Snow Mastiff Armor!


Hard as iron!

Rabidmon's teeth ached, and he couldn't bite the other person at all.

The Snow Mastiff Armor shook violently, instantly shaking off Rabidmon, and knocked him to the ground with one punch!

Rabidmon fell to the ground dizzy, with stars in his eyes.

As a power-type Snow Mastiff Armor, its attribute is gold, and its strength is the greatest among all the armors!

Its defense is also amazing!

Even the Wapinmanser Star Beast can't shake it in the slightest.


The mad dog gritted his teeth and stood up, baring his teeth at the snow mastiff armor and growling.

What kind of black technology is this!

""The dog-beating stick."

Snow Mastiff Armor turned the round handle on his waist.

The Tai Chi pattern on his belt gave off a white weapon totem, glowing illusory, with two short sticks engraved in the middle.

Snow Mastiff Armor reached out and grasped it, and the two short sticks instantly became solid.

"Thunder Stick!"

(End of this chapter) ps: Snow Mastiff Armor is only a means of self-defense and will not appear often.

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