Takatsuki Izumi looked at the black-haired young man not far away and sniffed

"Well, it seems to have the flavor of that woman, but not like...."

"He is clearly a human, but he gives me the feeling of a ghoul. How strange."

Takatsuki Izumi felt very confused and stared at Ye Chen curiously.

"According to Duo Duoliang's verbal description, except for the antiques, the others were from the old RV."

Gecko explained.

——They are just a few humans. What would happen if they were captured and tortured?

——It must be fun.

Takatsuki Izumi looked at Yechen and the others for a while, and continued to write her signature.

She didn't want to pay attention to the store manager.


Looking at the talented writer not far away, the store manager sighed in her heart.

It must have taken a lot for her to grow from a little girl to this point.

The store manager knew Takatsuki Izumi's true identity, and that was the leader of the Aogiri tree.

He has been silently paying attention to Fangcun Aite over the years, but unfortunately, Aite didn't know.

Takatsuki Izumi was busy signing, with her head down, her green bangs covering her eyes, and she looked a little unhappy.

She had also been to the Antique Cafe before, bringing her masterpiece with her, hoping to get her father's approval.

Over the years, she thought that without her and her mother's company, the store manager would have a hard time, living in torment and self-blame every day.

But what did she see?

The moment Takatsuki Izumi quietly opened the door, she saw the store manager and the group of demons living happily, happily, laughing, and didn't seem to feel sad or painful about the past.

He seemed to have forgotten himself and his mother......

In a rage, Takatsuki Izumi left the antique coffee shop angrily, tore up her work and threw it into the trash can.

She would never forgive this bastard!

But Fangcun Eite didn't know that after she left, the manager's expression returned to melancholy.

He had never been truly happy since his wife left.

However, it was under this coincidence that such a huge misunderstanding was caused.

Fate seemed to be teasing this father and daughter, so that they would never be able to reunite.

"Manager, won't you come closer?"

Dong Xiang asked in a low voice.

"No, that's good."The store manager smiled with relief.

He was already very satisfied to be able to watch his daughter from afar and achieve success in her career.

He knew that his daughter hated him, so he didn't want to disturb her life.

""Boss, there seem to be a few ghouls on the other side. Do you need to deal with them?"

The gecko leaned close to Takatsuki Izumi's ear, his face grim.

"Shut up!"Takatsuki Izumi suddenly got angry, shocking the fans in front of him.

The gecko was also startled, and cold sweat broke out on his back.

"Don't touch them."

Takatsuki Izumi took a deep breath and suppressed the anger in her heart.

Just now, for a moment, she really wanted to tear the gecko apart.

"Know....Got it, Chief."

Gecko felt relieved and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"Oh, and you can't beat them either." Takatsuki added

""Huh?" Gecko was confused.

In his opinion, there weren't many ghouls he couldn't beat. Are n't they just a few old, weak, sick and disabled ones?

Maybe the brown-haired man and the long-haired black-haired woman were a little tricky to deal with.

But the old man walking in the front and the girl with side bangs, weren't they easy to deal with?

As for the boy in black, he was an ordinary human, about 1.85 meters tall, and Gecko wanted to find a chance to eat him.

He was so handsome, so his meat should be delicious, right?

Gecko was a little confused and dissatisfied.

But in front of Takatsuki Izumi, he didn't dare to act rashly.

If he made her angry, a hundred of him would not be enough for her to kill.

"Let me see how many people are left."

Takatsuki Izumi looked up and saw the long"black dragon" stretching as far as the eye could see.

"There are so many more."

Takatsuki Izumi sighed. She felt bored and wanted to go out and play.

"Hey, got it."

Takatsuki Izumi seemed to have thought of something, she stood up suddenly and shouted:"There are still ten autographs left! The rest can only get photocopies!!"

Wow - the fans in the back were boiling like a pot that had exploded.

There are still ten autographs left?

Why queue up then?!

A large number of people rushed forward, cutting in line and crowding, trying to grab the last precious autograph.

Takatsuki Izumi couldn't care less, she quickly wrote down ten autographs, raised them high, and sprinkled them into the sky, leaving the crazy fans like zombies, as if they were snatching blood food, and fighting each other.

"Goodbye, everyone."

Takatsuki Izumi showed a charming smile, combed her long green hair, and ran away.

Gecko followed closely behind:"Hey, wait for me, leader!"

The store manager not far away saw this scene and raised the corner of his mouth slightly:"She is really naughty......"

"Cute." The demon ape agreed.

Ru Jianxuan hit the demon ape's head hard,"You ruin the atmosphere as soon as you open your mouth!"

The demon ape covered his head and sobbed aggrievedly.

Ye Chen's mouth twitched slightly.

Don't look at the demon ape now as cute and at the mercy of others, without any temper.

He used to be a terrifying SS-level strongman, the leader of the demon ape organization. He killed people like crazy and was extremely bloodthirsty, like an unrestrained beast.

It was only after he was influenced by the store manager that he became so gentle.

The same is true for Ru Jianxuan. She used to be the leader of the"Black Doberman" organization. She was as cold as a knife, with blood on her hands. After being influenced by the store manager, she joined the antique coffee shop.

Soon, the autograph session dispersed.

Most of the tourists chose to leave. They came to the Fantasy Light Park just to participate in Takatsuki Izumi's autograph session.

Now that Takatsuki Izumi is gone, they naturally have to leave this barren place.

Of course, some tourists still choose to stay.

After all, you can't waste gas and ticket money.

There are probably hundreds of tourists who continue to play in the Fantasy Light Park.......

To be honest, there is nothing fun in Fantasy Light Park.

Most of them are giant statues and toys, many of which have lost their paint and are in a dilapidated state.

If it weren't for Takatsuki Izumi coming to hold a book signing event, I'm afraid there would be no more than ten visitors a day.

After leaving the book signing event, Gudong and Yechen and his group continued to stroll around for a while.

During this time, Tian Mark and Fangcun Gongshan were talking and laughing, chatting about family matters.

Fangcun Gongshan claimed to be the manager of the Antique Coffee Shop, which was in line with his identity.

But when he asked about Tian Mark's identity.

Tian Mark just smiled and said,"I'm just an ordinary plumber, and I'm retired. Now I can only enjoy my retirement."

"Really? Just like me."Yoshimura Gongshan smiled kindly.

At this point, the two old men couldn't help but laugh and began to talk about their heroic deeds when they were young.

For example, how they hooked up with their wives and their frivolous youth.......

"Hey, you are so cool? Dong Xiang stepped forward and grabbed Ye Chen's collar, getting close to his face.

Looking at the beautiful face so close, Ye Chen glanced at Dong Xiang.

"What can I do for you?"

Dong Xiang did not speak, but moved closer to Ye Chen's neck, sniffed carefully, and exhaled warm breath.

""Hey, what are you doing? You want to do something bad to me in broad daylight?"

Ye Chen was shocked and pushed Kirishima Dongxiang away.

He thought Dongxiang was hungry and wanted to eat him.

Dongxiang didn't get angry when she heard this, but looked at Ye Chen seriously.

"You smell like that woman......."

SSS-class ghoul Yoshimura Kozen, codenamed"The Unkillable Owl"

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