S-rank ghoul Kirishima Touka, codenamed"Rabbit"......

"What kind of woman's smell is that?"

Tian Xiaowen hurriedly came forward and smelled Yechen's clothes, with a puzzled look on her face.

"No, it still smells like our laundry detergent."

Touka's eyes were cold, and she said nothing.

The smell she was referring to was not laundry detergent, of course.

It was the smell of Kamishiro Rize!

SS-level ghoul, codenamed"Big Ghoul".

Some people also call her"Gluttony Girl".

Generally speaking, ghouls only need to eat one person a month to meet the nutritional needs of the body.

But Kamishiro Rize has a huge appetite and enjoys eating people. She may hunt several humans a week and immerse herself in a state of"never being satisfied".

It is rumored that not long ago, Kamishiro Rize was hunting a young man and was accidentally hit by a steel bar and disappeared since then.

Her kuriku was transplanted to the young man.

And that young man was Kaneki Ken

"You and Kaneki Ken smell a lot like that woman."Kirishima Touka stared at Yechen's eyes seriously:"But you are different from him."

"You seem to be human......."

Ghouls have a very keen sense of smell and can distinguish between humans and ghouls.

"Of course I am."Ye Chen smiled faintly.

The system only gave him the physique of an S-level ghoul, not completely turning him into a ghoul.

However, after exchanging for Kamishiro Rize's kagune, his body became closer to that of a ghoul.

For this reason, the system set up a protective layer in Ye Chen's body to prevent the kagune from absorbing too many RC cells and turning him into a real ghoul.

It seems that Kirishima Touka and the others must have smelled the scent of Kamishiro Rize's kagune.

"Hey, stop staring blankly, can you tell me what's going on?" Kirishima Touka asked

"No comment." Ye Chen shook his head,"Also, curiosity kills the cat, knowing too much is not good for you"

"You bastard......"

Dong Xiang closed her eyes, clenched her fists, and wanted to hit someone

""Forget it, everyone has their own little secrets." The demon ape began to smooth things over.

"Yeah, let's keep playing......."Rumi Xuan smiled and said,"Hey, there's a giant toothpick over there. Let's go check it out!"

Then, Rumi Xuan carried Kirishima Touka and ran away to prevent the two from fighting.

"Hey, wait for me!" Gu Jianyuan felt abandoned and hurried to catch up,"You two dishonest guys, be careful or the demon ape will come and teach you a lesson."....."

Kaneki Ken stood there in a daze, somewhat at a loss

"that......Let's go over there and take a look." He looked at Ye Chen and pointed to the toothpick mold not far away.

""Yeah." Ye Chen nodded slightly.

He looked at Kaneki Ken, who was wearing an eye mask, with a sharp gaze.

Kaneki Ken passed by Ye Chen, raising a fragrant breeze, mixed with the smell of humans and ghouls, that was the kagune of Kamishiro Rize

"It has been transformed......."Ye Chen narrowed his eyes slightly.

At this time, Tian Xiaoban's voice came from the side.

"Oh my god, why do I feel these people are so weird, so strange." He hugged his shoulders, feeling a little creepy.

The people in the antique coffee shop spoke in a vague and mysterious way, as if they had a secret.

Everyone quickly gathered in front of the giant toothpick to watch.

A huge bamboo stick bucket stood on the roof, filled with giant white toothpicks, each of which was more than ten meters long, flashing a cold light.

"Wow, if I get pricked by this, it will definitely hurt like hell, right?" Tian Xiaoban showed an exaggerated expression.

"Silly, it will be gone after just one prick." Tian Xiaowen was holding a lollipop.

Tian Mark was standing nearby,"Hey, I had this giant toothpick when I was very young and I have kept it until now. It is considered an antique."

"Grandpa, you are also an antique." Tian Xiaoban laughed evilly.

Tian Mark was stunned, then laughed:"Yes, I am also an antique"

"I think so too." The store manager laughed.

""Manager, we've had enough fun, shall we go home?" Irimi Xuan came over and asked.

Ghouls should stay out of the house less often to avoid exposing their identities.

It would be very troublesome if they were targeted by CCG.

Yoshimura Kousen nodded and looked at his watch.

It was almost four o'clock in the afternoon.

"Well, that's about it." Fangcun Gongshan turned around and looked at Tian Mark:"Friend, let's play together next time. We have to go back to the coffee shop."

"Well, then."Tian Mark felt a little regretful. He and Fangcun Gongshan got along well.

Then, Fangcun Gongshan walked in front of Yechen under the gaze of everyone.

"This is my business card. Welcome to visit Antique Coffee Shop next time."

Looking at the business card handed over by Fangcun Gongshan, Ye Chen hesitated for a moment and reached out to take it.

"I will definitely do it if I have a chance." Ye Chen smiled calmly.

Do you want to taste the coffee made by the ghoul?

"See you later, everyone."

Yoshimura Kousen walked ahead and was about to lead many ghouls away.

"Wait a minute." Tian Mark suddenly called them and ran forward and said,"I suddenly remembered that there is another super fun and super weird entertainment facility in Fantasy Light Park. Do you want to go and see it together?"

"Manager." Rujian Xuan asked with a questioning look.

Fangcun Gongshan squinted his eyes all the time, with a smile on his lips:"Okay, since our old friend invited us, let's go for a visit, it won't be too late to go back later."

"That's great! It's fun to play together, hehe."

Mark Tian put his arm around the store manager's shoulders and walked back quickly.

"Ah! So boring, I really want to go back." Kirishima Touka could not hold on any longer.

She didn't understand what was so fun about this crappy place.

Super weird entertainment facilities?

Are they as weird as those ghouls?

"Don't worry, this entertainment facility will be fun."Ye Chen smiled meaningfully.

"I don't believe it." Dong Xiang snorted and turned her head away.

"Forget it, Dong Xiang, let's go with the store manager, he should be back soon."Ru Jianxuan said gently

"Well, since Sister Rujian said so, I'll go and see what the super fun facility someone said is."

Dong Xiang puffed out her proud chest, swaggered forward, and looked at Ye Chen:"If it's not fun, you're done, I'll uproot you......."

As she spoke, Dong Xiang also made a hand gesture that looked scary.

"Oh my god, this woman is so scary, even worse than Xiaowen."Tian Xiaoban couldn't help but say.

Everyone quickly moved forward.

After a while, they came to the deepest part of the Fantasy Light Paradise.

What came into view was a tall and mysterious black house, which was dim and dark, like a monster with a huge mouth of the abyss. The director stood at the door and had been waiting for a long time.

"Welcome to the greatest and weirdest attraction in the Fantasy Lights!"

"You will experience a wonderful journey......" ps: Guess who will be the next new hero.

Tips: You can restrain that light......

White-haired Jinmu (currently black-haired, low level)

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