The mechanical tiger, although its skull is sunken, does not affect its movement.

As long as the chip in its skull is not damaged, it can continue to move.

It will fight to the death until it kills its target!

"Discover the Omnitrix!"

"Found the Omnitrix!"

The mechanical tiger's eyes were red, and it locked onto the Omnitrix on the Four-Handed Overlord.

"Come on!"

The four-handed king was rubbing his hands, eager to try.

At the same time,

Tian Mark and others were evacuating the tourists.

"Don't panic, run over here!"

Tian Mark said, and was about to lead the tourists to escape through a gap.

However, one tourist suddenly stopped and shouted

"Look, what a weirdo that is!"

Everyone was shocked and turned their heads at the same time.

They saw a strong man with four hands and four eyes, with muscles all over his body and red skin, fighting with a mechanical tiger!

The hard iron fist actually beat the mechanical tiger back again and again, and it was in a mess.

The tourists who were originally terrified suddenly cheered and were very excited.

"Great! Someone came to rescue us!"

"Oh my goodness! This must be a messenger sent by God!"

"Come on, Brother Four Hands! Beat up that monster!"

At this moment, the tourists have forgotten to run away, and they all want to witness this exciting battle.

"Come on, Four-Handed Overlord!"Tian Xiaoban laughed.

As soon as Ye Chen turned into this alien, Tian Xiaoban had already given him a name.

Four hands and four eyes, extremely domineering, just like a king!

So he was named: Four-Handed Overlord!

"Night brother is very popular......"Xiaowen lowered her head, not knowing what she was thinking about.

"Small......Come on, Four-Handed Overlord!" Tian Mark clenched his fists and shouted,"Smash these weirdos into scrap metal!"


The mechanical tiger opened its fangs and pounced on the four-handed king.

Everyone's heart was in their throat.

That was a ferocious steel beast! It could smash a tree with one palm!

Could the four-handed strong man really withstand it?

However, the next scene made the tourists stunned.


The Four-Handed Overlord said calmly.

Facing the ferocious mechanical tiger, he was not afraid at all.

He stretched out his strong arms and grabbed the mechanical tiger's neck like lightning.

He slammed it to the ground!


The mechanical tiger was like a helpless chicken, being pressed to the ground by the Four-Handed Overlord, unable to move. The four claws scratched the Four-Handed Overlord's arms desperately, but they couldn't even scratch its skin.

"What a perverted defense!"

"Too strong! Four-handed brother!"

"I love it. Is it so hard?......"The sexy lady's eyes were blurred and her red lips were slightly parted.

She had already changed her underwear. She was wearing a black short skirt, which was extremely charming.

Her beautiful eyes looking at the four-handed overlord were full of passion and admiration.

"It's over!"

The four-armed king reached out and grabbed the upper and lower jaws of the mechanical tiger.


The Four-Handed Overlord suddenly exerted force and pried the mechanical tiger's mouth apart.


The mechanical tiger struggled in fear. It knew what was going to happen.

But to the Four-Handed Overlord, this was just a fearless struggle.


The mechanical tiger's head was forcibly broken in half!

The chips and circuits inside were exposed.

"It's over."

The four-handed king smiled coldly and threw out a terrifying iron fist.

With a bang, the head of the mechanical tiger exploded completely.

Including the smart chip, it was destroyed in the dazzling flames.

Many tourists were stunned at first, and then they cheered enthusiastically.

"Awesome! Brother Four Hands, you are awesome!"

"Brother Sishou, you are awesome! Come to my house tonight!"

"No! Brother Four Hands wants to go to my house to see the cats!"The blonde retorted

"My dog can do backflips! He should go to my house!" A beautiful girl with twin ponytails said righteously.

The Four-Handed Overlord defeated the Mechanical Tiger and saved everyone present!

So they all agreed that the Four-Handed Overlord was not a bad guy!

He was a hero who saved them!

【Congratulations to the host for destroying the"Mechanical Tiger" and obtaining 500 points!】

【Current points: 1500!】

"Hero, you are the hero who saved us!"

Everyone rushed forward and surrounded the Four-Handed Overlord.

Many beauties even took out their iPhones and rushed to take photos with the Four-Handed Overlord.

They were all impressed by the might of the Four-Handed Overlord.

Scissor hand, thumbs up......They made all kinds of poses and winked, trying to find the best angle to take the photo and then post it to their friends.

Some even put their fair palms on the solid chest muscles of the four-handed king, gently hooked one of their legs and attached it to the four-handed king, revealing a charming and delicate expression.

And they focused their eyes on the camera.


A photo of an alien strongman and a beautiful girl was quickly posted to YouTube.

As soon as the photo came out, it immediately attracted widespread attention, and the number of likes and followers soared!

Many people were shocked by this strange creature and claimed that it was an alien.

But some people said that this was a staged photo, and the so-called four-handed king was just a prop for the performance.......

The four-handed king was blocked by a group of beauties and felt a little embarrassed. He scratched his head.

"As expected of a foreign woman, she is so open...."

They are not even afraid of aliens!!

But if you think about it carefully, it is true.

In the United States, the culture of superheroes is very strong. Movie characters like Iron Man and Captain America have long been deeply rooted in people's hearts.

At this time, a character comparable to a superhero appeared out of thin air. Although his appearance was a bit scary, he also saved everyone present.

He awakened the heroes in their hearts!

Superheroes really exist!

In the forest, there were endless cheers and photos.

However, just as everyone was cheering. At the other end of the forest.

Another terrifying mechanical tiger rushed out!


It stared at the Four-Handed Overlord with its ruby-like eyes.

"Discover the Omnitrix!"

""The target has been locked!"

This sudden change frightened the tourists and made them flee in panic.

In the blink of an eye, they all disappeared!

"Ah! Another mechanical tiger!"

"Brother Four Hands! Please help us one more time!"

""Big hero! As long as you beat this weirdo, I will do anything for you!" The blonde girl's eyes sparkled and she shouted in a tender voice.

Everyone ran to a nearby place to continue watching.

They firmly believed that the Four-Handed Overlord would be able to defeat the Mechanical Tiger again and save everyone!

【"Mechanical Tiger" detected, destroy it to get 500 points! 】

The four-handed king clenched his fist and was about to attack.

Suddenly, there was a rapid sound of breaking through the air above his head.

The four-handed king looked up suddenly. His golden eyes flashed instantly, and he hurriedly dodged to the side.

Boom - the next second, a giant robot, wrapped in powerful force, suddenly fell to the ground.

The surrounding ground shook violently.

Sand and stones flew, and thick smoke billowed.

The fierce air wave overturned a large number of trees, as unstoppable as destroying withered trees.

Many tourists screamed wildly, covering their eyes, and were unable to open their eyes due to the strong wind and dust.

When the smoke and dust dissipated.

The four-handed king saw clearly what was inside.

It was a robot more than ten meters tall!

Its eyes were red and it was covered with dark yellow armor.

It had four thick legs, like a pillar supporting the whole body.

It just stood there, but it brought a great sense of oppression!

The black shadow cast enveloped everyone present.

Everyone panicked even more!

Tian Mark's face was very ugly,"This guy is not easy to deal with......."

【"Giant robot" detected, destroy it to get 1500 points! 】

The system's prompt sound echoed in the Four-Handed Overlord's mind.

The Four-Handed Overlord looked at him with a sharp gaze and said calmly:"Being too tall may not be a good thing."


At this time, the mechanical tiger took the lead.

It flew past the giant robot, turned into a silver cannonball, and rushed over fiercely.

The four-handed tyrant looked down on it, picked up the tiger corpse on the ground, and threw it directly at the opponent.

The terrifying kinetic energy instantly knocked the mechanical tiger unconscious.

The chip in its head was temporarily short-circuited.

The whole mechanical tiger fell to the ground, twitching wildly.

The four-handed tyrant rushed forward and stomped on the mechanical tiger's head!


【Congratulations to the host for destroying the"Mechanical Tiger" and obtaining 500 points!】

【Current points: 2000! 】

The Four-Handed Overlord slowly turned around and looked up at the giant robot

"Now, it's just you......."

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