At this moment, the Four-Handed Overlord was alone, facing the giant robot, as small as an ant.

But his momentum was not inferior to the other party.

Through the robot's perspective, Vilgax smiled coldly and stared at the Four-Handed Overlord with disdain.

"Oh, do you think you can defeat my men by becoming a lower species like the Taizoman?"


"I spent a lot of money to hire the best weapons master in the galaxy to build this killing machine!"

"It cost me ten pieces of Tianjing jade!"

"You are just a little kid from Earth, and you still want to defeat me? Dream on!"

Vilgax is very confident about the power of the giant robot.

Seeing such a terrifying robot, many tourists are terrified, their legs tremble.

"It’s over. This robot is so scary. Can Big Brother Four-Hand defeat it?"

"This robot is so big and the size difference is so huge that Big Brother Four-Handed definitely can’t beat it!"

"Oh my god! Let's run!"

At this time, most of the tourists have begun to retreat.

After all, the size difference between the four-armed overlord and the giant robot is too great!

It's like a cheetah facing a strong elephant!

No matter how you look at it, the four-armed overlord has no advantage.

Tian Mark frowned slightly,"This robot is not easy to deal with, can Xiaoye handle it?......"

He's fought giant robots before and learned how powerful they are.

"Don't worry, Grandpa, the Four-Handed Overlord is not a vegetarian!"Xiaoban laughed carelessly.

"Brother Ye, you have to work hard!"

Tian Xiaowen looked concerned and worried at the Four-Handed Overlord not far away.

Under the bright moonlight, the giant robot stared with bloodshot eyes and locked onto the Four-Handed Overlord.

"Discover the Omnitrix!"

""Seize the Omnitrix!"

As it spoke, it raised its clawed palm and shot out a scarlet beam.

The Four-Handed Overlord snorted coldly and waved his hand casually, instantly destroying the scarlet beam!

"Too weak!"

Even with this strength, it couldn't hurt his skin!

The giant robot was not discouraged, and directly clenched its mechanical fist, wrapped in fierce power, and slammed towards the four-handed king.

A terrifying sonic boom suddenly sounded!

You can see the power of this punch!

Just when everyone thought that the four-handed king was going to be smashed into a meat pie by the robot.

The four-handed king smiled coldly, stretched out his strong arm, and tightly grasped the robot's fist!

The giant robot Luan had enough power, and the internal engine was madly driven.

But it was difficult to advance even half a point!

"What! They can actually catch the fist of the killing robot! ?"

In the control room, Vilgax's eyes widened as he looked at this scene in disbelief.

When did the Taizoman become so powerful?!

"It's incredible...."Tian Mark looked at the battlefield in shock

"Hehe, I told you! Xiao Xiaoxu is definitely not a match for Brother Ye."Tian Xiaoban smiled triumphantly.

Tian Xiaowen looked at the Four-Handed Overlord with even more admiration.

The expressions of many tourists were wonderful.

Shock - puzzlement - joy - admiration!

Finally, worship!

The visual impact brought by the Four-Handed Overlord's hard reception of the robot's fist deeply shocked them!

It was like a kitten blocking a tiger!

It was incredible!

The giant robot screamed, and two laser blades burst out from its eyes, trying to kill the Four-Handed Overlord.

The Four-Handed Overlord had expected it, and he dodged it nimbly with a clever sidestep.


The hot laser blades actually pierced directly through the place where the Four-Handed Overlord had just stood, leaving two deep knife marks.

"Increase the firepower! Use your strongest attack!"The veins on Vilgax's forehead bulged.

A robot trembled and whispered,"Master, you can only use the strongest attack twice."

"use or not?"

"Nonsense! Use it immediately!"Vilgax was so angry that bubbles came out of his mouth,"Destroy this little earth devil for me and take back the Omnitrix!"

""Yes!" The robot immediately went to control the giant robot.

At the same time, after dodging the laser blade, the Four-Handed Overlord rushed to the foot of the giant robot. Immediately

, he jumped up like a cannonball and rushed straight to the head of the giant robot!

He wanted to destroy the core of the giant robot!

But the giant robot reacted quickly and immediately raised an arm to try to block the Four-Handed Overlord.


The next second, the Four-Handed Overlord's fist instantly smashed the mechanical arm into pieces.

It shattered into mechanical parts all over the sky, and fell on the muddy ground.

"WOW! Four-handed brother is awesome!"

"Too strong! That mechanical weirdo is no match at all!"

Many tourists' eyes were full of hope.

They had even seen the scene of the four-handed overlord defeating the giant robot.

After smashing the robot's arm, the four-handed overlord was unable to gain leverage in the air and fell straight to the ground.

He raised his head and was about to attack again.

Unexpectedly, a terrifying green light ignited in the mouth of the giant robot!

It spewed out instantly!

The speed was extremely fast!

This attack consumed 50% of the energy in the robot's body, which shows how powerful it is. The fierce and hot green light, like the embrace of the god of death, directly enveloped the four-handed overlord.

There was no time to dodge!


With a loud thunder, the four-handed overlord was annihilated in the endless green light.

The violent heat wave swept around, burning a large number of leaves to ashes, and the birds and beasts scattered.

The onlookers screamed loudly and hurriedly retreated to a distance, fearing that they would be affected.

""Xiao Ye!" Tian Mark could no longer care about that and shouted loudly.

If Ye Chen died, how would he explain to his comrades?

"Brother Ye!"

Xiaoban and Xiaowen shouted in unison

"It’s over, it’s really over now! The four-handed monster has been killed!"

"Run, family!"

"The four-armed big guy can't beat the robot!"

Apparently, the tourists all agreed that the four-armed overlord had died in the flames of the explosion.

""Who said I can't beat him?"

A powerful voice resounded through the forest.

Everyone was stunned and looked towards the source of the voice. Their bodies trembled.

In the remaining jumping flames, a towering figure slowly stood up.

The clothes of the Four-Handed Overlord were stained with a little black, but his skin was intact.

The four golden pupils were piercing, without any signs of injury at all!

Everyone was dumbfounded!

Oh my goodness, he was unscathed by such a terrifying laser?

How abnormal is his defense!

"You think you can kill me with just this little attack?"


The Four-Handed Overlord looked up at the robot that blocked out the sky with disdain.

"This is outrageous! Get rid of this Taizoman immediately!" Vilgax was furious, and bubbles were popping out of his mouth.

How dare this damned Earthling shout at him!

When he recovers, he will go to Earth and slaughter all humans!

"Yes!"The robot nodded immediately and sent the command.

The last and strongest attack!

The giant robot's eyes ignited with"green flames", surging like a furnace.

Its terrifying temperature even burned some parts of its body.


A dark green fatal death light spewed out from its mouth and attacked the Four-Handed Overlord directly!

This attack exhausted the energy of the giant robot!

Compared with the previous death light, the power was even greater!

The breath of destruction, with an overwhelming force, rushed towards him!

It almost burned the entire forest!

""Four-Handed Overlord, be careful!"

Tian Mark shouted not far away.

With his sharp eyes, he could naturally see that this attack was extremely powerful!

Ordinary plumbers' weapons could not resist it at all!

However, under the shadow of the moonlight, the Four-Handed Overlord's profile outlined a clear outline, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

"That's it?"

"Consume all points to strengthen the Four-Handed Overlord attack!"

【Ding~ Strengthening successful!】

【Consume 2000 points to strengthen the Four-Handed Overlord's attack by 25%!】

【Current points: 0]

To ensure that nothing goes wrong.

The Four-Handed Overlord directly consumes points, and his attack power surges!

A powerful force instantly spreads throughout the Four-Handed Overlord's body!

The Four-Handed Overlord is excited, and his whole body is trembling with excitement

"This force......"

It was so wonderful!

He even felt that he could smash a mountain with one punch!


The blazing green death light arrived as promised!

The eyes of the Four-Handed Overlord reflected a green

"Come on then!"

The Four-Handed Overlord slightly bent his knees and clenched his bloody iron fist.

Boom - the ground beneath his feet shattered, exploding a circle of white air waves.

A strong red shadow shot out like a cannonball!

The Four-Handed Overlord shouted angrily, gathering all his energy, and punched out the strongest punch!

The brutal force actually erupted into a circle of Mach rings, tearing apart the death light along the way with a force of ten thousand pounds!

The green light and shadows in the sky, as if they had encountered a nemesis, made way for a wide road.

Until in front of the giant robot!

"It's over!"

The Four-Handed Overlord smashed the giant robot's head with one punch.


Various pieces of steel and parts exploded and scattered.

At the same time.

The huge body of the giant robot slowly fell down and hit the ground, making a huge noise.


The Four-Handed Overlord landed steadily, his posture was strong and powerful, and he was majestic.

【Congratulations to the host for destroying the"giant robot" and getting 1500 points】

【Current points: 1500. 】

On the spaceship, Vilgax was almost mad to death, shaking with anxiety.

"Ahhh! I'm so mad!"

"The killing machine couldn't even beat that little devil!!"

"Ask the weapon master to create more powerful weapons immediately!"

"Yes!"The robot responded


"Recruit mercenaries in the universe immediately! Bring back the Omnitrix for me!"

Vilgax said coldly, staring at the black screen in front of him.

"Yes sir!"......

At the campsite, everyone looked at the fallen giant robot and opened their mouths in surprise.

Then they cheered loudly.

"Wow! The four-handed brother defeated the robot monster!"

"Oh my god! This must be the messenger sent by God to save mankind!"

"Brother Four Hands, you are awesome!"

Many tourists were excited and rushed to the Four Hands Overlord, crowding around him.

"You monsters, stay away from him......."

Tian Xiaowen gritted her teeth and tried to squeeze in.

But she was too small and was squeezed out again.

"Xiaoye's transformation into a four-handed tyrant is not ordinary."Tian Mark looked at the four-handed tyrant not far away, thinking.

"Hey, I told you so!"Tian Xiaoban crossed his hands and smiled triumphantly,"Brother Ye will be fine!"


At this time, the Omnitrix on the Four-Handed Overlord's arm flashed.

"Oh no, it’s time to transform!"

The Four-Handed Overlord immediately pulled away the beautiful woman's hands, jumped up, and jumped onto the tree.

In a few flashes, he disappeared from everyone's sight.

"Hey, Brother Four Hands, where are you going?"

"Don't run! Sister, I don't eat people!"

"What a pity, he ran away......."......

After a while,

Ye Chen walked out of the woods and met up with Tian Mark and the others.

After some preparation, they returned to the old car and set off again to the next destination.......

I saw an interesting picture, so I sent it to you.

There are many beautiful pictures later~~

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