In a dark cave,

Luo Jiao covered her head in pain, her blood-red hair dancing wildly, as terrifying as a poisonous snake.


She rolled on the ground, her black armor covered with mud.

""Who are you?"

At this moment, a terrifying green octopus head appeared in Luo Jiao's mind!

Its scarlet eyes were full of ferocity, its mouth was full of tentacles, and its head was bald. It was like a devil from hell, whispering in Luo Jiao's ear!

It was driving her crazy!

"Damn flower branch, who the hell are you!"

"Why did it appear in my body!"

Luo Jiao shouted

""No questions allowed!"

The green octopus head roared, his eyes full of murderous intent, very scary.

He was Vilgax far away in outer space.

The remains of the octopus robot transformed Luo Jiao's body, turning her into a semi-mechanical life form.

Vilgax could remotely control Luo Jiao.

It can be said that he controlled Luo Jiao's life and death.

"Listen, stupid earthlings."

"It was me who gave you new life and unparalleled power. You should be grateful to me and obey my orders from now on!"

The powerful voice of Mojas sounded.

Luo Jiao sneered,"Who do you think you are, to dare to order me around?"

"Believe it or not, I will pluck out all the flowers around your mouth!"

Mojias was furious when he heard this,"How unreasonable!"

Luo Jiao suddenly felt a sharp pain in her head, as if an electric current was touching her brain!

"Spare my life, I won't dare to do it again!" Luo Jiao begged for mercy.

Soon, the pain gradually faded.

Mojas snorted coldly,"If you do it again, I will turn you into ashes."

"Got it." Luo Jiao panted heavily. She already knew her situation.

If she didn't obey this big devil, she would die miserably.

"Listen, help me find the Omnitrix, then take it and give it to me, understand?" Vilgax said coldly.

"I understand." Luo Jiao reluctantly agreed and asked,"But what is that thing you are talking about?"

"It's an alien watch." Vilgax narrowed his eyes slightly,"Don't worry about that. You have an Omnitrix detector implanted in your body. As long as the transformation signal is detected, you will know immediately."

""Okay." Luo Jiao nodded.

In the dark cave, a blood-red snake pupil light ignited.............

On the other side.

In the KFC restaurant.

Ye Chen and Takatsuki Izumi are already eating.

Takatsuki Izumi is sitting by the window, eating with her mouth full of oil, her pretty face full of happiness and excitement

"Wow! This honey roast chicken is so delicious!"

Takatsuki Izumi wore disposable gloves, tore the honey roast chicken by hand, and put it into his mouth, eating it in amazement.

It was as if he hadn't eaten for a hundred years.

"Teacher Gao, eat slowly."Ye Chen smiled bitterly, fearing that the other party would choke.

It turned out that Takatsuki Izumi's life was so tight that he had never even eaten KFC.

I think it was to save money so that he could take in more wandering ghouls.

Ye Chen remembered that in the original work, the purpose of Yoshimura Eto to establish the Aogiri Tree was not to destroy mankind.

Instead, he dreamed of creating a world where ghouls could survive normally.

But the final ending was not satisfactory, and almost all members of the Bronze Tree were destroyed. As the leader, Yoshimura Eto was forced to eat meat containing RC cell inhibitors, which weakened his strength and was torn apart by the cunning Furuta Nifuku.

This was not over yet. The dying Yoshimura Eto was transformed into a"killing machine" with a cross on his head. He was controlled by the priest of the Joker Organization and swept through a group of ghouls and humans.

With his strong willpower, Yoshimura Eto finally had a last moment, briefly recovered his consciousness, severely injured the leader of the V Organization, Mustard, and helped the Allied Forces kill this scourge.

The V organization, after all, is just a lackey of the"He Xiu Family", specializing in helping them deal with shady things, similar to an assassination organization.

In the end, Fangcun Aite, who was exhausted, died.......

It can be said that Yoshimura At is a"beautiful, strong and miserable" female character.

Perhaps, I can change all this?

Ye Chen shook his head and picked up a beef burger and started to chew on it.

Let's talk about the future later.

Anyway, whether it is CCG, the Xiu family, or other ghoul organizations, they are not his opponents when combined.

Omnitrix, Snow Mastiff Armor Summoning Device, any one of them is not something these trash can contend with.

Not to mention that he also has a system.

There are still many items that can be exchanged in the system mall, all kinds of elixirs and weapons, dazzling.

Thinking of this, Ye Chen felt that it was time to upgrade his ghoul level.

He is only S-level now, and his combat power is equivalent to the quasi-special level of CCG.

"Find a time to upgrade to SS level."Ye Chen decided secretly.

SS level is definitely considered strong in the ghoul world.

By then, his self-protection ability will be further improved.

Ye Chen ate the beef burger and took a sip of Coke, feeling refreshed.

Suddenly, a honey chicken leg appeared in front of him.

Ye Chen looked sideways and found that it was handed to him by Takatsuki Izumi with an innocent look in his eyes.

"Do you want to try mine?"

Takatsuki Izumi's beautiful eyes curved into a pair of crescents, with a little meat hanging from the corners of her mouth, giving her a different kind of beauty.

"I have one myself."

Ye Chen looked at the intact honey-roasted chicken in front of him.

"It's different. I'm feeding you."Takatsuki Izumi smiled.

"No, I can tear it myself." Ye Chen shook his head slightly.

As he spoke, he was about to get his roast chicken.

Takatsuki Izumi quickly pushed Ye Chen's hand away, handed the chicken leg closer, and whispered:"Hey, just take a bite"

"This meal is your treat, I can't eat for free"

"You pay, I work"

"Isn't this fair? Hehe!"

Facing Gao Tsukiquan's soft and hard persuasion, Ye Chen sighed and finally compromised.

"Come on, open your mouth." Gao Tsukiquan gestured to Ye Chen like coaxing a child:"Ah......"

Well, it's like a caring older sister coaxing her younger brother to eat.

Ye Chen ate his chicken leg while looking at Takatsuki Izumi. Takatsuki Izumi held his chin up, facing Ye Chen who was eating, and a smile occasionally appeared on his lips.

"Are you full?" Ye Chen asked

"Um....It depends on the situation."Takatsuki Izumi touched his stomach, feeling a little embarrassed.

" What do you mean by"depends on the situation"? Can you adjust the hunger level?" Ye Chen knew that Gao Tsuki Izumi was not full, but was too embarrassed to say it.

Then, he handed all the honey-roasted chicken and French fries in front of him to Gao Tsuki Izumi.

When Gao Tsuki Izumi saw these, she immediately waved her hand and said no.

But her body's reaction still betrayed her. At this moment, Gao Tsuki Izumi's mouth was drooling.

"She said no, but her body was honest."Ye Chen smiled faintly.

Gao Tsuki Izumi blushed,"You bastard!....Asshole, what are you talking about?"

"This is my natural reaction, a basic respect for food."

She subconsciously spoke Japanese because she didn't know how to curse in English.

In order to immigrate to the United States, Takatsuki Izumi also studied English for a long time, and there was no problem with daily communication.

Looking at Takatsuki Izumi's angry look, Ye Chen inexplicably felt that it was a little cute

"Okay, Mr. Gao, I understand. Please take your time eating."

"Not enough, I'll order more"

"Good!" Gao Tsukiquan put his hands together, looking pious,"Then I'll start."

After saying that, she began to eat heartily.

Ye Chen just watched her quietly.

"Why are you looking at me like that? I'm embarrassed......."

Takatsuki Izumi's cheeks were bulging with food, like a cute pufferfish.

After a while, an excited boy ran over.......

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