"please....Excuse me, is this teacher Takatsuki Izumi?"

The boy looked at the green-haired girl nervously, his heart pounding.

"No, you got the wrong person."Takatsuki Izumi didn't blush, and continued to eat the chicken leg.

It would be troublesome to be recognized by fans, and it would be easy to be surrounded, and it would be difficult to leave later.

But other customers nearby also noticed Takatsuki Izumi.

"Ah, it’s really Izumi Takatsuki!"

"No way, why would a great writer from the Land of Sakura come to eat at KFC?"

"I saw her at a book signing, and she's exactly the same!"

"Ah! I want Miss Takatsuki Izumi's autograph!"

Instantly, most of the customers in the store rushed up, scrambling to get autographed photos.

"You are quite famous." Ye Chen looked at Takatsuki Izumi.

Takatsuki Izumi shrugged and sighed helplessly,"Are you ready?"

"what to prepare?"

"Run away!"

As soon as the words fell, Gao Tsukizumi's little hand immediately grabbed Ye Chen, squeezed through the crowd, and ran away like a flying man!

The fans behind him were like zombies, chasing them relentlessly.

In this downtown area, the two did not dare to use superhuman speed.

"Are your fans usually this enthusiastic?"Ye Chen asked loudly

"I'm used to it!" Takatsuki Izumi responded loudly,"It's so annoying, where should I go?......"

"Hey, got it!"

Takatsuki Izumi seemed to notice something, and pulled Ye Chen into a small alley, hiding in a dimly lit store.

A group of fanatical fans rushed past like a thousand troops, and did not notice the two.

"Phew~ That was a close call, we were almost surrounded." Takatsuki Izumi patted his chest.

"So, what's the meaning of bringing me here?" Ye Chen suddenly asked.

Gao Tsukiquan came back to his senses and looked around.

"Hey! This is......"

The dimly lit store is home to several adult self-service vending machines.

There are small dolls, small umbrellas,......

Takatsuki Izumi's face turned red with shame, and she lowered her head and whispered as softly as a mosquito:"Sorry, I don't know where this is......."

She felt very embarrassed.

Although she was the leader of the Qingtong Tree, she had never experienced sex. She had never even been in love.......

"How old are you this year?"Ye Chen asked knowingly.

"I....24 years old."Takatsuki Izumi replied

"Then why are you still like a child, being shy when it comes to this kind of thing?" Ye Chen asked with a smile

"Ah, mixed......Bastard, don't look down on me!" Takatsuki Izumi suddenly became stubborn,"People don't have age, they only have experience."

"At first glance, it makes sense."Ye Chen nodded slightly.

"How old are you this year?" Takatsuki asked curiously.


"Oh, that's quite small."Takatsuki Izumi thought, six years younger than her.

"I'm not just talking about age."Ye Chen emphasized

""Ah?" Takatsuki Izumi was stunned for a moment, then seemed to think of something, and his face turned red to his ears!

"You bastard!"

Takatsuki Izumi slapped Yechen's chest in anger, wishing he could eat him up.

How dare this damn little guy tease me?

Don't think you can do whatever you want just because you're handsome.

"Let's go, do you still want to live here?"Ye Chen walked out.

"Wait for me!"

Takatsuki Izumi hurriedly followed......

The moon was bright and the stars were sparse. The gentle evening breeze ruffled the girl's hair.

The two of them took a walk in the park.

Ye Chen looked at the time and found that it was only nine o'clock in the evening.

Tian Mark had given him a limit that he could not go back before twelve o'clock.

In other words, Ye Chen had to accompany Gao Tsukuiquan for three hours.

"I don't know what grandpa thinks......."Ye Chen was somewhat helpless.

It was also his first time to date a girl, and he had no idea where to go.

At this time, Gao Tsukiquan yawned and said,"I'm a little sleepy......."

""How about finding a place to rest?" Ye Chen asked casually.

As soon as he finished speaking, he felt something was wrong.

It seemed like he was trying to trick an ignorant girl into going to the hotel to do something.

"All is fine." Takatsuki Izumi smiled slightly.

"Okay, I'll get you a room so you can rest."

Ye Chen decided to send Gao Zuquan to the hotel, and then quietly slip away.

After twelve o'clock, he would go back to the old broken car to find Xiaoban and the others.

"Then will you accompany me?" Takatsuki Izumi blinked,"It would be boring to be alone in a hotel."

"No, you can play games on WiFi."Ye Chen said

"But I don't have a cell phone."

Gao Tsukiquan scratched her head awkwardly, she forgot to bring it today.

Ye Chen:"......"

In this way, the two walked towards the nearest hotel.

When passing a movie theater, Takatsuki Izumi's beautiful eyes lit up,"Hey, how about we go to the movies?"

"Aren’t you sleepy anymore?"

"I'm not sleepy anymore."

Ye Chen:"......"

"What movie do you want to watch?"

Ye Chen hadn't watched a movie for a long time.

Takatsuki Izumi blinked his big eyes and scanned the movie posters,"Hmm~ this one!"

On the poster, there was a young man and woman standing opposite each other, but as if they were separated by endless time and space, they could only stop and watch from afar.

《Your Name, anime.

Ye Chen was stunned. He had never seen this movie.

"It looks good."

Then, he took out his phone and started buying tickets.

Soon, the two entered the cinema.

According to the showtime on the ticket, they entered the designated screening room and waited for the movie to start.

About ten minutes later, the lights in the screening room went out and the surroundings fell into darkness.

"What's going on?" Takatsuki Izumi suddenly grabbed Yechen's arm, seeming a little nervous.

Her eyes became sharp, and she looked around vigilantly, as if on guard against the enemy.

Yechen glanced at her and sighed,"The movie is about to start, of course we have to turn off the lights."

"Ah?" Gao Tsuki let go of Ye Chen embarrassedly,"I....I don't know, I thought the enemy came to my door"

"My dear teacher Gao, you haven't seen the movie, have you?" Ye Chen looked at him with a smile.

"I watched it on my phone"���Tsukizumi said stubbornly.

Yechen couldn't help laughing.

Soon, the big screen in front lit up and started playing the movie.

(To be continued......)

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