In the dim movie theater, the light softly sprinkled on the girl's face, reflecting her focused and affectionate outline.

Takatsuki Izumi held a bucket of popcorn in his hand and sat on a wide chair. He was so dazed that he forgot to eat popcorn for a while.

It seemed that the beautiful love in the movie deeply attracted the girl.

Ye Chen quietly accompanied her to watch this visual feast together.

As the plot of the movie deepened, the girl's emotions also fluctuated.

When the warm and touching scenes appeared on the screen, her eyes began to turn red, and crystal tears flashed in the corners of her eyes.

She tried hard to control her emotions and didn't want to let the tears flow down, but the touch in her heart surged like a tide and she couldn't extricate herself.

On the screen, the male protagonist"Taki" and the female protagonist"Sanye" stood on the hillside at dusk, meeting across time and space. The two looked at each other affectionately and burst into tears, as if they had endless words to talk to each other.

Finally, the female protagonist Sanye took out a paintbrush and wanted to write her name on Taki's hand.

Because once the dividing time has passed, they will forget each other. As two people in different time and space, they are destined to be impossible.

When Mitsuha just wrote the first horizontal stroke, the brush fell quietly and fell on the cold sand.

She disappeared, and the dividing time has passed.

Taki looked at the black stroke on his hand, and his heart seemed to be empty for a moment, and he was lost.

"Actually, I want to tell you......"

"No matter where I am, I will definitely come back to see you again."

The handsome young man Taki looked up at the starry sky.

"Your name is....Three leaves"

"It doesn’t matter, I will always remember your name!"

"Three leaves, three leaves, three leaves......"

"Your name is Sanye......"

"Your name is......"

Taki suddenly stopped, crouched down like crazy, picked up the lonely brush, and wanted to write the heroine's name.

But as soon as he wrote the first stroke, he froze in place, his face blank.

"Who are you......who?"

"Why am I here?......"

"I came here to save her!"

"Who is it? Who is it?"

"She is so precious, I can't forget her."

"Who are you, who are you......"

Taki stood up suddenly, looking at the boundless night sky in the distance, his eyes full of longing and nostalgia for the person in his heart.

But he couldn't remember her name, and even forgot her appearance.

In his mind, there was only a slender figure emitting white light, and his face could not be seen clearly.

The two forgot each other, and their memories were drowned in the long river of time.

Outside the screen.

Seeing this scene, Takatsuki Izumi could no longer control her tears, which slid down her cheeks. She gently wiped away the tears with her hands, but new tears soon came up again, and she cried like a pear blossom in the rain.

She had long been immersed in the world of movies, allowing her emotions to vent and express, as if she had a deep resonance with the characters on the screen.

At this time, a palm with distinct joints gently wiped away the tears from the corners of Takatsuki Izumi's eyes.

Takatsuki Izumi looked over blankly, and her red eyes were full of sadness and sympathy.

Taki and Mitsuha's love across time and space has deeply indulged the girl, and she can't calm down for a long time.

Ye Chen knew that although Takatsuki Izumi was the leader of the Aogiri Tree and a powerful SSS ghoul, she was still like a simple girl in terms of emotions. After all, she lost her parents' company when she was young and had no one to rely on. She could only use killing to protect herself.

Growing up in District 24 where cannibalism was extremely serious, it was hard to imagine what the young Takatsuki Izumi had gone through to grow to this point.

Takatsuki Izumi silently leaned on Ye Chen's shoulder, her beautiful eyes flashing silver light, and she said nothing.

The two of them tacitly did not speak until the end of the movie.......

Walking out of the cinema,

Takatsuki Izumi returned to his carefree self.

His eyes were no longer red, his tear marks were completely washed away, and a smile that showed indifference to the world appeared on his face.

"You seem like a different person than before."Ye Chen couldn't help but say

"Tsk, my big account is online now." Takatsuki Izumi laughed,"That was my small account just now, it doesn't count"

"Then you should log in to the secondary account, it looks more obedient."Ye Chen patted Gao Tsukiquan's shoulder.

"No way, if you say so, I will do it. That way I won't lose face."Takatsuki Izumi pouted and said

"Well, it's almost time."

Ye Chen saw that it was almost twelve o'clock, and he had completed his grandfather's task.

After twelve o'clock, he could go back to the old car and sleep.

Takatsuki Quan was a little unhappy,"Why don't we not go back tonight, let's stay in a hotel for one night."

Ye Chen couldn't help but look at her,"Are you serious? Aren't you afraid that I will do something bad?"

"I'm not afraid of you!"

Takatsuki Izumi rolled up her sleeves, revealing her fair and slender arms, and put on a powerful look.

But she still looked so fragile.

It was hard to associate such a petite and cute appearance with the ferocious one-eyed owl.

"Don't get me wrong, I didn't want to sleep under the bridge. The Aoki Tree headquarters is too far away, and it will take time to get back."Takatsuki Izumi added in a low voice


A moment later, the two arrived at a five-star hotel.

When checking in, the front desk saw Takatsuki Izumi's tender and petite appearance and thought she was a minor, and almost refused to check in. It was not until Takatsuki Izumi showed her ID card, which showed that she was 24 years old, that the staff allowed the two to check in.

"Do I look small?"

Takatsuki Izumi muttered in dissatisfaction as she walked in the corridor.

Ye Chen glanced at her and said,"Not small, not small at all."

This is the truth.

"you....Bastard!"Takatsuki Izumi's face turned red with anger, knowing where Ye Chen was looking.

After entering the room, there was good news and bad news.

The good news was that this room was the last empty room in the hotel.

The bad news was that this room only had a big soft bed.

"I don't think it's bad news, because it will make it easier for me to do a thorough examination of your body."

Takatsuki Izumi said seriously.

""Huh?" Ye Chen was stunned.

"Why do you want to check my body? I'm not sick."

Takatsuki Izumi came forward and sniffed Yechen's neck,"Because I think you smell weird. You are obviously a human, but you have a hint of ghoul's scent."

Yechen's eyes flashed, that's it.

Takatsuki Izumi should have sensed the aura of the kagune in his body, but his body is still essentially human, so the aura is chaotic.

The system only gives Yechen an S-level ghoul physique, not a true ghoul.

Although he has the kagune of Kamishiro Rize in his body, the system has added a protective layer to prevent the kagune from absorbing too many RC cells, preventing Yechen from turning into a ghoul.


Ye Chen was about to speak when he was interrupted by Takatsuki Izumi.

"Stop talking nonsense, take off your clothes and let me check your body......."

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