Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 1 Destruction of the Earth

The mysterious space is distant and silent, vast and deep, and the twin twins of destruction and birth are happening all the time.

Supernova explosions, gamma ray bursts, black hole devouring, planetary collisions, all kinds of astronomical phenomena are magnificent and magnificent, but when magnified to the scale of the universe, they are just a wave in the vast sea or a star in the boundless desert. gravel……

A disaster strikes the third planet in the solar system—Earth—without warning!

From the perspective of the moon, it can be observed that a small sun-like ball of light suddenly appears in the southern hemisphere of the earth, approximately in the desert in the middle of Australia!

What started as a small spot quickly expanded until it completely engulfed the entire Australia.

This is an unprecedented super explosion, similar to a nuclear bomb, but much more powerful than a nuclear bomb. Compared with the most powerful billion-ton nuclear weapon "Big Ivan" in human history, it is not even as good as one billionth!

In just a few seconds, a large amount of seawater in the surrounding Pacific Ocean was evaporated, and the air waves set off extended into space at a speed of 5,000 kilometers per hour.

A large amount of dust quickly rushed out of the atmosphere, forming a mushroom cloud that was 30,000 kilometers long!

The diameter of the earth is 12,700 kilometers, and the length of the final mushroom cloud is more than twice the diameter of the earth!

The cause of the explosion is unknown. It was not a nuclear bomb attack or an asteroid. Humans did not detect any dangerous information in advance, and even before they could react, the explosion happened suddenly.

The size of the earth simply cannot withstand a super explosion of this magnitude. The Australian area turned into a huge crater, and the rock, soil, and gravel formed part of the huge mushroom cloud. The surrounding seawater is pouring in crazily, and the extreme high temperature has set off a huge amount of water vapor.

At the same time, due to this huge blow, global volcanic eruptions were staged one after another on the earth. Huge chasms tore open the entire earth's crust, shooting out hot magma like bright red blood!

The silent universe seems to be able to hear the last cry of this planet...

This is a spacecraft about 40 meters long, 20 meters wide and 20 meters high. It took off a few hours before the earth exploded and was lucky to escape.

It is called "Victory". It was built by more than 20 countries and cost hundreds of billions of dollars. It is the most advanced spacecraft in the world. Its payload capacity is 500 tons. This mission is to transport materials and technical personnel to the "Moon 1 Base".

There were more than two hundred people in the spacecraft, no, it should be said to be two hundred survivors: more than twenty special forces and more than one hundred technical personnel. As soon as the front foot left the earth, a tragic explosion occurred on the back foot. I can only say that I was extremely lucky!

Everyone stared blankly at the planet that gradually turned scarlet, without any sense of happiness at all.

The chain reaction of the explosion continues.

The entire earth itself faced this kind of explosion, and there was no particularly big damage. At most, only one-sixtieth of it was blown up.

However, one sixtieth is already larger than the entire moon! It has caused a devastating blow to the earth's ecosystem! Endless volcanic eruptions, coupled with the impact of meteorite fragments, have caused the temperature of the entire planet to quickly rise to 300 degrees Celsius!

Obviously, no one could survive these temperatures.

The entire cabin was quiet, only soft sobs could be heard.

The earth, the home of mankind, was destroyed like this? Seven billion humans became extinct like this? The rest... where should we go?

At this moment, twenty-five special forces soldiers were surrounding Yu Yi Feng. They are not old, the older ones may be in their thirties, and the younger ones are only in their twenties, but they all have the perseverance and vicissitudes of life unique to men in the corners of their eyes.

They haven't rested for a long time. Although they are exhausted mentally and physically, their bodies are still upright.

This is the top space special force in all mankind, and perhaps... it is also the last special force. It was they who quickly took over the spaceship after the crowd was in chaos and maintained the final order.

Their trip to the moon was originally intended for training in a low-gravity environment, but they accidentally escaped.

At this time, captain Yu Yifeng cleared his throat and said in a low voice: "We have all worked hard these days! Witnessing the destruction of the earth with our own eyes, and the loss of 7 billion compatriots, everyone felt uncomfortable, and so did I. "

"I really hope this is just a dream. It's a pity...The earth really exploded. This is a fact that must be accepted...We are lucky, we survived by chance, and we are also unfortunate. We will lose forever. Lost the earth, lost loved ones.”

He paused and continued: "But no matter what, we still have to live... We are still alive. As long as we are alive, we cannot give up hope!"

"Now, Xu Yun enters and exits the queue and talks about the status of the spacecraft!"

Sitting next to Yu Yifeng is the deputy captain of the army, named Xu Yunjin. He is the oldest one in the army, tall and thin, with a very capable appearance.

Xu Yunjin stepped forward and saluted, and said in a low voice: "Reporting to the captain, except for a few who have a mental breakdown, the vast majority of passengers are basically in stable mood. We also checked the passengers' belongings, most of which are dangerous goods It has been handed in and the crew is quite cooperative.”

More than 20 people around him nodded in agreement. No one would have thought that these high-level intellectuals would act so badly after witnessing the destruction of the earth. Not to mention fights and brawls, some people even attempted suicide. However, under the strong maintenance of the special team members, the order in the spacecraft quickly stabilized, and no major accidents occurred.

It has been three days since the earth exploded, and this phenomenon has improved a lot. Human beings are emotional creatures after all, and emotions come and go quickly.

Most people are afraid of death. Even if the earth is destroyed, they still want to live...

Yu Yifeng sighed, shook his head and said: "The earth was destroyed, and we all lost our loved ones. You have all received professional psychological quality training and have a high tolerance, but they are just ordinary people..."

He paused and raised his voice slightly, "What I want to tell everyone now is that we still have hope of living! We are not the only human beings alive!"

"There are still 50,000 humans alive in Base 1 on the Moon!"

Yu Yifeng pointed at the computer and pressed a few buttons. A complex moon model appeared on the screen, with a lunar base, the Victory spacecraft and various flight trajectories drawn on it. Since the mass distribution changed after the Earth exploded, the moon's orbit also changed slightly under the influence of the calculation program, and the spacecraft's automatic control system has made relevant modifications.

He did not hesitate and said directly: "Look, this is our destination - the Lunar Base 1. We are about to enter the moon's low-Earth orbit. The spacecraft will jet in the opposite direction to slow down. For safety reasons, I will Turn off the magnetic system, so be prepared.”

This spacecraft makes extensive use of magnetic technology, and the crew's clothes and shoes are all made of magnetic materials. This material will create a certain amount of suction with the floor, so the crew will not be weightless in space.

Although magnetism and gravity are somewhat different, they are more convenient than nothing.

Seeing that the team members nodded, Yu Yifeng stretched out two fingers and said, "There are two points to explain: First, after turning off the magnetic system, the spacecraft will be in a weightless state and everything will float. You must check every passenger. Are the arrangements in place to ensure that every passenger wears a seat belt?”

"Second point." His expression became serious, pointing to a message on the screen, "There is a rebellion within the base, and we must be prepared for the moon war!"

Interstellar civilization science fiction.

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