Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 2 Moon Base

Humanity's yearning for the moon has begun since the ape period.

In the original primitive period, human beings had just developed wisdom and were full of curiosity and awe for all natural signs. They held regular sacrifices, worshiped the moon, and prayed for the blessing of the moon god.

In the Middle Ages, the moon was still a mysterious natural phenomenon. People can't understand why such a huge thing can hang in the sky. They attributed it all to "gods", and many myths and legends revolved around the moon, which was believed to be where gods lived.

The first time people really understood the moon was during the Renaissance.

The great scientist Galileo used a telescope to observe the moon and found that it was not made of the legendary "fifth element", but was similar to the earth and was filled with rocks and sand. The environment of the moon is much worse than that of the earth, with craters, gray and black land, and no trace of living things...

From then on, people knew that the moon did not have beautiful buildings and jade buildings, but a lifeless dead land!

However, people's exploration of the moon will not stop there. Entering the 20th century, science and technology have ushered in comprehensive and rapid development, and a series of means such as space telescopes, artificial satellites, rockets, and space shuttles have emerged one after another. Either for political reasons or for other reasons, several major scientific and technological countries are competing to develop means of landing on the moon, hoping to be the first to land on the moon.

After a series of battles in the aviation field, finally, in 1969, American astronaut Armstrong took the first step on the moon. That's one small step for one person, one giant leap for mankind!

"However, behind the moon landing, it is not as simple as it seems..."

Yu Yifeng organized his words and continued, "The lunar base that was built with a huge amount of money is not just for science, as the government claims! This is a high-level national secret... But it doesn't matter now, I Let me tell you in detail.”

In his words, a huge secret was revealed...

In the 1990s, the U.S. government held a secret meeting with the leaders of twenty powerful countries around the world.

During the meeting, they revealed a secret they had kept for twenty years!

In 1969, they discovered an...alien spacecraft in Bailey Crater at the south pole of the moon!

After the first successful moon landing, the Americans carried out a second moon landing, aiming directly at the alien spacecraft. This moon landing was carried out secretly and with utmost secrecy. There were no media reports and no news was released.

At the meeting, the Americans described it this way:

"It is too big, with a diameter of fifteen kilometers. Only a small part is exposed on the surface, and most of it is buried in the soil. With our technological level, there is no way to move it back to the earth."

"The interior of the spacecraft is a honeycomb-like structure, and it seems to have a huge space. Strangely, there is nothing inside. In the middle room, we found a metal box, and the thing inside, we named it - —Perfect Su.”

Upon hearing the term "Perfect Su", all the team members' expressions changed slightly.

Everyone sometimes comes into contact with this term in some tasks. However, "Perfect Su" is a high-level secret and is absolutely taboo. Although everyone is curious, after so many years of military career, they still don't know what it is.

Yu Yifeng did not give in and continued to tell.

Perfection, a magical substance, is the only remnant of the aliens except the spaceship. With the level of human science and technology, its molecular form cannot be detected at all! In other words, it is not a substance composed of atoms as recognized by humans at all.

It is liquid on the surface, a bit like mercury, and its biggest feature is... it can be absorbed by living things.

At that international conference, Americans described it this way: "We have done a lot of experiments, oh, God, there is such a substance in the world! For example, epiphyllum, a plant that can only bloom for two hours, has a very short lifespan. , after treatment with Perfection, the flowering time... was miraculously extended ten times!"

"Another example is rice. The most common annual herbaceous plant has a life cycle of only one year. However, after being treated with perfection, it is still alive after twenty years!"

"We found that Perfectin can significantly repair genetic defects, enhance cell vitality, and delay aging. It can be said to be the legendary elixir of life!"

"We have also done the same experiment on animals and obtained almost the same results. Although the success rate is extremely low... it also means that it may be able to work on humans!"

This is news that makes politicians from all over the world tremble. Think about it, if perfection can work on people, then the whole world will change!

Regardless of other benefits, just a tenfold increase in life span is enough to make the whole world crazy!

"Ten times, this is ten times the lifespan! You are still young now, and you may not understand the meaning... But for older people, it is undoubtedly a blockbuster... No, a Big Ivan!" Yu Yifeng sighed.

The Americans originally wanted to monopolize this scientific and technological achievement, but the technical level is too different. There has been only a small amount of progress in twenty years. Once the perfect hormone acts on a person, it will cause brain death in a short period of time. There is no successful example. As a result, many leaders of the older generation can no longer wait. They want to pool the power of the world to speed up research progress.

A complex plan was born. The first step was to establish a lunar base. On the one hand, it is to study the alien spacecraft, and on the other hand, it is because the perfect element can play a greater role in the alien spacecraft!

"This is the origin of the lunar base." Yu Yifeng looked at his comrades and said: "Everyone knows about the lunar base. But the existence of perfect elements and alien spacecraft are high-level secrets of the country, but now that the earth is destroyed, It doesn’t matter... As for research progress, there may be some results..."

As he spoke, he sighed softly again.

Although they had heard about alien spaceships and perfect elements before, when they were really revealed, it was like listening to a book from heaven. Many people were stunned and couldn't accept it for a while.

But if you think about it carefully, combined with all the strange details in previous missions, it is indeed possible. The existence of perfect prime has explained many questions in the past.

Vice-captain Xu Yunjin asked thoughtfully, "So, the reason for establishing the moon base is because of this perfect quality?"

"Yes, the main reason is perfection!" Yu Yifeng clenched his fists, "Think about it, without the temptation of ten times life span or even eternal life span, would the politicians and wealthy people from various countries be able to spend huge sums of money? What helium- 3. New energy sources and alien spaceships are all accessories. They are not the most important thing. The most important thing is life span!”

"Without this substantial temptation, would they be able to spend money to come in?"

"In 30 years, 60 trillion U.S. dollars of investment can be said to be the largest investment in history. These people are really fighting for longevity! But now it seems that the establishment of this lunar base is also the luck of mankind. Otherwise, there will be no hope. There is no place for us in the universe anymore... How can we, a ship of more than 100 people, survive in space?"

In fact, people did spend nearly the entire civilization's efforts to build this space project.

The first thing to be built on earth was the space electromagnetic projectile cannon to solve the problem of low rocket carrying capacity.

This large electromagnetic gun was built in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau region of China. People have even built large hydropower stations on the Brahmaputra River to supply electricity.

The only function of this electromagnetic gun is to replace chemical rockets and launch massive material resources, including machinery, food, etc., into the earth's low-Earth orbit.

As a result, one kilogram of material can be launched into space for only a few dozen dollars, which is much cheaper than a rocket.

"As everyone knows, the research and construction of this space electromagnetic projectile gun took ten years."

At the same time, a large space station flying in space was built to receive materials launched by electromagnetic guns.

Then, use this space station as a transfer station to launch materials to the moon.

"It was especially difficult in the early stages of construction. There was no air, no supplies, and no water. Everything had to be transported from the earth. The most critical thing was... the lack of manpower! Electromagnetic guns cannot be used to transport people, and the cost would be much higher."

"The dust particles on the moon are 50 times smaller than human hair, and can exist in human lungs for several months. If they stay for a long time, they will cause poison to the human body. When working on the moon for a long time, due to gravity, the bones and internal organs will be damaged over time. Transgender affects a person's lifelong health, it is very likely..."

"So all countries have unanimously adopted the 'army plus death row prisoners' construction plan. Soldiers in the army can rotate back and forth between the moon and the earth, and the death row prisoners do not matter. High-quality death row prisoners gathered from all over the world are trained for a period of time. If it is sent to the moon, it is best if the construction is successful. The government promises to reduce the sentence. Of course, it doesn't matter if you die..."

"This is a base built with life!"

"It took about another twenty years to take the initial prototype. After slowly developing to the present, after developing a small number of alien spacecraft areas, it has a permanent population of 50,000, and it has become the most high-end scientific base! "

At this point, Yu Yifeng's expression became serious, "Okay, the story comes to an end here. I just got a message from the moon. Some restless death row prisoners in the base rebelled a few days ago. "

"Even some troops have participated in the rebellion! They think there is no chance of survival. Currently, the entire base is in a state of chaos."

"So our first mission is to put down this rebellion!"

Hearing this, deputy team leader Xu Yunjin's heart skipped a beat, but he immediately took a step forward and saluted: "Promise to complete the mission!"


Everyone was an elite soldier, and they didn't say anything. They walked back to their positions in silence, digesting what they had just heard, and making final preparations.

The starting point of the story takes place on the moon, but the moon will definitely not stay there for long. If you like it, please save it or make a recommendation!

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