Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 127 Battle Fortress

What can the new human civilization use? What is conducive to disguise?

Everyone focused on this point and racked their brains to think about this issue. Nowadays, human beings have too little information. They only get a bunch of inexplicable electromagnetic wave information. People have no idea where the other party's spacecraft is or how far it is from Mars...

After half a quarter of an hour, a total of three conclusions were drawn in favor of disguise.

First, the Noah spacecraft is definitely a great tool for camouflaging the plan. Just because of its huge size, it cannot be built by lower civilizations.

Second, weapons from flying saucers are real alien weapons. No matter what, their appearance is genuine.

Third, perhaps the remains of the Martian flying saucer can be used to do something...

Everyone is talking crazily. As long as there is a little possibility, we should seize it! These elite humans have almost the same idea: they should never sit still and wait for death, their destiny should be in their own hands!

"This operation, codename: Disguise..."

"The meeting is over!"

When Yu Yifeng announced the adjournment of the meeting, everyone walked out of the conference room in a hurry. The incident happened suddenly, and everyone had a lot to do, so they couldn't help but be impatient.

The next moment, the production capacity of the Genov Industrial Factory instantly reached its extreme, and a large number of assembly lines began to produce some strange things, including but not limited to: electromagnetic guns, laser weapons, particle beam weapons, and some even humans themselves did not know the use of. The strange tubular structure...

Most of these things are space weapons in people's imagination, and they pursue complexity, beauty, and metallic feel.

The engineers used their imagination to the fullest, and the model drawings in the computer became more exaggerated than the last. But it doesn’t matter, as long as they have the design drawings, the Genov Industrial Factory can make them and... build them outside the Noah!

Of course, these things are just molds, and they only pursue appearance, not performance... The built-in light bulbs may be able to light up a few times, but these things cannot fire any bullets.

They are essentially no different from toy guns, they just scare people!

This was Yu Yifeng's crazy idea, and it was also the final decision of the emergency meeting: they were going to disguise the Noah into a space fortress full of firepower!

No matter how smart the aliens are, they can't imagine that a space fortress that looks full of firepower is actually just a showpiece. The large number of gun barrels mounted on it are just children's toys and have no practical use...

These things are completely cumbersome, and no civilization would do this... But humans just want to use such loopholes in thinking to scare the unknown alien civilization!

However, this solution is also risky, and its feasibility is based on three assumptions:

First, the universe is not a dark forest. There is no need for two civilizations to fight to the death when they meet. If the opponent does not hesitate to attack as soon as it sees a human, then the human disguise will be ineffective.

Second, the other party did not discover the Noah at the first time, did not see the entire process of human disguise, and did not know that human beings are a weak civilization.

Third, the other party is not the civilization where the Mars UFO is located, and has no enmity or enmity with humans.

As long as the above three assumptions are true, the disguise plan has a high probability of being able to bluff the opponent!

Everyone on board the Noah, whether they were engineers or scientists, had their hearts beating wildly, feeling frightened and a little shocked at the same time. They have never felt that death was so close. Each one of them completed the work at hand cautiously, not daring to make the slightest mistake...

At this moment, the prestige of Chief Yu Yifeng and the new government always restrains the ordinary people and prevents too much riots.

Everyone knows what an unknown alien civilization means...

It means danger, a danger that may subvert if you are not careful!

More than 70 percent of people support this crazy and bold disguise idea. The remaining conservatives can only hold it in their hearts and stop talking, because they have no better way, just surrender? impossible!

Counting from the time the earth exploded, people have experienced too many things. Whenever people think back afterwards, they will find that the new government has done the best it can when facing various emergencies.

Although there are occasional flaws, Yu Yifeng and the others are not gods and cannot be omniscient and omnipotent. The slightest error is still within the acceptable range...

Although there are still a few people who object, most people are willing to take the gamble with Yu Yifeng. Because humans nowadays have no other choice. Hiding in the corner of Mars is likely to be discovered, so it is better to simply take a gamble.

This is a real life and death crisis, success or failure depends on this!

What makes Yu Yifeng feel gratified is that the new human civilization has really grown a lot in crisis after crisis...

When the earth first exploded, humans were so panicked and confused. Not only did they have to put down the rebellion, they also needed to spend a lot of energy encouraging people's hearts and mobilizing people's will to work one by one...

But things are different now. It is also a crisis that may lead to genocide, but people's reactions are completely different. Although there is a tense atmosphere in the entire society, there is not much turmoil and panic. People are spontaneous and do their best as they can. Every single thing.

Although many people are still nervous and worried, they still believe in the power of the collective. Compared with the past, people's mobility, organization and cohesion are completely different.

"Don't worry, we will definitely survive...for sure!" Yu Yifeng clenched his fists.

In just two days, after 48 hours of non-stop renovation, the appearance of Noah has been completely different!

It is covered with tens of thousands of turret-like devices of various sizes! There are linear types and spiral types. Each pipe has a metallic texture and exudes a ferocious murderous aura...

Yu Yifeng nodded with satisfaction. These things really look like turrets!

He suddenly saw a circular creation a hundred meters wide, which seemed to have an extremely high temperature inside. He couldn't help but asked in confusion: "What is this?"

"Just think of it as the main gun. In fact, it's a nuclear power plant inside..." an engineer said with a smile. This is an optimistic attitude. People believe that we can get out of this difficult situation.

In fact, the engineers don't know what this circular creation represents. Anyway, they just made it at random. Take your guess, aliens!

Looking up at the Noah from a distance, Yu Yifeng really felt a kind of intimidation! With so many gun barrels, giving off a metallic bronze color, could they destroy a planet? The space fortress with a diameter of 15 kilometers was formed in this way. If it flew to the earth, it would scare all the people on earth to death!

This gave him a strange illusion that humans were really powerful, as if... humans really had this powerful space fortress!

Well, since he thinks so, there is a high possibility that the aliens are hiding their past.

"Add some radar-like communication devices, and add some signal lights!" He nodded, pointed out a few shortcomings, and took the bus back to the Noah. He still had more things to decide... …

Just now, he received a notification that scientists had discovered the trajectory of an alien spacecraft!

"...Since a civilization embarks on an interstellar voyage, the engine of the spacecraft will inevitably release a large amount of heat energy. Of course, alien civilizations with very complete technology may be able to block this part of the thermal radiation, but this does not include the alien we detected. civilization……"

The speaker was Dr. Rimbaud from the Tesla Research Institute. He was talking about an image of thermal radiation.

"It's very weird. It emits a lot of heat energy, that is, a lot of infrared light. According to our observations, it is entering the solar system at a speed of 0.4 times the speed of light, and this speed is gradually decreasing... About a month later, It will reach the position of Pluto!"

"However... the information from the thermal radiation images is also lagging behind. This time can only be roughly estimated by us."

Is it only a month? Yu Yifeng was shocked. This time was much shorter than he imagined.

"There is too little information that can be obtained from the thermal radiation images. We cannot know its size, and its technological capabilities are unknown. We do not know whether it is higher or lower than the Mars flying saucer."

Yu Yifeng thought about it carefully, frowned and asked: "If it is the civilization where the Mars flying saucer is located, then no matter what we do, it will be in vain, the only thing we can do is start a war... If it is not, why did it come to the solar system? This Have you ever thought about it?

Another scientist immediately replied: "We think there are two possibilities. First, the solar system is really the battlefield of ancient civilizations. They came to scavenge and explore higher-level technologies. The second possibility is that they may go to the solar system to replenish Matter and energy... both are possible."

Yu Yifeng was silent for a while and then asked: "Has the alien code been deciphered?"

"Not yet. Two days is too little. It is estimated that it will take another two weeks or even more than a month..."

Two weeks, a month? too long! People simply can't wait until that time. Maybe alien civilization has entered the realm of the eight planets and even discovered humans!

Can't wait until then...

Yu Yifeng lowered his head and thought for a moment, and suddenly made a decision. He said very seriously: "Then... high-power radio equipment is prepared, and the camouflage plan has officially begun!"

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