Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 128 Pretending to be mysterious

This day is an important day that determines the fate of mankind!

Yu Yifeng stood in front of the recording stage and took a deep breath. His heart was still beating crazily. He can be said to be the person with the strongest psychological endurance on the Noah, but he is still extremely nervous.

Although the temperature inside the spacecraft has been maintained at around 23-24 degrees Celsius, he still felt impatience welling up deep in his heart. It was hot, very hot, and he felt like he was sweating all over his body. He was really nervous and tried hard to calm down.

"Toughness" and "disguise" are the main keywords of this plan. During the entire process, humans must not show any signs of stage fright!

In fact, a human is just a cat, but he has to disguise himself as a tiger and roar from time to time to prove that he is a real tiger... This is how humans feel today.

According to the calculations of scientists, in the universe, when two civilizations with similar levels of technological development meet, the most likely outcome will be... mutual testing and small-scale conflicts! Then both sides found that the cost of war with each other was too high, so peaceful contact was possible. Exchange information or conduct trade, etc...

It is not known whether the dark forest theory is correct. But from a human standpoint, if the benefits brought by a war are less than the costs to be paid, then the war will not break out.

In the final analysis, all human actions are for the purpose of obtaining benefits, and perhaps the same is true for other civilized races.

Assuming that interstellar civilizations are rare, species that can develop interstellar navigation capabilities must be very intelligent. If this assumption is true, everyone can sit down and have a good talk, and there is no need to fight to the death. Death is something that any living thing wants to avoid. There is no hatred among everyone, and there is no need to start a war.

But having said that, people don’t know each other’s logic, whether they have morals, whether they are belligerent...

People can only use their wisdom to the extreme and implement the plan with the highest success rate!

"The other party should be intelligent and logical, otherwise science and technology will not be able to develop. There is nothing wrong with treating them as intelligent species..." Yu Yifeng took a deep breath, and they wanted to According to this thinking, communicate with the other party.

The first step in the "camouflage plan" is communication, or in other words - deterrence!

Just like countries that live in peace, they have borders with each other. A powerful interstellar civilization will definitely not let an unknown alien spacecraft approach it rashly. According to this logic, humans must pre-emptively warn the other party instead of just hiding.

Only in this way can we show that we are powerful and have the same status as the other civilization!

So, how to warn? How to give a strong but just right warning? This has become a topic of focus among experts these days.

After careful discussion, they came to the conclusion: use radio to be the first to send signals to alien civilizations!

Just like every country on earth, when fishing boats or planes cross the border, they will definitely give a fair warning first. If the warning is not heeded, deeper conflicts will occur...

Well, things may be different in the universe. But no matter what, such a warning is the most logical solution for human beings... If the universe is not a dark forest, there must be nothing wrong with giving a warning first!

"...We are a powerful human civilization! We must be calm and calm!" Yu Yifeng kept reciting these words silently in his heart and began to calm down the restlessness in his heart.

People don't want to use text telegrams, because human beings' information encoding ability is not high, and it may be a symbol of weakness in the eyes of alien civilizations... In this way, the secret may be exposed directly. There is no such problem when sending a string of voice messages. Just record the sound waves as completely as possible and use the simplest encoding.

Yu Yifeng's tone should not be too hasty or anxious, but can be slightly angry, as if two equal parties are telling a serious matter: You have crossed the line, leave quickly, otherwise it will trigger a war. Yes, that's it...we are both equal!

After a long time, he slowly said: "Unknown alien spacecraft, you have exceeded the safety limit set by us, leave quickly! If you do not leave, you will bear all the consequences!"

Yu Yifeng finished speaking in one breath, feeling that he performed well this time.

He listened to the recording several more times and found no major flaws. If his voice sounds timid or a little anxious, he has to record it again. This is already his third recording.

The words used here are very particular, such as "the designated safe distance" and "it's your responsibility", which are just pulling the skin of a tiger and scaring people...

Many scientists below began to nod. One of the leading psychology experts said: "That's it. There shouldn't be much of a problem this time."

In fact, aliens absolutely cannot understand Chinese. Just relying on the information in this sentence, no matter how powerful the other party's technology is, it is impossible to decipher the relevant meaning. Especially Chinese, which is the most difficult language for humans to learn!

But it doesn't matter, they don't need to understand, just let them know - humans are warning them!

This is also the mysterious point in human beings' "disguise" plan... The unknown is the most terrifying thing. If alien civilization does not know what humans are talking about, it will definitely have certain concerns and questions.

In this way, they will develop an incomprehensible psychology towards humans, and the best result is to scare them away!

Experts are getting busy. They will send this voice message through a large radio station. The power of this radio station is as high as 30,000 watts, and the other party will definitely be able to receive it clearly.

"Captain! The propagation speed of radio is also the speed of light. It will take about 8.57 days for the other party to receive this message... Are you sure you want to send it?"

Yu Yifeng sighed lightly and nodded heavily. He didn't know whether what he did was right or wrong...

According to the assumptions of some scientists, in the dark universe, when there is no visible light, it is difficult to find an object that does not emit any radiation itself, or that only emits a trace amount of radiation. Therefore, as long as humans maintain radio silence, alien civilization may not be able to discover Noah.

But this idea was quickly overturned. Who knows how long they will stay in the solar system, and who knows whether they will explore Mars? As long as a few reconnaissance satellites are launched on Mars, Noah can be discovered. It is better to put your fate in the ethereal luck than to control it in your own hands... This is what Yu Yifeng and most people think!

"Send!" Following Yu Yifeng's order, this string of voice messages was sent out by the radio station.

The acting must be real. Yu Yifeng immediately ordered Noah to take off from the ground and float slowly above the Martian atmosphere. A large number of "fake" gun barrels shone slightly, making a gesture of imminent attack!

What followed was an anxious wait, as it took more than eight days for the radio transmission to reach its target…

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