Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 129 Fire at them!

This kind of waiting is really unbearable. Because mankind is about to move towards a forked road in the future, success or failure... Everyone became more anxious after sending the radio waves.

In a meeting that afternoon, many elites gathered and everyone was discussing the next step.

"Sending radio signals may reveal our location!"

"If it were a light-speed strike, we would have been attacked when we detected the other party's fire, and there would be no possibility of interception!" Security Minister Xu Yunjin was saying worriedly. He clearly understands the gap between human weapons and true interstellar civilization.

Light speed strike, the most terrifying attack method. Because light is the highest speed known to mankind, it means that it cannot be detected or intercepted. This is also the main means of attack in future space battles.

Humans can also use weapons that are close to the speed of light, such as lasers, ion cannons, etc. However, most of these weapons are modified after being removed from the flying saucer. They are all semi-finished products and have very little power. Moreover, humans cannot theoretically fire a few cannons.

"We have shown our willingness to coexist peacefully by sending radio waves. We should also show our muscles appropriately to deter them!"

"It's like firing a warning shot in the air, we should... shoot them!"

Xu Yunjin's voice was loud, and he became more and more energetic as he spoke. He slammed the table aggressively: "Yes, that's it. A single shot will prove our strength even more!"

However, his words were immediately opposed by a large number of people. Many conservative experts believe that this behavior is too impulsive. What if the cannon is fired and aliens are offended?

"If a war really breaks out, no one can bear this responsibility!"

Xu Yunjin directly raised his head and retorted: "If such armed deterrence will lead to war, it only shows that the other side's attitude is very tough. We can't pretend at all, and war will begin sooner or later!"

"You must know that it is the other party who broke into our territory! This is not a sign of weakness! Once we are weak, the disguise will fail!"

In this kind of military aspect, Xu Yunjin can be regarded as an expert. This is his old profession.

Yu Yifeng just watched quietly, and there was some truth in what both sides said. He kept thinking in his mind, now that the enemy is in the open and we are in the dark, we have jumped out and shown considerable goodwill. Should we shoot two bullets, show off our muscles, and master more skills? What about initiative?

Sigh... It's still because humans are too weak. If humans were strong enough, how could they cause such trouble?

"...I agree with Minister Xu Yunjin's point of view!"

The person who stood up was a young congressman whom Yu Yifeng recognized. His name was Wang Yufan, and he was also a senior official in the new government. Although he is young, he has very high emotional intelligence and communication skills, and handles government affairs in an orderly manner.

Wang Yufan, like Dr. Rimbaud, is a young man whom Yu Yifeng admires very much.

"It will take eight days for our radio signal to arrive. After the other party responds, it will take another seven or eight days for us to observe it. It comes and goes, that's sixteen days!"

"Can't we just wait during this period? We need to take certain countermeasures! Yes, I think Minister Xu Yunjin is right, we need to fire a shot as a deterrent!"

Immediately, another middle-aged man jumped out and shouted: "This is nonsense! The countermeasure is to fire artillery?"

The entire conference room was in chaos, with hawks and doves quarreling with each other and making each other red-faced.

"...We need to show off our muscles and let the other party know that our weapons are not decorations!" Another radical congressman shouted. He seemed to have forgotten that human weapons are really only for viewing...

"We don't have to actually hit them, we just need to deter them!"

"Yes...that way they will feel scared. They are the ones who broke into our territory on their own initiative!"

Gradually, more and more people began to agree with Xu Yunjin and Wang Yufan's views... When they thought of firing at alien civilizations, this group of people felt excited and... crazy!

This kind of excitement is mixed with a little fear. The unknown future is always the scariest thing. Every choice now brings a lot of uncertainty to the future. But many people feel that firing the cannon may have a better effect than not firing the cannon!

Because humans have no choice, radio signals have been emitted, and there must be one way to go to the end, that is - deterrence!

"We cannot withstand temptation. Any temptation by the other party will lead to human beings being exposed. Only with sufficient deterrence can the other party not be tempted to test!" Wang Yufan shouted loudly.

The current radicals believe that acting requires a lot of weight. The "tiger" played by humans now not only roars, but even goes up and bites!

Yes... a cat dresses up as a tiger and not only roars when facing an enemy that breaks into its territory, but also goes up and pretends to bite, which makes it more vivid and intimidating!

Most of the people on board the Noah are young people, and they are all in a state of fearlessness. Young people are always more adventurous, so there are gradually more hawkish thoughts in the conference room. They believe that a gun must be fired!

Several conservatives stopped talking. They just frowned sadly, unable to think of a better plan.

Even Yu Yifeng also believes that these radical ideas do have some truth. People nowadays must pretend to be more "powerful", or "domineering"!

Next, people began to discuss what weapons to use, of course the weapons currently possessed.

In this case, it is unrealistic to use lasers. People's main purpose is to deter, not to actually hit the opponent. This shot must be known and detected by the opponent.

There are no particles such as dust in space, and light will not be diffusely reflected. It is difficult to observe using a laser unless the laser actually hits the opponent.

The scenes of lasers in the sky during Star Wars in some science fiction movies may not exist. Unless the universe is full of dust, it is impossible to detect the passing lasers with the naked eye.

Therefore, this shot cannot hit the opponent, but it can also be clearly observed by the opponent.

They discussed for a long time, and the best way was the ion cannon! A series of charged particles approaching the speed of light will generate a certain electric field. Based on these electric fields, the ion cannon is easy to detect.

But detection does not mean it can be intercepted. Although the speed of the ion cannon does not reach the speed of light, it is only slightly slower than the laser. Unless you have an ultra-high computing speed computer and a sufficiently sensitive muzzle, you can intercept the ion cannon with a laser.

Humans do not want to start a war. This shot is just to deter the other party and make the other party feel that human beings are a "very angry" and "defensive" species.

Yes, that's it...human beings have great tempers and are very defensive!

Well, Yu Yifeng also thinks that this plan does make sense. Although it is a bit risky, once successful, it can create an "unreasonable" illusion for the other party.

Although when we were on Earth, even if we stood on a high moral level, the party who fired first always seemed to be unjust. But this is not the earth now. There are no such unspoken rules. There is greater suspicion and insecurity between different civilizations. Shooting... is no problem!

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