Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 130 Plasma Cannon

When Yu Yifeng made up his mind, he suddenly felt that he was thinking too much, and many conservative experts and scholars were also thinking too much. They still stand on the basis that human beings are a weak civilization and play their roles cautiously. How can you act well like this?

If humans are really a powerful civilization, how can they be so timid?

Think about it, when Americans face Filipinos who cross the border, even if they take the lead in shooting, the other side will not dare to say anything because the Americans are stronger. By the same token, the more aggressive you are, the more worried the other person will be and the less they dare to test you...

After all, the new human civilization cannot withstand temptation. Once it is tested, the secret will be exposed. It must be arrogant and tough in order to truly show the momentum of a powerful civilization!

"Okay, there's no need to argue!" Yu Yifeng suddenly spoke up, and the whole place fell silent instantly.

"Fire one shot! That's it. Xu Yunjin, prepare for the charging stage of the ion cannon!"

"Yes!" Xu Yunjin looked happy, saluted with a military salute, and walked out quickly.

There is a real ion cannon on the Noah, which was removed from the Martian flying saucer. After human modification, it can barely be used. The core part of this ion cannon is provided by alien creations, but its acceleration pipeline is designed by humans. It is 33 kilometers long. Firing a cannon requires a large amount of electricity.

Due to a large number of inadequate technologies such as energy systems and superconducting systems, its power may be only one-tenth of the original version, but it doesn't matter, it just needs to deter the opponent.

People don’t know how powerful the Martian flying saucer is compared to this unknown alien civilization, nor do they know what the technical content of the ion cannon is, and whether it will be exposed because it is too low-end. But if you think about it carefully, ion cannons are just like human firearms. They should be regarded as relatively conventional space weapons, and the probability of being directly eliminated is relatively small.

Just like human firearms, more than a hundred years have passed and progress has actually been very small. They are still gunpowder kinetic energy weapons, and people are still using them.

"Such shooting requires extremely high precision and a lot of calculations. We must grasp it well." Yu Yifeng said seriously, "Go find Mr. Li Wu!"

To fire an ion cannon 310 billion kilometers away requires extremely high precision, which is a big challenge for humans. This cannonball, which is close to the speed of light, requires seven or eight days of sailing to reach its designated location.

Moreover... the alien spacecraft is constantly in motion, and even the images currently observed by people are from more than ten days ago. People need to constantly calculate the future trajectory of the alien spacecraft to adjust the target of the ion cannon.

Such ultra-high precision must be completed by super engineer Li Wu.

People only have one chance to fire one shot. If they fire too many, the other side will think it is a war... But if one shot is fired and it is justified, there shouldn't be much of a problem...

Yu Yifeng's request is that this ion cannon should appear within 100,000 kilometers of the alien spacecraft. In other words, the diameter of this target is about 200,000 kilometers.

Two hundred thousand kilometers, this requirement does not seem high, in fact, it is ridiculously high!

At present, humans cannot accurately calculate the position of the alien spacecraft because the propagation speed of light is limited. The images humans see all occurred more than ten days ago, and the alien spacecraft is constantly changing speed. How can humans fight if they don't even know the opponent's specific location?

Moreover, the universe is really too vast. "A slight difference is a thousand miles away." This sentence is no joke. As long as the muzzle moves up or down by just one micrometer or even one nanometer, it will deviate a little bit. At an angle, this error will be magnified hundreds of billions or trillions of times, and may be offset by hundreds of millions of kilometers!

If this happens, the problem will be serious... If an alien civilization detects this shot with a huge error, what will they think? They will definitely wonder why human technology is so rubbish? How many hundred million kilometers can a shot miss? This kind of suspicion is the most important thing to avoid.

Therefore, Li Wu has a heavy responsibility. He cannot let human beings' disguise leak!

His heart was always tense. Even making a helium-3 nuclear bomb had never made him so nervous. This shot was an important part of the entire "camouflage" plan, and even related to the lives of all mankind. He couldn't afford to be careless! However, Li Wu had nothing to complain about. He rushed over as soon as he received the notice. It was his duty to do something like this!

The computer has already aimed the approximate direction, and actually only needs to fine-tune a little bit. What he has to do is wait for an inspiration, or an intuition.

Today's humans don't even know the specific location of the alien spacecraft. Everything is an estimate... Well, this requires a certain degree of accuracy, which seems a bit overwhelming. Except for using his unique keen intuition, everything is unreliable.

He can only rely on intuition, or his special ability, to make such a gamble...

This can be said to be the biggest challenge in Li Wu's life. Gradually, he fell into a strange state. His heart became calm, his heartbeat frequency became consistent, and he kept catching that glimmer of inspiration.

Five minutes, ten minutes, fifteen minutes... Li Wu hadn't moved for half an hour, just standing blankly in the control room of the ion cannon.

Everyone stood more than ten meters behind, not daring to show their anger. Zhao Yao, Xu Yunjin and other soldiers stood upright, while the others remained motionless. The atmosphere was strange and everyone was nervous. Several scientists whose heartbeats were racing quickly walked out automatically. Immediately afterwards, more and more people walked out of the control room. They were afraid that their breathing and heartbeat would affect Li Wu.

Yu Yifeng just waited quietly. He knew Li Wu's character and it was absolutely impossible for him to desert or sleep. All they had to do was trust and wait patiently.

Finally, after another ten minutes, Li Wu seemed to have woken up, his expression focused, his muscles stiffened, and he stared at the screen.

Inspiration... appears! At this moment, he gathered all his muscles and slammed the switch of the ion cannon!

"Buzz!" There was a sound, and a large amount of electrical energy gathered in the electromagnetic pipes. The Noah's power system was somewhat overwhelmed at this moment, and all the lights in the entire spacecraft flashed several times.

At this time, the Noah's power stations have all been turned on and are at full capacity, but they still cannot handle the peak power of this ion cannon, which shows how terrible its energy consumption is!

Then, a blazing white beam flew out from the muzzle. It is also a high-energy particle beam, but this gun is more than ten thousand times more powerful than the Gauss rifle. This string of proton beams is more numerous and closer to the speed of light!

According to Einstein's theory of relativity, the closer matter approaches the speed of light, the massive amount of energy required. The power of this ion cannon is already comparable to that of a small nuclear bomb!

"How's it going?" Yu Yifeng hurriedly walked over and asked.

"...I don't know, but it shouldn't be too bad." Li Wu scratched his head nonchalantly. He really didn't know what the outcome would be.

Everyone was talking and whispering to each other in low voices, and now everything that needs to be done has been done. Do your best, obey fate, and the only thing left is to wait...

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