Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 131 Is it a dark forest?

The wait of more than half a month was too painful. People suddenly felt that the speed of light was really too slow. It took more than ten days to go back and forth...

During this period, there was a research frenzy on the "Dark Forest Theory" in the Noah spacecraft. People wanted to study the "Dark Forest Theory" and find its loopholes to estimate the possibility of war between humans and alien civilizations. .

"The dark forest theory has many prerequisites, including chains of suspicion, destruction is easier than communication, technological explosions, world-destroying weapons, etc. But I think the key lies in the sparseness of interstellar civilization!"

In Noah's largest forest park, a group of people were sitting in a circle on the lawn. There is a light similar to sunlight above the head, and there are green grass and some insects under the feet.

Due to the shutdown of a large number of laboratories in the past few days, they could only "reluctantly" take a vacation. Vast amounts of energy and industry were freed up to make nuclear weapons.

The middle-aged man lecturing at the front is a cosmologist. Next to him is a blackboard with a large number of images and related derivation results drawn on it. He pointed to the blackboard and continued: "If interstellar civilizations are sparse and rare, there is absolutely no need for wars between civilizations for survival resources..."

"According to common sense on earth, all country-to-country confrontations involve a basic concept, and that is interest. Interests can not only be traced back to the country, but also apply to the entire civilization. If the benefits of a war are less than the losses caused by the battle , then the war will most likely not happen.”

The people below all nodded in understanding, and one of the girls suddenly stood up: "Teacher, I have an opinion..."

She said: "We don't know the other party's social structure, nor the other party's moral system. If the other party is a war maniac or an irrational species... uh, for example, Zerg? Then the possibility of war is very high. ”

People have a lot of fantasies about the entire universe. Although it is very unlikely that something irrational can cross the stars, the universe is so big, who knows? Maybe there is one?

The cosmologist nodded and said: "Yes, you are right, so just in case, we are increasing the production of nuclear weapons..."

There is too little time for development, humankind's technical level is still quite limited, and the technology of space weapons such as electromagnetic guns and lasers is not mature, so the best way at present is to manufacture thermonuclear weapons in large quantities. Things like nuclear bombs fly slowly and are easy to intercept, but humans have no choice. Just like cramming, the more we produce, the more secure people will feel. Whether they are ordinary people or senior leaders, they all have this idea in their hearts.

Yu Yifeng stood in the Kinov Industrial Factory and watched the nuclear bombs being mass-produced. Some of them were deuterium-tritium hydrogen bombs, and some were helium-3 bombs.

Of course, there are more atomic bombs. The most indispensable thing for mankind is uranium resources. If they are not used, they can be dismantled.

"The time is still too short. It would be better if it develops for a few more years..."

He kept lamenting that there was not enough time. The incident was too sudden and inexplicable. There was really not enough time...

According to his thinking, there are three possible causes of war.

First, the opponent is a lunatic civilization that explodes at the first touch. The opponent may think that human beings firing cannons is a sign of active attack, and they will take the initiative to fight back in order to protect themselves. In other words, the other party has seen the flaws of human beings and knows that the combat power of human beings is less than five scum.

Second, the other party is a perverted civilization and a war maniac. Eliminating other civilizations will gain great spiritual satisfaction. After all, the universe is so vast and filled with wonders, and no one knows whether there really is such a perverted civilization...

Third, the elimination of other civilizations may have inexplicable benefits, such as luck, etc. This statement is a bit fantasy, but humans have no way to rule it out. After all, humans know too little about the universe.

Too little information is really a headache. No matter how smart the scientists are, they can't come up with a better solution. All the steps people take now are carried out according to the highest probability of success, but the premise is that the universe is not a dark forest, and... the other party is not the civilization where the Mars flying saucer is located.

If the thinking logic of this alien civilization is similar to humans, or similar to any animal on earth, and knows how to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, the possibility of war breaking out will be very small.

"I hope they are not a perverted civilization that explodes when provoked..." Yu Yifeng muttered to himself as he looked at the batches of nuclear bombs. Even if the fish is dead and the net is broken, we must let them know that humans are not easy to mess with...

As time goes by, people become more and more nervous. A group of scientists are always staring at the observation instruments. The sunlight is too sparse when it reaches too far away, and the reflected light is also very dim, so it is difficult to find the spacecraft with ordinary astronomical telescopes.

According to common sense, if this alien civilization deliberately hides itself, humans will not be able to find it at all. However, it emits huge amounts of heat all the time, so this alien spacecraft can be easily spotted with a thermal imaging telescope!

"This huge heat may be emitted by the engine...but it shouldn't be. Even if the universe is not a dark forest, it doesn't have to be so blatant, right?"

Physicist Dr. Rimbaud made a puzzled gesture while saying: "This source of heat is too inappropriate, just like a nuclear bomb blast... Could it be that they also use the power of a nuclear bomb blast to push the spacecraft?"

Rimbaud is a scientist that Yu Yifeng admires very much. He is young and has very active thoughts, as if he is a horse in the sky. He always gets to the heart of the matter in unexpected places.

"Impossible, we did not detect the flash of a nuclear bomb explosion." Yu Yifeng shook his head and said: "And relying on nuclear bombs to propel the energy conversion rate is too low, and it is impossible to accelerate the spacecraft to 0.4 times the speed of light..."

Lan Bo nodded, "You're right... but that's not what I meant. I always feel that the other party's behavior is very strange. He can obviously do it more covertly, but he seems to be at a loss. It's not what I expected at all. experienced."

"Interstellar civilization should be very powerful, very developed, and much more technologically advanced than ours... shouldn't it? Even the other party's radio signals have been detected by us, which is very inappropriate. Even if the universe is not a dark forest, civilization and If civilizations can develop peacefully, they don’t need to be so careless, right?”

"What do you mean?" Yu Yifeng asked doubtfully.

Rimbaud was hot-headed, a little excited, and spoke faster and faster: "There are two possibilities. First, they are novices who have just entered interstellar civilization! Maybe they don't know whether the universe is a dark forest..."

"Second, the other party's spacecraft may have been damaged. The spacecraft was in a dilapidated state and kept making mistakes... They ran into the solar system in a panic just to replenish energy and supplies!"

"No matter what the situation is, the other party will not dare to start a war easily. It is beneficial to us humans! Our camouflage plan can scare them with a high probability, and even squeeze out a little oil and water!"

After hearing this, Yu Yifeng suddenly stood up. He felt a chill on his back. He had to be shocked by Lan Bo's crazy idea: not only to intimidate the other party, but also to blackmail him...

He paced back and forth, constantly thinking about the feasibility of this "blackmail" argument.

No, it's too risky. Humanity currently lacks neither technology nor research direction, but only time. He still has to be cautious, no matter how cautious he is, he can't be greedy rashly!

"...Our astronomical telescope will discover the spacecraft in a few days, and we will make a decision then!"

No matter what, you must first know the other party's attitude... If a fight really breaks out, how about blackmail? Yu Yifeng patted his head and felt that he was a little nervous and thought too much...

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