Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 148 The mysterious source of gravity

The use of this alien creation is very simple. As long as you enter different parameters, different screen results will pop up. Interesting, very interesting... Yu Yifeng kept experimenting, as if he were playing with a new toy.

Various pictures are full of alternative astronomical beauty, because the object of observation is gravitational waves, which look like ripple-like radiation sources.

In fact, human beings are exposed to such superposition of gravitational waves. They are invisible and intangible, but they are real. Gravity is the weakest of the four basic forces. The gravitational force between two protons is only 1/(1.235*10^36) of the electromagnetic force between them, which is almost negligible.

But on a macro scale, gravity becomes the only force that controls the motion of celestial bodies.

The most powerful gravity is far stronger than the strong interaction. Not even light can break free, and even neutron stars will be torn apart!

I have to say that this is a miracle of accumulating small amounts into large amounts, from the smallest to the largest, from the weakest to the strongest. Gravity can be said to be a typical example of diaosi's struggle to reach the peak of life.

Even people like Xu Yunjin who don't understand science are immersed in the beautiful pictures.

Yu Yifeng discovered that this telescope can even clearly "see" things hundreds of millions of light-years away, and can also roughly estimate the mass, size and distance of objects from the screen.

However, because gravitational waves are too weak, this machine still has its limits. The farther the distance, the higher the computational requirements on the computer and the quality of the observed objects.

After a simple test, only massive sources such as stars, neutron stars, and black holes can be observed for things hundreds of millions of light-years away, but there is nothing we can do about other smaller planets.

The closer the distance, the higher the accuracy of measurement. You can even "see" small meteorites and comets within one light-year!

However, this telescope still has a big flaw. Compared with radio telescopes, it cannot see the specific picture clearly, and can only use corrugated dots instead. In other words, it can only observe the position and movement of the target.

Well... no matter what, it is countless times clearer than human telescopes. At least human telescopes cannot "see" anything blocked by the planet...

"The green light civilization's spacecraft is very large, its mass should be large, and it is relatively close to us... it should be clearly visible." Professor Thomson listed a series of data on the screen and said cautiously.

Yu Yifeng nodded: "Then let's give it a try. What is the mass of Sedna?"

Now it’s time to get down to business. They spent so much effort just to monitor the Green Light Civilization spacecraft.

This is the most important thing. If you can't see each other's spaceship, people will have no sense of security.

"The mass level of Sedna should be around 10^20 kilograms. As for the Green Light Civilization's spacecraft, the mass cannot be accurately estimated because the specific materials and related structures are not known..."

Professor Thomson pondered for a moment and wrote a line of data on the paper: "Its diameter is 150 kilometers. For the time being, it is believed that... its overall density is slightly lighter than water, and its mass level is about 10^14-10^16 kilograms. It shouldn’t be as light as the Noah anyway.”

The observation object of this telescope must start at least tens of billions of tons, which is 10^11 kilograms. A spacecraft like Noah, which is huge and has a mass of only a few million tons, is too small and cannot be observed.

According to Professor Thomson, Yu Yifeng entered the relevant parameters and hit the Enter key. This time, there were thousands of celestial bodies!

These include a bunch of meteorites after the earth exploded and the moon was torn apart... Well, the solar system does have so many small celestial bodies with masses distributed between 10^14-10^20 kilograms.

It took everyone a minute to easily find the source of gravity represented by the Sedna Star, and then...

there is none left! There is no such ship!

"what happened?"

Just for a moment, Yu Yifeng felt a chill on his back. He suddenly thought of something not very good. Could it be that the spaceship was hidden on purpose? Or...have you left Sedna?

Failed! The gravitational wave telescope they had high hopes for failed! Xu Yunjin and others also clenched their fists tightly, with cold sweat breaking out on their foreheads. What does the disappearance of the alien spacecraft... mean?

Just a few days ago, people could no longer see the spacecraft through infrared light, which meant that the alien spacecraft had been repaired. If it is deliberately hidden, humans will lose its vision and can only see it when very close!

"Are you sure this is Sedna?" Yu Yifeng asked in disbelief.

"Yes... this is indeed the Sedna star. It should be it!" Several people confirmed it several times. They could not get it wrong with this common sense in astronomy.

"But what about the spaceship? Where's the alien spacecraft!"

Xu Yunjin had already shouted out urgently, but he didn't see the other smaller circle.

Yes, logically, there should be a smaller source of gravity, which is the huge alien spacecraft!

Where did it go? !

Everyone searched the image several times, but they did not see a suitable small circle near the star Sedna. On the image, there are hundreds of small gravity sources, and it is impossible to tell which one is an alien spacecraft and which one is a meteorite.

A chill rose from the bottom of his heart, and Yu Yifeng's hair almost stood up in fear, and he even wanted to issue an emergency order!

"...Maybe it's a problem with the search range?" Professor Thomson also looked incredible, with fine beads of sweat on his forehead.

"Could it be...they are too close and their gravity overlaps? This is possible..."

The crowd spent another hour to start targeted inspections, eliminating those small gravity sources one by one, and suspicious traces were found!

"They are all meteorites, not alien spacecraft. Maybe that's the case, the gravity of the two overlaps, and the alien spacecraft is still on Sedna."

After checking these, many members of the Ministry of Public Security breathed a sigh of relief. This may be an explanation, but it can't make everyone completely relieved. After spending so much time, there is still no observation of alien spacecraft, which makes everyone feel a little helpless.

Professor Thomson said again: "The propagation speed of gravitational waves is also the speed of light, that is, what we see is almost 12 hours ago. If it leaves Sedna, we will definitely be able to observe a small circle...Yes, it must be like this."

Yu Yifeng frowned, there is no way. In the vast universe, information lag is inevitable. In fact, it would be fine as long as humans don't see it flying towards Mars...

The situation has not yet developed to the worst, he felt a little relieved and patted Xu Yunjin on the shoulder: "Old Xu, this is left to you, be sure to monitor it 24 hours a day, and notify me directly if there is anything."

At the same time, he turned his head and said: "Professor Thomson, you will be responsible for the maintenance of this telescope, is it okay?"

Xu Yunjin saluted immediately and replied solemnly. But Professor Thomson seemed to be stunned, staring straight at the observation image, and said stiffly: "Something is wrong!"

Hearing what he said, Yu Yifeng and Xu Yunjin immediately became nervous, "What's wrong?"

Professor Thomson seemed to be stunned, and kept calculating for a long time, and finally slowly said: "I just adjusted the parameters and expanded the search range... Look!"

Everyone looked up in confusion, only to see... a small sphere appeared near Sedna, tightly attached to it. However, its gravitational strength is more than ten times that of Sedna!

Professor Thomson said blankly: "This is... a spaceship of the Green Light Civilization? Is the mass of the other party too large? Even larger than the planet Sederna?!"

"The mass reaches 10^21 kilograms! This... is impossible!"

Professor Thomson's face was sweating, and he seemed to be talking to himself: "I mean, the mass of this spaceship is ten times larger than that of Sederna?! This is absolutely impossible!"

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