Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 149: Carrying a great treasure?

The gravitational wave telescope did not see the alien spacecraft just now because the parameters were set too small. But now after setting the appropriate parameters, I can indeed see it, and the result is even more puzzling...

The size of the alien spacecraft is only three thousandths of that of Sedna, but its gravity is ten times greater, which is completely an order of magnitude larger!


It was simply too exaggerated. Yu Yifeng no longer knew what to say. He felt as if he had swallowed an egg raw. was so inexplicable that several people looked at each other with a sense of absurdity in their hearts.

"The telescope is broken?" This is the first feeling in people's minds.

However, the top soldiers like Xu Yunjin were relieved, as long as they could detect the alien spacecraft. The smaller circle is still docked on Sedna, which is enough. As for the quality and whether it is reasonable, that is something that scientists should consider and is not their business.

Professor Thomson thought about it carefully and quickly found two possible reasons: first, there was something wrong with the telescope, which caused the observation results to be wrong; second, the opponent's spacecraft was indeed so heavy!

This is not a safety issue, but a weird scientific issue!

This existential crisis for mankind has not yet been completely overcome. Any information related to alien spacecraft should be discussed carefully. Especially, in this somewhat strange situation…

Yu Yifeng finally made the decision: "Convene an emergency meeting!"

This is not a particularly urgent security issue, so there were not many participants. Most of the attendees were famous physicists and related astronomers.

When a group of people faced this problem, they all frowned and couldn't figure it out.

Like Yu Yifeng, they felt a sense of absurdity in their hearts, and all of them looked strange.

After a quarter of an hour, the physicist Mr. Felix stood up and spoke, "...I don't think it's a problem with the gravitational wave telescope. I just compared the calculated data of other celestial bodies on the screen, and they are all correct. of."

"Did the telescope make an error when measuring the alien spacecraft? I think this probability is very small. Computers will not make mistakes. As long as there is no problem with the program, the probability of errors is very low. Either all calculations are wrong, or all calculations are correct... Could it be that... Among a bunch of data, the probability that it miscalculated the one that human beings need most is extremely low!”

When Mr. Felix finished speaking, he sat down quietly.

Another scientist stood up immediately, and he was a little excited: "This is unreasonable. With this mass and volume, its average density reaches 6,000 tons/cubic meter, or even higher!"

"This density is six thousand times that of water and eight hundred times that of iron! There is definitely something wrong with this."

Yu Yifeng also took a pen and calculated. Even if it is completely solid, its density is much higher than any human material! Osmium, the densest metal, is only 22.59 tons/cubic meter. Compared with 6000 tons/cubic meter, it is really far behind!

"And... can such a heavy spacecraft really take off? To make it fly, it requires a huge amount of energy. I would rather believe that the telescope is wrong."

Yes, this goes against common sense!

Logically speaking, shouldn't the lighter the spaceship, the better? Why is it reversed now?

Green Light Civilization is a real interstellar civilization. Although humans have set them apart, no one dares to underestimate them. If they really fight, they can beat up humans in minutes!

Their science and technology are definitely far superior to humans. Therefore, no one feels that discussing such issues is a waste of time. Perhaps... this question that goes against common sense can point out a clear path for human aerospace technology?

"First of all, we must confirm whether the telescope is wrong, or their spacecraft is indeed super massive?" Yu Yifeng knocked on the table and asked in a deep voice. If these scientists cannot figure out this issue, their quarrel will be in vain.

"Do you have any good suggestions?"

Professor Thomson is an expert in astronomy. Hearing this, he immediately thought of a good idea: "That's no problem... A large source of mass will produce greater gravity, thus changing the trajectory of the surrounding stars. We can calculate it through The motion trajectories of these stars can be used to estimate whether the mass of the spacecraft is really large.”

Next, some astronomical observers below immediately began to design specific calculation plans. Such a plan is not complicated, and it took about half an hour to get specific results.

The result is that the celestial bodies near Sedna are subject to gravitational pull that is ten times stronger than before! Even the trajectory of Sedna itself has been changed!

Facts speak louder than words, which means there is nothing wrong with this telescope, it is accurate!

For a time, the minds of many scientists were confused. They looked at the screen stupidly, feeling sluggish.

"A density of 6,000 tons/cubic meter is not something humans can achieve. We have no way to make something even 30 tons/cubic meter. There must be reasons we haven't thought of!"

"Moreover, large-mass spaceships are very harmful to space navigation. According to our kinetic energy formula, the greater the mass, the greater the energy consumption required...unless all this mass is energy material?!"

Many scientists were whispering to each other, and they increasingly felt that this situation was very strange, but they could not think of a particularly good reason.

Is the gap between humans and green light civilization so big?

"Except for some natural celestial is unimaginable that there is anything with such a density."

Hearing this, Yu Yifeng suddenly had an idea and said directly: "Everyone, is it possible that the other party put some high-density stars into the spacecraft? For example, neutron star fragments and white dwarf star fragments?"

Many scientists looked a little weird, and Professor Ding Yidong said unceremoniously: "Captain, the reason why white dwarfs are so dense is because their huge gravity squeezes atoms together tightly, and the repulsion between electrons only Can barely support the squeeze of gravity."

"If a piece of the white dwarf is cut off and the continuous squeezing of the huge gravity is instantly lost, the repulsive force between the electrons will immediately take over, and the white dwarf fragment... will immediately expand and cause a violent explosion!"

"The same goes for neutron stars."

Many scientists nodded in agreement. White dwarf fragments or neutron star fragments? It is simply unimaginable that these things cannot exist stably.

Yu Yifeng was suddenly speechless. In fact, at this time, he remembered a novel. In that novel, the earth was exploded by neutron star fragments, and then he said it directly without thinking much.

He thought for a moment, and no matter how he thought about it, he felt that it was possible, so he added: "If alien civilization really has the ability to cut off a piece of fragments from a white dwarf or a neutron star, then it shouldn't be difficult to preserve these fragments, right? "

"And, as you said, they will spontaneously expand and explode... If the explosion process is made slow and sustainable, will it become a new type of energy?"

"Just like the controllable nuclear fusion technology we imagine, as long as the speed of nuclear reaction explosion is controlled, new energy can be developed. And can this kind of star fragments also control the speed of explosion?"

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