Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 150 Star Fragment Energy

When Yu Yifeng said this, he became more and more energetic as he talked, and his thoughts were flowing like a river: "Just because we can't do it doesn't mean that other civilizations can't do it as well. If these star fragments can really control the explosion, Speed ​​must be a more powerful energy source than nuclear fusion!”

Yes, this is a more powerful energy source - astral fragment energy!

According to calculations, if an ant-sized neutron star fragment explodes suddenly, it will explode with the energy of the sun in 3-5 seconds. This is definitely much more powerful than nuclear fusion! (The sun consumes 4 million tons of mass every second)

Although its energy utilization rate is about 7%, it is still not as good as antimatter energy, but... antimatter is too rare and precious in the Milky Way, and things like white dwarfs and neutron stars are everywhere!

As long as it is cut into one piece, it is of high quality and sufficient in weight, and can be used immediately, so it is a good energy source.

Yu Yifeng's words stunned everyone.

This idea was so crazy that for a while, many people seemed to be dumbfounded, thinking about its feasibility.

People discovered that if there is really a way to control the explosion speed of star fragments, it can indeed be used as an energy source!

Yu Yifeng paused and continued: "What I said was just a hypothesis..."

"Even if these fragments cannot be used as an energy source, they can also be used as a source of gravity! As long as you put one inside, you can generate a strong gravitational force."

"The Green Light Civilization's spaceship is not Noah. I think there should be no natural gravity inside, right? Without gravity, it is very inconvenient for the survival of living things. Maybe... cutting a piece of white dwarf star to serve as a gravity source is simpler than anti-gravity technology. Woolen cloth?"

Cutting a white dwarf or a neutron star? Many scientists shook their is hard to imagine what kind of technology is needed to do this.

The surface gravity of a white dwarf is equal to 1 billion times that of the Earth's surface! Under such high pressure, any object no longer exists, even atoms are crushed, and electrons break away from atomic orbits and become free electrons.

In this case, it's harder than any material, humanity's hardest diamond? Just a weak scumbag!

And neutron stars are even more exaggerated. Their surface gravity is 100 trillion times that of the earth! Under this super strong gravity, the Coulomb force and the strong interaction are no match. The entire nucleus is crushed, and protons and electrons are squeezed together to form neutrons. This is how neutron stars get their name.

In this case, cutting a piece acts as a source of gravity or energy? The difficulty...only a layman like Yu Yifeng could say such a thing.

Scientists would rather believe that anti-gravity technology can be achieved, but cutting white dwarfs and neutron stars is difficult to achieve...

Think about it, even if you throw the sun at a white dwarf star, it will only produce a huge explosion, and it will still not lose a hair. Its sturdiness can be imagined.

But Yu Yifeng doesn't care about these, they are all just assumptions anyway, and it doesn't matter if he is a little wilder. And as soon as his imagination started to come up, he couldn't stop at all: "I also thought of something... Regarding the problem of the spacecraft being too massive and the energy consumption being too high, isn't there curvature navigation? In the curvature navigation, the kinetic energy of the spacecraft is zero. This avoids the weakness of the spacecraft being too heavy.”

"We don't know how curvature navigation is achieved, nor do we know the specific theory... Maybe the energy consumption of curvature navigation has nothing to do with the mass, but is only related to the volume of the spacecraft?! Yes, that must be the case! !”

Yu Yifeng became more and more excited as he talked. At this time, he had a wonderful intuition. He must be right!

All the scientists were speechless. They wanted to refute but didn't know how. This gave Yu Yifeng an inexplicable sense of relief.

A few days ago, due to the need to assemble a quantum computer, Yu Yifeng forcibly took a lot of scarce materials from various laboratories, so he was often looked down upon by scientists. Now... he finally regained his place!

"That makes sense!"

Dr. Rimbaud, who was also very imaginative, suddenly shouted loudly, as if he was extremely excited. He said enthusiastically: "Captain Yu's guess is very reasonable! Otherwise, we would have no way to explain the super mass of the alien spacecraft. Maybe this is it! So... there is probably a piece of mass in the spacecraft of the Green Light Civilization A tall 10^21 kilogram star fragment?"

"This star fragment is probably the gravitational source or energy source of the spacecraft!"

"Moreover, their spaceship... should be sailing using a curvature engine. This is a navigation method that we have not yet discovered... It is impossible to accelerate the spacecraft to 40% of the speed of light by ordinary navigation methods alone, and in such a situation With great quality!”

As Rimbaud spoke, his voice gradually became quieter, as if he had thought of some key point, he frowned and sat down.

Obviously, this problem involves curvature navigation, but people have no idea how it is achieved... According to this statement, the energy consumption of curvature navigation is most likely only related to the volume and has nothing to do with the mass of the spacecraft?

Everyone is silent. These great scientists here are very particular about rigor, and making wild guesses without evidence is not what they are good at. Based on their status, it is impossible for them to talk nonsense like young people like Rimbaud.

Is the green light civilization that has been set aside by humans really so powerful? Could it be that their technology can already cut white dwarfs and neutron stars?

Could it be that...this cutting technology is really simpler than anti-gravity technology?

impossible! At least anti-gravity is still possible in theory, but cutting such a star... is totally unreasonable?

There is confusion in many people's minds.

But if you follow Yu Yifeng's conjecture, everything can indeed be explained. Otherwise, how to explain the average density of up to 6000 tons/cubic meter?

Everyone racked their brains and could not think of a more reasonable explanation.

There was silence in the observatory, everyone was thinking about the problem. Yu Yifeng had nothing to do and played with the gravitational wave telescope by himself.

The small dot representing the green-light civilization spacecraft remained motionless, but the gravitational waves it emitted were more than ten times stronger than those of Sedna. It can be said that Sedna has been firmly "sucked" by the spacecraft. I wonder how to get rid of it when the green light civilization takes off? Can gravitational waves be shielded like electromagnetic waves?

I don’t know why, but Yu Yifeng feels that he is in a great state today, and his imagination is ridiculous... Maybe after such a long period of mental work, his IQ has increased?

If this continues, he can become a scientist!

However, how to shield gravity is obviously not within the scope of human science. Human beings don't even know the nature of gravity, and they no longer think about these profound issues.

He input different parameters, and the solar system has never been so clear under the gaze of the gravitational wave telescope.

Gravity is the real ruler in the starry sky. Because of its existence, structures such as the Earth-Moon system, planetary systems, star systems, galaxy clusters, etc. can be formed.

"It would be great if humans could better understand the nature of gravity..."

Yu Yifeng tried to keep the search distance of the gravitational wave telescope within two light years, and then searched for all stars of different sizes in the solar system, including comets and planets.

Because of the large number of stars, quantum computers took a long time. After the screen came out, the eight major planets in the solar system, no... seven major planets, could be seen at a glance.

The solar system's influence range is only one light-year. In the picture, in addition to several major planets, there are also a large number of meteorites and comets.

However, beyond five or six hundred astronomical units, few dots appear.

In other words, the main mass of the solar system is still distributed in the area within Pluto.

"What's this?"

Yu Yifeng looked at the Oort Nebula in confusion. About 0.6 light-years away, a...huge dot as big as the moon appeared?

Are there such planets so far away? This is something that humans have never discovered.

(There are only 180 24-hour subscriptions, T^T. Did you all watch the pirated version? Or did I fail to write? The author worked so hard on the code, and it’s too much for you not to pay a dime...)

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