Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 151 Planetary Spaceship

To be precise, what Yu Yifeng observed was a huge dot as big as the moon!

There are more than a dozen small dots around it. According to the calculations of the gravitational wave telescope, the diameter of each small dot is about 150 kilometers to 200 kilometers!

"Is there such a strange celestial body?" Yu Yifeng was very confused. He subconsciously rubbed his eyes.

The distance of 0.6 light-years is already very far away for humans, even out of reach.

Voyager 1, launched in 1977, is the farthest man-made spacecraft from the earth. Its distance from the sun is about 17 billion kilometers...

A light year is about 946 billion kilometers.

According to this calculation, the maximum distance currently explored by humans is... 0.002 light years. It’s really unimaginable, one light-year away.

The universe, in contrast to this distance, appears wider.

The 0.6 light-year position is the scope of the Oort Nebula. Human exploration of this nebula can be said to be almost zero. Therefore, the appearance of a moon-sized planet in that area should not be a big problem, at least it is not particularly surprising. Maybe the planet itself exists and has not been discovered?

But Yu Yifeng felt a little weird. Are the dozens of small dots around them all meteorites, and...are they arranged in a row? Too neat and orderly, right?

Yu Yifeng frowned and calculated its speed. When he saw the result that popped up, his head was "bang", as if he couldn't believe it, and he was still stunned after a long time.

His hands trembled slightly, and he repeated the calculation again, and it was still the original result!

"What is this?" he shouted immediately. He could not miscalculate such a simple question. There was definitely something wrong with this dot!

Hearing Yu Yifeng's scream, a group of meditating scientists stood up and walked to Yu Yifeng's side.

When they saw Yu Yifeng's calculation results, they all stood still, as if they had witnessed an incredible scene...

Sub-light speed!

A bunch of sublight-speed balls are flying into the solar system!

This is definitely not a star, but... a spaceship, definitely a huge spaceship! This is an extremely powerful fleet. The smallest one is 150 kilometers long, comparable to the spaceship of the Green Light Civilization!

"What's this?"

"what's the situation?!"

Some scientists exclaimed, and others were shouting, but apart from this explanation, no star can reach the sub-light speed level!

Although he was still in a state of shock, Yu Yifeng immediately sent a notice of an emergency meeting. At the same time, he asked Thomson and other astronomers to pay close attention to that area and try to use other methods to search for the super large fleet.

"Everyone, the situation this time is very urgent, and we discovered it accidentally. The movement speed of this fleet is about 0.6 times the speed of light. Although the gravitational wave telescope discovered them 0.6 light-years away,... the propagation of gravitational waves The speed is also the speed of light, and the information is lagging behind. It can be said that this is a picture from 0.6 years ago! "

Yu Yifeng's face was ashen as he played the observation image on the screen, "The largest main ship in the middle is as big as the moon and has a diameter of about 3,000 kilometers!"

"There are also 12 smaller spaceships, each with a diameter of 150-200 kilometers!"

At the end of his speech, the anxiety in his heart was almost uncontrollable, and he even punched the table hard.

"Total... 13 ships!"

A super spaceship as big as the moon! This is almost something that only exists in science fiction novels, but now it has appeared in front of people. It is extremely shocking... How much time does it take to transform a planet into a spaceship, and how much industrial capacity is required?

This oppressive feeling is the unimaginable pinnacle of human technology at present!


Human beings are really too insignificant...

Yu Yifeng didn't know what this fleet meant. He didn't know what purpose it had in rushing to the solar system... He only knew that it was definitely not a good thing for humans!

A green light civilization came in front, and a fleet came behind? What's going on?

Sitting at the bottom of the meeting were the main leaders of major factories, major scientists, and relevant parliamentarians. A kind of pressure like Mount Tai appeared in everyone's hearts, making them unable to breathe.

Everyone's face was livid, with anxiety in their hearts.

Fortunately... there was no crash!

This is also what Yu Yifeng is most gratified about. Over the years, mankind has experienced too many crises, and its ability to withstand it seems to have gradually increased. Whether it is the parliamentarians or scientists, they just think in silence one by one, and do not directly cry out in despair.

This is much better than two years ago, when people were still on the moon and Project Noah had not yet been implemented. When the same group of people heard that the moon was about to be destroyed, they almost collapsed. They were only able to pull themselves back because of Yi Feng's continuous roars and roars.

Yu Yifeng will always remember that scene, as if the sky had collapsed, everyone was so desperate and sad...

But now, this feeling appears again, but the situation is different. This is the progress of all mankind! It's always a good thing to be able to think, whether it's anxiety or anger, it's better than despair.

"I have to say that no battleship can compete with us humans..." As the leader of civilization, when he said this sentence, Yu Yifeng suddenly felt a sense of sadness, or a kind of grief and anger!

"We observed them in advance and must find a way ahead of time!"

Everyone frowned. Facing such a powerful civilization, human beings are really too humble and insignificant.

The dark universe, the boundless universe, contains countless crises. Any disturbance can lead to the destruction of all mankind!

Technology, technology! We need stronger technology, any cost!

He coughed lightly and said in a serious tone: "According to our calculations, that fleet is still 0.24 light-years away from Pluto... which means that it will reach Pluto in another five months!"

"We still have five months."

After saying that, he sat down and thought hard.

Things seem very strange... It's just that a green light civilization took refuge, but why did a huge fleet appear again? Is this something caused by Green Light Civilization, or is it due to some other reason? Could it be...continue to use the disguise plan?

If the broken spacecraft of the Green Light Civilization can be intimidated by humans, then... this huge fleet cannot be simply intimidated.

what to do? what to do?

At this time, Professor Thomson also received even more ominous news: "We have tried various methods, but cannot observe it at all. The other party seems to have maintained radio silence... Moreover, there is almost no reflected light and Thermal radiation. With our radio telescope, we can’t see it at all!”

"No,... it still doesn't work. We used a radio interferometer, but we still can't see it. Only a gravitational wave telescope can do it!"

Yu Yifeng frowned when he heard this. He was a little depressed, but also a little lucky. Fortunately, humans have gravitational wave telescopes that surpass several technological levels. Otherwise... we would only know when the other party gets close. This would be too dangerous!

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