Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 157 Be Prepared

The Green Light Civilization could not have imagined that the "amazing" new human civilization, which seemed to have a higher level of technology than them, could not leave the solar system!

Humanity is struggling crazily for the survival of the entire civilization.

In the following meetings, people established two basic survival routes:

The first one is to blow down the Green Light Civilization’s spaceship with nuclear bombs to prevent them from detonating the sun! As for the issue of the unknown fleet behind, we can only take it one step at a time and consider it later.

Article 2: If the bombing plan fails, mankind will resort to the second best option and use the Noah spacecraft to struggle to see if it can survive the supernova...

In short, humans need to prepare for both paths. People can't think of any other ways for the time being...

Issues related to nuclear bombs have been taken over by Ding Yidong and others. Now people are mainly considering the situation after the failure of the bombing plan.

That is the situation that we least want to face - a supernova!

"I think we should start building radiation protection walls now instead of waiting for the results of the bombing plan to come out. That would be too late!"

"...The thickness is of course the thicker the better, one thousand meters or even ten thousand meters!"

One of the scientists stood up and shouted, in a state of extreme excitement.

"Moreover, our spacecraft can no longer float in the air. We need to collect as much Martian resources as possible and build thicker radiation protection walls!"

Yu Yifeng also nodded. If the spaceship floats any longer, it will be a waste of time and life. It would be a joke if Noah withstood the supernova without any damage, but humans died due to gamma ray radiation.

"Yes, we must prepare as soon as possible!"

The speaker was Dr. Roman, and his expression was also very serious. "Now let me talk about the issue of radiation protection materials. As we all know, the Martian virus has a very good radiation-resistant capsid, which is an organic metal. Its radiation protection ability 13 times that of ordinary lead plates!”

"In biological laboratories, research on this new material has made good progress. It may be used to build radiation protection walls..."

"And when this metal melts, it absorbs a lot of heat."

Yu Yifeng's heart moved, this is good news!

The penetrating power of gamma rays is very strong. When a gamma ray with an energy of 1MeV travels a hundred meters in the air, its intensity is reduced by half. And it can penetrate lead plates several centimeters thick.

Generally speaking, metals with larger atomic weights have better radiation protection effects. However, due to the price of metal, lead plates are commonly used in laboratories.

But the gamma rays from star explosions can have a maximum energy of 100TeV! Such an energy level is simply the use of brute force. It can directly heat the metal plate until it vaporizes or liquefies. It doesn't care about the lead plate or uranium plate and directly destroys it violently...

On the one hand, humans have to hide behind Mars and use the entire planet for shielding.

On the other hand, we need to strengthen the construction of radiation protection walls. We must build countless radiation protection walls in an extremely crazy, brutal and brutal way!

"We only need to use walls to block the living areas and industrial areas. Other places can only be abandoned." This is the voice of a construction engineer.

Because of the expanded space inside the spacecraft, the surface area inside the Noah is extremely large and it is impossible to enclose it all. People can barely cope with the more than 2,000 entrances and exits inside and outside China Unicom.

The largest entrance, with a diameter of 34 meters, is located in the upper middle of the Noah, while the smallest is only a few dozen centimeters.

Areas where people are avoiding must be completely isolated with radiation-proof walls, and it is best not to be directly exposed to these entrances and exits.

And the rest can only believe in Noah unconditionally... If Noah cracks, no matter how thick the radiation protection wall is, it will be useless, and mankind will definitely be doomed.

Think about it, under the influence of ultra-high energy, even planets with a diameter of several thousand kilometers can be completely destroyed. Even if the radiation protection wall is tens of thousands of meters thick, what's the use?

"...Do you have anything else to add? Do you have any questions?"

The matter was urgent. Although there were still about four months left, Yu Yifeng had already deeply felt the urgency of time. If he had nothing to add, he would just give the order.

"I think we also have to think about what happens if we survive successfully."

"If it fails, everyone will die in an instant. There is nothing to worry about. What if it succeeds?"

The speaker was Wang Yufan. He thought for a moment and said with some anxiety: "By then, the entire solar system will no longer exist. We will not be able to get any resource replenishment, and we will face an empty solar system."

"Unless...we can fly to another star!"

"But our technical conditions simply can't do it! Even if our spaceship flies to Proxima Centauri, it will take tens of thousands of years!"

On the contrary, if the sun explodes, Noah and mankind will face an empty solar system. There will no longer be supplies, and mankind will only slowly starve to death in the Milky Way.

Yu Yifeng frowned and thought for a while. There really was no particularly good solution to this problem... Tens of thousands of years of flight time was too long.

Supplies must be replenished frantically. Without supplies, humans cannot survive!

In other words, during these four months, humans must mine like crazy, using all the tricks to mine, and dig as much as they want!

"What the hell..." Yu Yifeng cursed in his heart. Fortunately, they had been mining for nearly three years. The material reserves in the Noah are quite abundant. If they save a little, they can last for at least two to three hundred years.

But what will mankind face in two or three hundred years? How can humans survive without material resources?

"Regarding this issue...I just designed a simple model."

"This problem actually doesn't arise."

The speaker was Dr. Rimbaud. He gestured with his pen, "If our Noah does not explode due to the ultra-high heat and pressure, it will probably be blown away... and blown directly out of the solar system."

"This is because the density of Noah is very, very small, even much smaller than a hydrogen balloon, so that it can easily float in the Martian atmosphere. Let me use a ping-pong ball as an analogy. If a nuclear bomb hits the ping-pong ball, It explodes next to it and the ping pong ball doesn’t explode, what happens to it?”

"It will be blown away by the shock wave generated by the explosion!" Dr. Rimbaud made a gesture.

"By analogy, the same is true for our Noah. The star explosion produces powerful and endless light pressure, which will quickly push the spacecraft and accelerate it to sub-light speed, or even close to the speed of light!"

"Thus...escape from the solar system!"

This principle is very simple, but everyone did not expect that Dr. Rimbaud first proposed it.

In other words, if it really survives, Noah will at least be moving, and humans will not be trapped in an empty solar system eating and waiting to die.

Many scientists have tried to build models and analyze specific results. The overall density of Noah is so small that it is almost the same as interstellar dust. Rimbaud's words make sense.

"... According to the relevant theories of supernova, it is indeed possible to push out the surrounding interstellar dust at a speed close to the speed of light. If Noah had not exploded or melted, it would indeed have been pushed out by endless gamma rays... accelerated to sub-light speed or The state of near-light speed!”

"If we find a planet suitable for habitation during our movement, we can use the over-the-top deceleration plan to quickly slow down the spacecraft!"

When talking about this, many people became excited. This is a real interstellar voyage, and it was actually realized in such an inexplicable way? !

However, people still have to be prepared for a protracted war. No one knows where Noah will be blown and how many years it will wander before it encounters a planet.

No one knows whether the Noah will explode?

Mining, still mining!

Finally, Yu Yifeng made a formal decision, "Then, prepare with both hands and two plans, start immediately!"

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