Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 158 Emergency Manufacturing

The machine started and the motor roared. Under the strong execution power of the new government, the production capacity of the Kinov Industrial Factory reached its peak in an instant.

A lot of nuclear bombs have been produced in the past few days, and they are no longer needed for the time being. The main work at present is to promote the production of rockets and the mass manufacturing of related detectors.

According to scientists' predictions, the Green Lantern's spacecraft will pass by Mars in three and a half months. The closest distance will be about one million kilometers. At that time, there will be a better opportunity to attack.

If you miss it, you will never see it again... People's rockets are still flying too slowly, and they can't catch up with the green light spacecraft.

This may be the only time that humans can attack Green Light Civilization unscrupulously without fear of retaliation.

People also want to see how far the gap between current technology and real interstellar civilization is.

On the other hand, super excavators went to the ground and continued to vigorously excavate resources. The Kinov Industrial Factory even freed up part of its production capacity to produce excavators frantically.

Mineral resources, the more the better! Mines are needed to make rockets, mines are needed to build radiation walls, and even more so for human survival!

Although, doing so could result in radio exposure, allowing humans to be detected by unknown fleets in the distance. But we can no longer control so much, and humans have no time to deal with them.

People just turn on their wireless communication devices as much as possible to reduce the chance of exposure.

Perhaps all the attention of that fleet was focused on the green light spacecraft, and little humans could not be found...

People worked day and night, and it took another two weeks to build a huge cement factory. It can produce various types of radiation-proof cement.

At the same time, various laboratories also began to mass-produce radiation protection equipment.

Busy, really busy. Everyone seems to have returned to the days of the moon base. The pressure of death is approaching bit by bit. The great fear between life and death can inspire everyone's motivation and vitality.

I have to say that the new human civilization is really a tough race. When the crisis comes, they are also panicked and desperate, but the general idea in their hearts is: use collective power to fight for the last glimmer of hope!

This kind of tenacity is not present at the beginning, but is acquired, tempered by crisis after crisis.

As long as there is hope, people don't mind sweating.

"...According to our production capacity, in more than three months, up to seventeen radiation-proof walls can be built, with the distance between each wall ranging from 1 kilometer to ten kilometers."

"The blank zones in the intervals can be filled with air, slag, sand and gravel, etc. These things can also isolate part of the gamma rays and absorb a lot of heat..."

"We can also use Noah's original metal structure for radiation protection. They also have strong radiation protection and heat insulation capabilities." An engineer was telling Yu Yifeng about the specific project plan.

Yu Yifeng squinted his eyes and looked at the drawing carefully. The distribution of these radiation protection walls was very complicated: first, several walls were placed at the entrance and exit of the Noah, and then a few more were placed in the middle. However, the main part still surrounded the human body. Living areas and industrial areas, the closer they are to the center, the more core assets they are to mankind.

According to this plan, there are still a lot of things that need to be demolished or moved, because many buildings are now in the outer areas of the Noah, including people's residences, boilers, factories, etc.

The outer area is absolutely unsafe, and everything must be moved to the center of the Noah. The middle location is definitely the safest place because it is farthest from those entrances and exits.

Moreover, Noah itself has a certain honeycomb structure. Those strange purple metals, although not as abnormal as the outer shell of the spacecraft, can at least isolate some gamma rays and heat, and are a natural protective barrier.

"That's it!" Yu Yifeng nodded.

These radiation-proof walls can surround all important areas. From now on, humans will live on the inside of the walls... It sounds weird, but these tall, sealed walls can indeed bring people a sense of security.

A few steps further from Yu Yifeng, there is the Central Forest Park, which people have worked hard to build. This is also where demolition is needed.

Some robots began pumping water and digging trees on a large scale, trying to move them to the central area.

A mother and her little child were standing on the lawn in the park. The little boy was probably a little over two years old. He just looked at the demolition team around him curiously, his eyes flashing constantly.

He suddenly spotted Yu Yifeng and blinked happily.

Yu Yifeng also responded with a smile, and couldn't help but think in his heart: "Children are so carefree."

Of course he recognized this little boy. His name was Weiss. He was the first new member of the new human civilization. He was currently two and a half years old. In another half year, I will be of kindergarten age.

However, public facilities such as kindergartens are not yet available in Noah.

Yu Yifeng couldn't help but lament that time flies by so fast, and the development of human beings has reached this point in the blink of an eye. Please also start thinking about this matter. If mankind really survives this crisis, these education projects must be put on the agenda.

The population growth rate in Noah was relatively fast at the beginning, but then showed a trend of decreasing year by year. There was 5% in the previous year, and only 3% in the following year. The exact figure for the third year has not yet been released, but it is estimated to be lower.

This is because the population base is too small, and the gap in the middle is relatively large. Those who should have children already have them, and many families do not consider having a second child for the time being.

And those who should be single are still single... He shook his head and did not think about these problems for the time being.

Establishing a kindergarten and hiring teachers and other staff will occupy some of the working population, but it can free up a large number of parents with children, and the labor force will actually increase. This is a good thing...

Moreover, the education issue is a long-term and fundamental issue. Children aged three or four are still in a very ignorant stage. Their values ​​and worldview have not yet been formed, and they are very malleable.

Education is very effective at this time and cannot be wasted.

Yu Yifeng planned to ask Professor Sean to study it as soon as possible, compile some teaching materials, and select educational personnel. "Equality, freedom, wisdom, harmony," etc. will be the main educational keywords.

The education methods of the new humanity should be different from those before. After all, this new society is actually simpler and more innocent, and children should also be simple and kind. He didn't want to be like what happened on Earth, where a group of children would compete with each other since they were young, causing fights and other troubles.

These adverse phenomena should be reduced as much as possible, which not only requires innovation in the education system and content, but also strengthens ideological management on the part of parents.

"Mom?" The little boy Weiss pointed to the ground and asked. He saw that after all the soil was dug away by the excavator, the original purple metal inside the Noah was revealed.

Now all the human settlements have been decorated. The little boy has never seen this kind of purple metal and is particularly curious.

"This is our big spaceship...the spaceship!" His mother explained patiently: "Its name is Noah, and it is also our home."

"Home? Huh? No?" Weiss didn't understand the connotation at all, and just muttered something vaguely. He reached out to touch the purple metal, and his hands were covered with mud.

The mother didn't care too much and just said: "Learn to tell me - Noah, home."

"Noah, home... garden." He learned to speak while playing.

(There was a power outage and I couldn’t use the computer, so I could barely code one chapter and send it to everyone on my mobile phone. I hope everyone can subscribe to my book.)

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