Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 285 Genetic Philosophy

In essence, natural philosophy is the precursor and foundation of natural science.

Philosophy is the longest and most difficult main line in the universe... Perhaps when humans light up a large number of technology trees, the human philosophy tree will only take the first step.

So, back to the original starting point, what is the meaning of life and what is the ultimate goal of life?

Judging from the life species encountered so far, whether it is life on Earth, Mars or Nix, genetic material is their core.

"That is to say, all life forms encountered by humans have genetic material. This is the most common point."

"Can this inference be extended to most civilizations in the universe?" Yu Yifeng asked.

"It's possible... We can assume for the moment that most carbonyl life forms have genetic material." Yuriko nodded.

"Then we can infer that: civilization is composed of life; life is composed of genetic material as its core. So does genetic material have the same starting point in a philosophical sense?"

"Attention is the starting point in a philosophical sense..." Yu Yifeng emphasized this question again: "What is the meaning of life? Why is life alive? I think this answer is hidden in the genetic material, which is always driving The behavior and movement of life.”

"Our understanding of genetic material is still very superficial. Our usual life sciences believe that gene fragments in DNA are useful, but there are also a large number of chaotic fragments, and we have no idea what their uses are."

"These junk DNA do not contain any genetic elements, but they are extremely stable. We can't imagine the reason why they exist in large quantities."

"I have a question...if the junk fragments in DNA are removed and only the parts we think are useful are retained, do you think such life can survive?" Yu Yifeng asked.

"I don't shouldn't be possible." Yuriko shook her head.

Yu Yifeng gestured with his hands to explain: "So... genes do record a lot of information about life and can control the synthesis of RNA, proteins, and enzymes. But there are many things, and genes alone are not enough."

"There must be more in DNA, and it even contains the philosophical goal of life. This philosophical goal tells why life lives and regulates the instinct of life."

Seeing Yuriko's thoughtful gaze, Yu Yifeng wanted to describe his point of view as simply as possible: "Let me give you an example, you know Paramecium."

"This single-celled organism has spontaneously moved, fed, and reproduced since its birth. These are its instincts."

"Who taught it these instincts? Genes?"

"No, the gene only controls the protein synthesis in its body, and all proteins can find corresponding genes. However, the gene gives it the ability to eat, but does not regulate its behavior, right? This one Paramecium can choose not to eat, but this is not the case. Almost all paramecium will choose the action of "feeding". There must be an internal reason, that is, the philosophical system in the genetic material. "

Yuriko was silent. She felt it made sense, but she couldn't explain it.

Genes control the traits of organisms, and most of these traits are specific, such as the morphological structure of organs, physiological characteristics, etc.

But how should abstract behaviors such as "feeding" and "reproduction" be controlled by genes? Is it the result of the combined action of proteins?

Yu Yifeng continued: "So I think that the messy fragments of genetic material, or some of the original genes, must have some instincts that regulate life, and some philosophical views exist, but we humans don't know it yet. "

"I call them... genetic philosophy systems. This system: regulates the movements and instincts of life."

"So, the meaning of life is already included in the genetic philosophy system, and we humans do not need to force an answer."

Hearing this, Yuriko couldn't help but ask: "So what is this philosophical system?"

Yu Yifeng hasn't figured this out yet, so he can only shake his head.

She asked again: "According to what you said, what does the philosophical meaning of life have to do with the identity of civilization?"

Yu Yifeng said solemnly: "I was wondering whether life began to evolve from the core - the same philosophical system? Just like the vast world and the endless universe, they all have the same physical system."

"In other words, we have completely different DNA from Paramecium, but the philosophical ideas contained in it are actually the same. We all live for the same goal."

"By analogy, do most civilizations in the universe have the same genetic philosophy?"

"I think it's very possible... With the development of science and technology, civilization's behavior patterns are becoming more and more complex, but because of the same genetic philosophy, they all serve the same purpose or. So... there is not much difference in essence."

As with the entire universe, scientists have always believed that the physical laws that govern it are simple.

The simplest physical laws regulate the complex and huge universe. From the universe to the particles, the laws behind them are the same.

So, what about life?

Are the philosophical systems that govern all life activities only the simplest ones?

"In this way, when life evolves to higher levels, a kind of identity appears."

Yuriko frowned. This was the first time she heard this point of view. She felt it was a bit far-fetched, but also seemed to make some sense... but she couldn't explain it.

Yu Yifeng could only give a few examples again to prove his point.

"We use analogy... Any liquid will flow downwards. This identity is an intuitive manifestation of certain physical laws..."

"A drop of water is composed of many water molecules, and a civilization is also composed of many individuals."

"Because of the same philosophical system, will a civilization composed of living individuals naturally move in a certain direction, as if affected by gravity?"

"Is the emergence of identity in civilization also an intuitive manifestation of certain philosophical laws? Is it philosophical gravity..."

His words were a bit convoluted and seemed to have so much meaning that many scientists came over to watch and then fell into deep thought one by one.

The philosophical instinct that governs the movement of life?

This is the first time that Yu Yifeng has expressed an academic point of view, but it is still valid. At least no one has found any particularly big loopholes.

Yu Yifeng continued: "According to this inference, the essential philosophical systems that constitute life are basically similar, so that the development paths of subsequent civilized societies will gradually be similar."

Next, a huge trap appears on the road to the development of civilization, which is the Great Filter...

Because they have almost the same social system, almost all civilizations are stumped by this huge problem!

Their society is incapable of crossing this threshold!

Is this...the nature of the Great Filter?

It seems that it really makes sense! After talking about this, many people began to believe Yu Yifeng's point of view.

So, what is the Great Filter…

The answer is... a technological barrier, a technological barrier that is difficult to overcome under "normal" social development!

One scientist said with a gloomy face: "...There is no nuclear fusion! There is no controllable nuclear fusion!"

"The Nyx civilization has exhausted almost all of its uranium resources and has enough fission energy to survive for 100,000 years! It still has not developed a means to control nuclear fusion!"

When he said this, blood surged from his face, and he almost gritted his teeth!

Almost all civilizations in the universe have not solved the problem of "controllable nuclear fusion"!

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