Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 286 Forever Fifty Years

After finishing lunch, everyone returned to their seats with pale faces and full of worry... It's a horizontal knife, a vertical knife, and people have to welcome the final truth.

The meeting has begun, and here is the next story of Knicks civilization...

The mass-energy equation "E=m*c^2" of the great sage Eutecton has essentially changed the energy dilemma of the Knicks. It is a breakthrough that is truly stronger than "electricity"!

Nuclear power plants appeared in the world for the first time, bringing more electricity.

Nuclear reactors also made the world rich and peaceful.

For the first time, the Nyx civilization did not need to fight to the death for the volcanic belt, and the war that had never been extinguished in ancient times was also extinguished for the first time.

Nuclear energy can definitely feed a larger population!

The uranium resource reserves at that time were enough for the Knicks to use...for one hundred thousand years!

One hundred thousand years is a long time, and compared with their entire written history, it is too long. At that time, the average life span of the Knicks was only fifty or sixty years old, and no one would worry about energy anymore.

All Knicks cheer and welcome the advent of a better era...

However, "Great Sage" Eutaton is still not very satisfied. Although there are many uranium ores on the surface, but... uranium ore is a non-renewable energy source after all, and it will definitely be used up one day.

A resource that can be used up is not a very good resource.

This perfectionist great sage was a little "worried" and keenly pointed out another path: controllable nuclear fusion technology!

All stars are based on nuclear fusion. This most common source of energy in the stars is the broadest path!

Only by conquering "controllable nuclear fusion technology" can we say that "God Mode" has been opened. The Knicks will be truly liberated and no longer have to worry about energy!

In theory, nuclear fusion is a very simple concept: bring together two hydrogen isotope atoms and smash them together with overwhelming force. The two atomic nuclei overcome the natural repulsion between them and react, releasing huge amounts of energy.

If "controllable nuclear fusion" can really be achieved, the Knicks will have almost unlimited energy!

Compared with nuclear fission... is it nothing? !

After finding this seemingly correct path, Yutaton, who had obsessive-compulsive disorder tendencies, instantly relaxed his brows. It recorded in the diary: "It can be expected that within fifty years, controllable nuclear fusion technology will be conquered by the Knicks... Our Knick civilization will move towards the stars and the galaxy!"

Eutaton is too optimistic, because the Knicks have just conquered nuclear fission, technology has begun to explode, and the future has never been brighter, so it cannot help but be optimistic.

The development of science and technology at that time was too fast. It was like an unprecedented golden age. A large number of endless theories appeared every year.

Even a person as wise as Etaton cannot imagine what technology will be like ten years from now, let alone fifty years from now.

Therefore, it is optimistic that in fifty years, future generations will be able to conquer this ultimate energy technology!

The theory of nuclear fusion seems so simple. The hydrogen bomb at that time had also been successfully exploded, so the Knicks had mastered the uncontrollable nuclear fusion technology. It seemed that there was only...a little difference from "controllable nuclear fusion technology".

Yes, just a little bit!

This is a completely solvable problem. The theoretical problems have been solved. Smart Knicks people will never be stumped by this kind of thing...

However, judging from subsequent developments, Eutaton's dream has obviously come to nothing.

50 years have passed quickly, and future generations of Knicks have not delivered perfect answers.

Controlled nuclear fusion is not as simple as imagined...

In comparison, nuclear fission can proceed spontaneously, regardless of the conditions. Therefore, to control nuclear fission, you only need to add a little something to control the reaction speed.

But nuclear fusion is not possible. It requires tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of degrees of high temperature and high air pressure. It will not occur spontaneously at normal temperature!

This requirement is too high. There is a lot of prerequisite science to achieve "hundreds of millions of degrees".

For example: superconductivity. Without superconducting materials, a strong magnetic field cannot be generated. Without a strong magnetic field, it is impossible to constrain plasma. There are also a variety of new materials, needless to say...

Therefore, most of the great scientific developments envisioned by Etaton cannot be used to solve nuclear fusion... only a small number of them have touched the corners.

However, scientists from the Nix civilization do not believe that controllable nuclear fusion is unachievable. 50 years will not be enough, and another 50 years will be enough.

The introduction of quantum mechanics and general relativity has greatly promoted the overall process of science. It is understandable for this group of scientists to think so.

There is no doubt that science was indeed developing rapidly during this golden age. Computers, satellites, the Internet, mobile phones and other technological products with similar functions began to appear, and the Knicks entered the best era.

Few people have such a strong sense of urgency to consider energy issues tens of thousands of years from now.

If a certain scientist is really so unfounded, nagging that the Knicks will perish due to energy problems, it is simply a joke within a joke.

They also always believe that controllable nuclear fusion is achievable... but there is no need to put in a lot of effort for the time being.

Let’s wait until technology advances a little more!

Such an idea...even the human onlookers here think it is a better choice...

According to the history of human development, the difficulty of launching satellites in the 20th century is different from that of launching satellites in the 21st century. This is due to the progress of science and technology.

Maybe if technology becomes more advanced, everything will be solved?

Therefore, according to this reason, controllable nuclear fusion is just a good research project, not a special focus. The Knicks have a large amount of cheap fission resources, so there is no need to be so impatient.

The focus of research should be on "Relativity" and "Quantum Mechanics", which are the real scientific frontiers and have a higher probability of being called the "Great Sage"...

Suddenly a spring breeze comes overnight, thousands of pear trees bloom, science is progressing, and the pace of social development has not slowed down for a moment...

With the improvement of productivity, the living conditions of civilized individuals began to become richer, free market trade also began to flourish, and the original feudal system became somewhat outdated.

In this era, it is impossible for the emperor to have the final say in everything, right?

Naturally, the tide of capitalism spreads across the world.

The dictators who stepped down stepped down, and those who did not step down also implemented a "constitutional monarchy" without any real power. The parliamentary system generated by democracy began to generally replace dictatorships.

This stage is relatively peaceful, at least there is not too much bloodshed... This is the trend of the times, and no one will maintain the dictatorship of the dictatorship.

A ruler can step down on his own and retain a modicum of decency.

From this perspective, the free era of democracy and equality has arrived!

Very similar again...

Yu Yifeng had goosebumps all over his body, and he no longer wanted to complain about anything.

But if you think about it carefully, it's normal.

It's really normal.

The entire society finally transitioned to the capitalist system, and the entire change process was very logical and without any abruptness.

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