Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 295 A big net

A man and a woman were alone in the same room, and they were actually discussing philosophical issues. The themes were "survival" and "reproduction"!

The whole atmosphere seemed very strange, but Yu Yifeng didn't feel any discomfort. He was even a little excited, and his face was red as if his hormones were overflowing.

"People eat to survive and sleep to survive. This is easy to understand. What about watching TV and playing games... entertainment activities are also survival?"

"Entertainment, of course, is for a better survival! It is a derivative action brought by 'survival'."

"So... what about showing off wealth and comparing yourself to others?" Yuriko asked.

Yu Yifeng thought for a while: "It should be... to attract the opposite sex for reproduction, and also for entertainment."

"Children show off their wealth for the sake of reproduction?"

"It's entertainment, and entertainment can be attributed to better survival. Pay attention, this bad phenomenon is no longer in Noah's society..." The two asked and answered.

"The meaning of life" is the ultimate question of philosophy, with countless answers.

Summarizing the meaning of life into two words like Yu Yifeng did, the answer sounds very cold and ruthless... But if you think about it carefully, it seems that there is not much logical error.

These two words... are indeed concise enough!

The ultimate goal of science or philosophy is to find relatively simple rules and use simplicity to describe complexity.

Just like the rules of physics, the simplest essence can often derive extremely complex systems, and the same is true for philosophy...

Many people give their answers to the question "the meaning of life" in poetic terms. Some people think: "Life lies in experience, in understanding, in having the opportunity to constantly try to understand yourself and the world."

Some people also think: "The meaning of life is to pursue truth, goodness and beauty, or to pursue freedom and happiness..."

But these are just personal subjective feelings. No matter what, it is impossible to generalize all human behaviors.

Attention... it's all! Judging from various human behaviors, almost every move cannot escape the essence of the two words "survival" and "reproduction".

A large number of instinctive desires derived from these two words actually dominate human actions...

"You see, humans are essentially very simple creatures."

Seeing Yuriko pondering, Yu Yifeng continued: "I'm wondering, not just us humans, but whether the genetic makeup of most civilizations are given the same philosophical meaning, that is, 'survival' and 'reproduction' . We can boldly assume that the vast majority of civilizations in the universe have essentially the same philosophy as ours, and they all live for survival and reproduction..."

"Similar philosophical systems create lives with similar behaviors, and then these lives form similar societies..."

"The 'similarity' here refers to the similarity in 'philosophical purpose'... They look diverse, with completely different body structures and genetic structures, but in fact, because of the same philosophical purpose, their behavior patterns are almost the same."

"So different societies will naturally have a kind of identity..."

"Mathematically... obey what?"

"Submit to the law of large numbers..." Yuriko took over.

In the large number of repeated occurrences of certain random events, there is often an almost inevitable pattern... This pattern is the law of large numbers.

Civilization is composed of individuals, and individuals are diverse and absolutely different. However, a society composed of a large number of individuals will obey the law of large numbers. This law of large numbers is the identity of society... The reason is that the purpose of philosophy is the same. Philosophical gravity!

"Yes, that's right!"

Yu Yifeng waved his hands excitedly, as if he had found the final answer.

"I have said before that it is just like a liquid, no matter what kind of liquid it is, what its composition is, and how it moves. As long as it is a liquid, it will eventually flow down. This identity is caused by physical rules."

"By analogy, the physical system regulates the movement of all things in the universe. The genetic philosophy system regulates every move of life, so that... a society composed of such a civilization, no matter how it undergoes social changes and how it evolves, will slowly move toward Different paths lead to the same destination..."

"Just like water flow, no matter where it starts, what the environment is, what the intermediate processes are, it finally converges into the sea...this is the final result!"

"So much so that almost all civilizations ended up on the same path... being too comfortable, greedy for pleasure, and short-sighted?"

"'s all blocked by the so-called big filter!"

"This is...the final answer to Fermi's law!"

Yu Yifeng finished speaking in one breath, and suddenly felt a sense of liberation and relief in his heart.

It feels really good to have someone here when you need him, someone who will listen carefully and understand what he has to say.

This is also Yu Yifeng's most profound thought.

He attributed the essence of all problems to problems in genetic philosophy.

Human beings are genetically defective, so the natural evolution of human society is also flawed.

According to this conjecture, the "philosophical law" composed of "survival" and "reproduction" applies not only to humans, but also to most civilizations in the universe. They are actually no better than humans and the Nyx.

The "purpose of life" is engraved in genes, forming a genetic philosophy system that regulates every move of individuals and civilizations.

"A web? An invisible web, a philosophy in the genes?"

Yuriko looked at the surrounding air and said thoughtfully: "An invisible net restricts our individual behavior and also restricts the behavior of the entire civilization. It determines the upper and lower limits of civilization and determines whether it will be filtered by the Great Filter. Filtered……"

"Individuals can forcefully break away from this net, but civilization is composed of individuals. It is too difficult for the entire civilization to break free... Individuals can have small probability events, but civilization must obey the law of large numbers!"

Indeed, most human behaviors can be summarized by the philosophical rules of "survival" and "reproduction," but there are also a very small number of behaviors that are not within this philosophical system.

For example: the phenomenon of human "suicide".

"Suicide" completely violates the laws of "survival" and "reproduction", and most people will not do it. But there are still people who commit suicide, and they are another kind of strange, seemingly meaningless "detachment."

Another example is that certain chemical agents can make people temporarily abandon the laws of "survival" and "reproduction", allowing people to pursue this agent wholeheartedly...

Another example is some special situations: Sir Isaac Newton who was too lazy to marry a woman all his life; some eminent monks; some mad scientists; firefighters who rushed into the fire; those who sacrificed their lives to block the muzzle of a gun; or those who blew up bunkers...

These "transcendences" are all examples of civilization, but they are not the vast majority of civilization.

"This shows that... self-awareness and wisdom can allow us to temporarily transcend this big network. This will prevent intelligent life from being completely dominated by genes like pigs and dogs."

Yuriko said seriously: "But most of the time, transcending this net will make us feel instinctively uncomfortable, and then voluntarily return to this net. After all, survival and reproduction are the most natural things, and we cannot transcend..."

"I'm not asking you to transcend these core laws. It's naturally impossible for us to transcend survival and reproduction. Otherwise...human beings would no longer be human beings."

Yu Yifeng shook his head: "It's about getting rid of some useless derivative desires and thinking patterns, or... it would be great if other things could be added to this philosophical system, which would give us additional motivation!"

"Especially when civilization develops in the later stages and after democracy and peace emerge, the will of most individuals actually determines the action of civilization. In this way, it is useless for a small number of people to be detached, and they must still obey the law of large numbers."

"So, democracy seems to be a trap..."

Yu Yifeng covered his head and said something unpleasant. Of course, this was just a private conversation with Yuriko.

"Yeah... So you might as well become a dictatorship?" Yuriko smiled, not sure if she was serious or joking.

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