Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 296 Extraordinary Existence

There are many types of issues like democracy, such as ancient Greek democracy, Western democracy, people's democratic dictatorship, etc...

Yu Yifeng waved his hand, not wanting to discuss this for the time being.

He asked: "So you accept my genetic philosophy?"

Yuriko thought for a while and nodded in agreement: "It sounds reasonable, but we can't confirm it for the time being. We can only write it into the sociology of the universe to become a good set of hypotheses..."

She added: "According to your statement, only species that have other philosophical contents in their individual genes besides survival and reproduction will fundamentally have greater power to move forward and have a greater chance of crossing the Great Filter. ...Is that so?"

"Such exceptional civilizations are extremely rare in the universe, so... interstellar civilizations are also so rare."

She held her chin in her hands and pondered: "After adding other philosophical contents to the genes, their every move and way of thinking may be completely different from ours, right? For example... green light civilization? After all, we have never seen their actions. , It would be nice if we could observe it... I don’t know what they look like, what do you think? You have seen Meatball... Its genetic philosophy is different from ours?"

Yu Yifeng nodded and agreed with Lily Zi's inference, but he couldn't tell what the difference was. .


When it comes to this, the topic has become very heavy, and there is even an inexplicable chill in my heart. When everything was attributed to genetic problems, Yu Yifeng felt that he had lost his edge again.

Gene itself is an elusive thing... With humanity's current technology, trying to artificially create a useful new gene is like a fantasy... just like the realm of gods.

So, what about going one step further?

If you want to add a philosophical goal to your genes, how do you do it? A philosophical thought that can change the way a species behaves in the future, so that the species no longer lives for the sake of "survival" and "reproduction."

What's this?

How do you add "philosophical goals" to the genetic material?

"Philosophy" is abstract... but not a substance!

Yu Yifeng's heart became more and more absurd, and he even felt like a primitive man facing a god.

He had an indescribable panic, but he didn't even know the source of the panic!

At this moment, he had a flash of inspiration and an idea burst into his mind.

"Isn't there a theory of the origin of life, that is, the meteorite theory..."

"Life may be born naturally, but it may not be born naturally, but brought by meteorites..." Yu Yifeng stopped mid-sentence.

His voice was terribly hoarse, and his entire throat seemed to be dry.

...Are humans really born?

The two people looked at each other, feeling quite frightened, and there was an unparalleled chill in their hearts.

They didn't know what to say, and an eerie silence brewed between them.

Yu Yifeng doesn't even understand how to study philosophy and how to integrate it into genes... It's a complete mess...

"Philosophy", the vast and endless civilization tree, finally revealed its boundless corner at this moment!

When I actually discovered it, it was an indescribable shock!

Just the slight display of this corner has revealed silent intimidation and coercion, shattering the hearts of the two human elites into pieces.

Even in the future, humans will be able to create and change genes on their own. Even if genes can be trademarked, so what?

Yes, so what? !

Can humans genetically change the "philosophical thinking" of a species? !

Can humans change the way a species thinks after tens of millions of years?

Too difficult, too difficult, too far, too far...

What is "philosophy"? Can the philosophy tree be climbed?

Human beings know nothing about it. Just looking at it from a distance makes them panic and confused.

Is there really a civilization in the world that can climb the tree of philosophy?

This is no longer described by a few simple words such as "powerful" or "gap"...

Yu Yifeng suddenly thought of a report given by Zhang Peng. Of course, most of these reports are useless and can only be treated as interesting stories.

Interstellar civilization level stories are interesting after all. He also pondered it with relish for a long time.

One paragraph goes like this:

[The universe is full of dangers. Interstellar civilization is usually called L-level civilization, but it is not the ultimate. 】

[The gap between different civilizations is really huge, and every screening is a huge qualitative change. 】

[Every time there is a qualitative change, you can feel the infinite weakness of civilization, and you can unintentionally glimpse into a more distant place. 】

[You are laughing at reptiles, and others are also laughing at you. 】

[With the development of civilization, the gap between wisdom and wisdom has become too huge, so big that it is difficult to imagine with your wisdom! 】

[The distance is so far away, so far away that it makes people despair, and it is so hopeless that it cannot generate any motivation to move forward. We can cross light years and travel across the galaxy, but we are not able to cross this distance as far as the mirror, flowers and water...]

[Yes...they exist. 】

【Extraordinary existence. 】

[...The mere existence itself is enough to make us feel the trembling of madness. 】

[What is the essential difference between us and the humble reptiles? 】

This is the description of the cosmic civilization by the alien life form "Black", which depicts that there are more powerful civilizations above the interstellar civilization.

At that time, no one could understand what it was writing. They simply thought that the civilization where "Black" was located was not strong enough, and there were more powerful civilizations, etc.

Humans did not feel much.

Yu Yifeng even secretly laughed at this declining interstellar civilization. Is it a little "squeamish" and "sentimental"?

But now... I understand.

He was shocked by this discovery and could not speak, looking forward with empty eyes.

The vast universe, countless civilizations; the vast time and space, trillions of creatures... There are always a few of the most powerful races, among trillions of trillions of civilizations, transcending the selection again and again, and climbing ashore first.

They are the most advanced civilization in the universe. The iconic achievement is - their philosophy - the most difficult and longest branch on this civilization tree has also come to an end...

They established the ultimate theory, understood the ultimate mystery of "existence", and reached the most high-dimensional real world.

Survival and death are just two small nodes in philosophy. Other civilizations, other creatures; no matter how advanced their technology is, how advanced or backward their social structure is; no matter whether they are interstellar civilizations, low-level civilizations, or underground reptiles, in their view, due to philosophical immaturity, they are essentially the same...

Their thinking is impossible for humans to understand.

This gap is similar to that between ants and humans, no... there is a gap between ants and humans of one Graham number!

It is a huge gap that ordinary wisdom cannot imagine.

"Sitting in a well and looking at the sky, those who say that the sky is small are not really small." It is really just... the civilization is not smart enough, not knowledgeable enough, and does not know the breadth of "the sky".

Yes, they exist.

Just existing can make civilization tremble, including interstellar civilization that has jumped out of the well... but not ignorant low-level civilizations...

Such civilizations are called... "supernatural existence"!

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