Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 337 A long journey

The universe is huge and boundless, and it hides countless secrets.

During this voyage, Yu Yifeng stood in the captain's room, thinking in trance...

The strange thing is that the curvature engine is only L2 level technology, which seems to be the greatest gift of the universe...

Curvature navigation that exceeds the speed of light is not restricted by the theory of relativity and saves more energy than conventional navigation. It is also curvature navigation that makes roaming between stars easier...

Strange matter is the special substance needed by the curvature engine. As a type of dark matter, it is hidden in space and can be said to be almost everywhere.

Strange matter can not only distort space, but when its quantity is large enough, it can also create a space-time vortex.

Just like the whirlpool in the sea can bring the local water surface and the bottom of the water closer, this kind of space-time vortex can bring two relatively far apart local spaces very close in an instant...

That is... the "wormhole" in science fiction!

According to this theory, some people hypothesize that if there is a strange substance called "phantom matter", because it has both positive energy and negative mass, it can create a repulsive effect to prevent the wormhole from closing.

Therefore, such "wormhole theory" is also an important research content of the "dark matter" theory.

Using wormholes to travel long distances has become possible from fantasy in the theory of dark matter.

But unfortunately, there are too many strange substances required to open a wormhole, far beyond what humans can currently bear.

With human energy levels, we can only open a wormhole slightly larger than Planck's length. This length cannot accommodate a quark.

And in experiments, people found that the duration of this ultra-small wormhole is also very, very short, rapidly exploding into a cluster of particles in as short a time as 10 minus 27 seconds.

This phenomenon... is very similar to a miniature black hole, which directly triggered the deep thinking of scientists!

People are thinking: What is the relationship between "black holes" and "wormholes"?

Yu Yifeng is very interested in these cutting-edge sciences. He has been studying during this period of free time. For any interstellar civilization, of course, the faster it flies, the better... Wormhole technology is of course much superior to warp engines.

Some scientists believe that wormholes may connect parallel universes and infant universes, providing the possibility of time travel. Some people also think that time travel is impossible, but that it is possible to instantly cross a long distance through a wormhole...

Some people also think that wormholes may be space-time tunnels connecting black holes and white holes, so they are also called "grey tunnels"...

From this... another branch of black hole science is derived: a certain kind of black hole with angular momentum is actually a wormhole!

This kind of black hole is called a "Kerr black hole". People speculate that the Kerr black hole is likely to connect the two worlds!

Anyway, no matter what, the idea of ​​"traveling through wormholes" is far from being realized, and it can only be a possibility. No one really dares to jump into the "Kerr black hole" for verification...

With the current technology, using curvature engines honestly is the best choice. In fact, most interstellar civilizations also choose this, even L4-level civilizations.

The most important thing in curvature navigation is to construct a "curvature bubble".

"It shouldn't be due to our technical skills, nor is it due to insufficient plagiarism... the curvature bubble structure of the Green Light Man is only three times faster than the speed of light." A space scientist explained.

"We are looking for ways to improve this technology to achieve higher speeds."

During this ultra-long-distance voyage, people had to slow down frequently to observe surrounding targets and adjust their navigation direction at any time.

In aerospace engineering, a slight difference can lead to a thousand miles, and it must be absolutely accurate. Human technology cannot reach the target directly at once...

At this moment, more than two years have passed since the voyage, and the "Deep Space" has traveled a distance of 5.8 light-years.

To ensure safety, you need to stop and do a routine inspection.

This is the emptiest space in the universe, one light-year away from the nearest star. There is not even a single meteorite in this place, only the "Deep Space" exists alone.

Seen at this distance, all stars become ordinary stars.

The most terrifying place in the universe is not a pile of meteorites or a planet with a harsh environment, but this ordinary interstellar space.

The matter here is so thin that it is unimaginable, with almost one atom per cubic centimeter. This density is equivalent to a drop of water evenly distributed in a space of five million cubic kilometers.

Interstellar space is too empty. If you are really trapped here, you will not be able to get any material replenishment at all, and you can only slowly wait for death.

Without matter, there is no energy, and without energy, there is no way to move.

Facing the vast universe, Yu Yifeng still felt inexplicable palpitations... Although the Noah was filled with supplies...

He inexplicably recalled the days when he was left wandering in fear due to lack of resources after being bombed out of the solar system...

As the supreme commander, his way of thinking is very different from ordinary people. Worries of this kind have become a habit of his thinking...

Born in sorrow and dying in happiness, even if he became an interstellar civilization, his heart would not be easy.

Of course, for everyone else, all life is the same. Everyone still lives in Noah and is still reunited. Under normal circumstances, more than one billion tons of helium-3 can be used for millions of years, so there is nothing to worry about.

But astronomers are very busy.

Taking advantage of this maintenance period, they were enthusiastically observing a nebula six light-years away, the same nebula that humans had just escaped from.

This nebula is like a bright cloud, hidden behind the "187J3X1 double star". The large amount of material thrown out by the double star forms part of the nebula.

The density of matter in the nebula is very low. If measured by the standards on earth, some places are almost vacuum, with about 10-100 atoms per cubic centimeter, which is better than the real universe.

Under certain conditions, nebulae and stars can transform into each other. If the mass of the nebula is large enough, it may gradually shrink under the influence of gravity. When the center of the gas mass becomes denser and hotter, nuclear fusion reactions are triggered, and primitive stars are born.

"Unfortunately, the mass of this nebula is not enough, so it is probably difficult to form stars. I think that most of the material in this nebula has already formed binary stars, and the rest is not enough."

"It's almost impossible... The Milky Way has become a zombie galaxy for a long, long time. It's impossible to generate stars!"

"The entropy of the galaxy has increased to its limit and is about to die..."

The two astronomers were debating excitedly. They discussed stars, the Milky Way, and the "theory of entropy increase."

I don’t know why, but no new stars have been born in the Milky Way for a billion years.

When the news was first announced, many people were shocked. The Milky Way, which seemed to have no difference, had gradually entered the end of time.

Of course, the Milky Way is still operating normally, and it seems that it can still operate for tens or tens of billions of years. Human beings will not worry about when it will truly die and become extinct.

But the "death" of the Milky Way is another evidence of the "entropy increase theory". Nothing is eternal.

"Is there a peerless power coming out to save the galaxy?"

"We humans are still far from good... I don't know if the legendary S-class civilization is feasible." The two astronomers teased each other.

Of course, they also felt inexplicably uncomfortable when talking about the death of the galaxy.

Why can't new stars be born in the Milky Way? Humanity has not even figured this out, and there are still too many unsolved mysteries in the universe.

At this moment, an astronomer suddenly shouted: "The observation results are out, there is water! There is a lot of water in the atmosphere of DIG 114!"

"There's probably liquid water!"

This news immediately attracted everyone's attention...

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