Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 338 Low-Level Civilized Diplomatic Strategies

Regarding the diplomatic strategies of low-level civilizations, there has been no good discussion within the Noah, which is also the most troublesome point for Yu Yifeng.

In particular...these natives may also possess weapons of mass destruction such as nuclear bombs, which pose a certain threat to humans. As a result, how to deal with the indigenous people on the planet has become a super problem.

The top leaders of the new government held several meetings, but each time they ended without any resolution. People had their own ideas and kept arguing.

There are hawks and doves among them. They have proposed a few methods, but none of them are reliable. Yu Yifeng is not satisfied...

The first, scorched earth strategy: simply kill all the indigenous individuals and seize the planet directly!

However, this plan is so barbaric that most people, except for a small number of military personnel, are somewhat repulsive. The new human civilization has quality and morality. How can it be possible to become a robber or a destroyer civilization?

Although humans are a relatively warlike race, the main body of the "new human civilization" itself is scientists, so it should not be considered particularly warlike... Well, it is possible to capture a few indigenous beings for scientific research, inexplicably. Destroying a civilization, this kind of thing...

Even if people once took advantage of the indigenous lizards of Nix, they only used peaceful methods such as "mercenary", and indirectly improved the lizards' civilization level and freed them from the pain of hunger and cold.

If people do discover that "Dige 114" is a habitable planet, will they kill all the original inhabitants and then seize the planet?

This scorched earth strategy seems a bit too cruel.

Yu Yifeng himself also thought about the traces. He was quite disgusted with this kind of civilized massacre, whether it was from a moral or psychological level...

He believes that it is not easy for an intelligent civilization to develop a glorious culture from its birth.

The long road of evolution and the bumpy and repetitive history are not easy even for low-level civilizations...

Of course, if the existence of a species really threatens humans, such as smallpox virus, HIV, etc.... he doesn't mind eradicating this species.

But for an indigenous civilization to be its own mountain king, it doesn’t feel good when humans suddenly rush over, slaughter them all, and then rob their hometown...

"No one likes unprovoked killing, unless he is a psychopath..." Yu Yifeng said.

"The scorched earth strategy is actually more straightforward. But there is also some resistance, mainly from within our civilization. After all, our people are used to peace. If the government suddenly makes a decision to commit genocide, the social effects may not be good. …”

A sociologist lamented that he was discussing this diplomatic strategy with Yu Yifeng.

He smiled and said: "Of course, these are minor issues. The most important thing is whether we can make such a decision..."

Yu Yifeng nodded. If he really issued the order forcefully, it would not be impossible to implement the "scorched earth strategy".

Over the years, with the completion of Deep Space, his personal prestige has not only not diminished, but has become stronger...

But he himself does not like this scorched earth strategy.

He suddenly thought that in order to have a happy ending in some "alien invasion of the Earth" movies from the Earth period, the aliens in these movies had certain fatal weaknesses, and then the Earthlings fought back and won...

Now, humans want to be this kind of alien villain?

He smiled wistfully. If there was really going to be a war, people would just keep throwing nuclear bombs at the ground, and directly use small, low-pollution helium-3 bombs to wash the ground... The probability of being counterattacked by the Jedi is not impossible. But very small.

If targeted biological viruses and military robots are used again, how can lower-level civilizations resist?

In addition to the Holocaust, there is a second option, which is, of course, "assimilation."

"Use economic invasion or cultural invasion to assimilate low-level civilizations."

Humans already have some experience with this assimilation model, and can basically follow the approach of the indigenous lizards.

Although humans have left the planet Nix, the indigenous lizards can still speak English or Chinese after being assimilated. Their living habits and racial culture have been completely changed by humans.

This is the power of assimilation.

Yu Yifeng said: "As long as the new human civilization has technological advantages, it can easily crush it economically and control the lifeblood of lower-level civilizations."

The expert did not agree: "However, they will definitely resist, right? They don't dare to do so openly, but secretly they will definitely have this idea. No one wants to be suddenly covered by a king of heaven. Intelligent creatures are all complex, The more advanced it is, the harder it is to control..."

"Therefore, the strategy of assimilation also has limitations. Unless this low-level civilization is as ignorant and primitive as the indigenous lizards of Nix, and is easily transformed by humans..."

The expert said, shaking his head: "Actually...this indigenous civilization has probably developed modern science, right? They have probably developed nuclear bombs! This kind of civilization is quite difficult to control, and it is difficult to control it. What’s the use?”

Yu Yifeng also agreed: "You are right, and there is no shortage of labor in the Noah, and there is no particularly large project. Even if they are assimilated, it will be of no use."

"Individuals from low-level civilizations are generally not of high quality and have little use value... Even if they are slaves, their efficiency is not as good as that of robots."

"If we are serious about cultivating high-quality individuals, we won't be able to use it at ease."

"Don't we want to make money from low-level civilizations because of our economic invasion? We don't need human resources, gold, or mineral resources... In this way, low-level civilizations are really useless.

"Yu Yifeng shook his head in embarrassment. He somewhat understood those crazy people who wanted to engage in a "massacre strategy."

"It's really a bit jarring to live on the same planet with a low-level civilization for a long time."

As for the subsequent "slavery" or "friendly exchanges and common development" plans, they are basically impossible.

Even if he is not a robber, the new human civilization is not a virgin.

What is "friendly exchange"? How can we be friendly when our strengths are not equal or even vastly different?

Common development is even more impossible. Why should we give the technology we have worked so hard to develop to others? What if you get bitten back?

So, every strategy looks so strange and has so many flaws...

But after thinking about it, there are just these few ways. Are there any more ways?

Yu Yifeng narrowed his eyes and felt very embarrassed.

He carefully observed the star one light-year away...from this distance, it was almost the brightest star.

According to observations from astronomical telescopes, its illumination intensity is similar to that of the sun, and "Dige 114" is within the habitable zone of the star and has about two satellites.

Just now, astronomers have detected that there may be quite a lot of water in the atmosphere of "Dige 114"!

It really could be a habitable planet!

Yu Yifeng frowned and was extremely confused...

Perhaps, mankind’s old low-level civilization ideas are no longer applicable to this stage of interstellar civilization...

Not only did Yu Yifeng fail to adapt to this rapidly changing stage, but other people in the civilization also failed to adapt, which is why they have such a mental state... This is also the first problem encountered by the young new human civilization.

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