Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 361 The unpredictable Gaia

Judging from the results available so far, primitive intelligent life has one thing in common: that is... the emergence of religion!

Is religion an inevitable result of social development?

The sample data is too small and it is difficult for people to draw final conclusions. But judging from the currently known intelligent civilizations, humans, indigenous lizards, Nyx people, and Dig people all have religions...

"The development of civilization affects the whole body. It is essentially a chaotic problem. Over a long period of time, as long as there are slight variables, a large-scale butterfly effect can occur."

"Correspondingly, the thinking mode of civilization will make a huge difference!"

The religious psychology of the Dige people is deeply rooted, and the biggest reason is because of the existence of the variable "Gaia creature".

"Think about it, if a modern man faces a powerful Gaia creature, he will be curious, sigh, and want to study..."

"What if it was a primitive man?"

"When he sees something that is difficult for him to understand, he will naturally think that it is the work of a god...and this god has gone from being illusory to a real existence, and his religious thinking has become more deeply rooted."

A picture began to play on the screen, which showed a group of indigenous people performing various religious rituals. "From our perspective, their way of thinking is quite strange. Almost everyone is a fanatical believer, and when it comes to their Poseidon, they become Quite fanatical..."

"Many ancient wars and even modern wars were caused by religion. The reason is...the beliefs of different sea gods!"

"Some people call it 'Umolu', and some people call it 'Umolu'. Each country has different beliefs, which leads to war..."

Yu Yifeng nodded: "In fact, it is not difficult to understand that this kind of war has also appeared in our development history."

People in every region like to describe gods as they look like. Europeans think that God is a "white man", while Indians think that Gautama Buddha is an "Indian". Anyway, gods have their own ideas.

While white people can't stand "a God who looks like a black man," black people can't stand a "God who looks like a white man." Black and white are bound to start a desperate struggle for their "true god", for their "faith", and for their "collective".

Of course, this kind of religious war is not only for religious beliefs, but also for plundering wealth, plundering population, etc... Perhaps the latter is the main factor...

The female host smiled and continued: "These religious stories we have selected date from primitive times, and we don't know which ones are true or fabricated out of thin air... They need to be viewed dialectically!"

The first religious story begins to play on the screen:

At that time, the entire civilization was still in its most primitive tribal period, and there was a fisherman named "Tualatin" living on the coast.

Fisherman is a very noble and important profession for the entire tribe, and it is a "respectful title".

Tualatin is a good fisherman. With his keen intuition and agility, he can often find more marine food than ordinary people. In addition, he is the son of the chief and has a high status in the tribe.

However, the natural environment at that time was harsh, and food was always the first priority for primitive tribes...

Because many sea creatures migrate seasonally, tribes had to migrate with them if they wanted to eat enough.

Migration brought unrest, and there was no room for two tigers in one mountain. If different tribes got too close, wars would break out.

In order to compete for fertile fishing grounds, to compete for land resources, or to snatch slaves, etc... there are always so many reasons for war.

"The survival resources obtained through gathering or hunting alone were very limited and quite unstable, so the average life span of the Dige people at that time was only twenty years old...

"Blood and killing were the norm in that era. This is also the similarity of most primitive civilizations... [When food and clothing have not yet been solved on a large scale, it is difficult to breed such things as morality.]"

"Unfortunately, Tualatin's tribe was defeated in a war, and he himself became a slave."

From being the son of a chief to becoming a slave is difficult for anyone to accept... Slaves go out early and return late to work, but only a small part of the food they get is kept. Whether they can eat enough depends on their masters of gifts.

"God, have you abandoned us?" Many slaves complained.

But Tualatin didn't think so. He was a fanatical Poseidon believer, and he was very disdainful when he heard these complaints. He believed that everything... was just God testing himself!

In order to show his piety, whenever he got food, he would secretly sacrifice one-third of it in a fixed area to the "Poseidon" in his mind.

Every few days, he would dig a hole in the sand and place food in the hole. Whenever the tide rises, the food disappears and the sand pits are filled back.

He thought it was "Poseidon" who took away this part, and Poseidon accepted his gift!

One day, he came to the beach again and suddenly found that the small sand pit turned into a big sand pit! Inside... there were actually a few lively fish!

[God never abandons anyone, but man abandons God! 】

The story ends with this paragraph. Tell everyone to be a devout believer...

Well, it is very typical of religious writing, quite nonsensical and confusing.

Yu Yifeng also frowned. If this story appeared on Earth, he would think it was nonsense or the trouble of a naughty child.

But on the planet Dige 114, and it's that kind of primitive era... then there is a certain possibility. Because this planet is different after all, there is also an algae group consciousness...

Do Gaian beings really do this and why? pity? mercy?

"I would like to ask, how much communication has Gaia's creatures had with the indigenous people from ancient times to the present?" Yu Yifeng stood up and asked.

The host replied: "In fact, it is extremely rare. It has always been extremely rare! The story of Tualatin is the first example recorded in writing, and it is called a 'miracle'... It was at this time that the gods were in their minds, From fiction to reality, to real existence!”

"Does it have self-awareness and really want to be a god? Does it have great compassion?" A biologist speculated, "Maybe this story is just fabricated...a random story. "

Since there was no result from the discussion, the second story was played on the screen:

Since Tualatin, more and more people have begun to imitate the sacrifices. Tualatin himself became the "Son of Poseidon" and escaped the fate of slavery.

However, the sea god "Umolu" has an elusive temperament and rarely responds to such sacrifices. No one has ever seen the true appearance of the sea god.

They only know that Poseidon...will give gifts!

Poseidon's character is elusive, but he is very generous with his actions. Often, only a small price of food can be exchanged for a lot of fish!

Sometimes there are just a few, sometimes it's...a pond! A pond of fish... This is simply a great gift!

Although this kind of "miracle" only occurs once every few years or even decades, the Dige people still pray tirelessly and beg the gods for help.

The number of times I failed can only be said to be because I am not pious enough. Occasionally, I will succeed once in a million, and I will immediately become a master! No one dares to go against the "Son of Poseidon"!

As a result, this beach became a place blessed by "gods"...

More and more tribes heard this rumor and moved here to try to worship.

They fought fiercely, and wars became more and more frequent. Each tribe wanted to monopolize this territory and drive out other tribes to prove... that they were the "real son of Poseidon"!

This was the original idea about the country. After years of conquest, a small country was formed.

"It's very strange. The formation of the country is actually related to the gods. I have to say that this Gaia creature promoted the development of primitive people to a certain extent."

Fortunately, due to the formation of the country, various divisions of labor and functions have become more specific, and so many people have been miraculously fed...

But in the thirty-eighth year after Tualatin passed away, a huge tsunami occurred, inundating many surrounding villages, and the Digh people on the seashore suffered heavy losses.

In this religious text it is written:

[People's sacrifices are just to obtain gifts from the gods and gain status, not about piety... Because of people's greed, God became angry. After ten thousand years, no one can get gifts from God. 】

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