Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 362 Conflict between Religion and Science

"...Ten thousand years have passed like this? What about the history in between? Is it all gone?"

"Yes, all the intervening ten thousand years of history have been lost. Gaia's creatures disappeared for a long time after the tsunami... these ten thousand years should be just a vague number."

Scientists discussed quietly, trying to figure out the truth behind these things. Is it really done by "Gaia creatures"? Why does it do this?

Do you really want to engage in religion and become a "god" who pretends to be a god?

Two scientists debated in a low voice: "It's unclear whether it has real self-awareness? Or, these actions are just unconscious random events..."

"It is indeed possible that it is a random event, because this kind of 'miracle' always appears only once every few years or even decades. There is no fixed time and no fixed standard. This kind of erratic whereabouts is indeed more like The elusive gods have had a huge impact on the Dige people."

"But why does it do these things? The logic is difficult to understand..."

People find it very strange and difficult to discern the true intentions of the "Gaia creatures". The amount of information in these stories alone is still too little, and no one has come up with particularly good results.

Moreover, no one knows whether they are real or just fabricated. After all, religious books always feel very mysterious, just like reading the Bible...

One of the experts pressed the talk button and stood up to analyze: "Don't underestimate these are religious stories. I think they are more likely to be true. At least some of them must be true!"

"It is precisely because there is a Gaia life that intentionally or unintentionally did something that the indigenous people cannot understand, that 'religion' will appear so strong in the development of the Dige civilization! Even... with the advent of modern science , they still can’t get rid of the shackles of their thinking, they stubbornly believe that everything is a gift from the gods!”

"Just like in our ancient times, if, I mean if, there really was an invisible hand that showed miracles from time to time, we might really think that God is real... Until modern times, It’s not necessarily possible to get rid of this kind of thinking.”

"Like the lizard natives of Nix, they have always believed that we are the messengers of the gods, which has caused a certain degree of deviation in their social development. We don't know how they will view modern science in the future, and whether they will get rid of these ideological shackles... …”

"If they really insist on believing that gods exist, they may cast a shadow on the development of civilization just like the Dige people."

After hearing these words, Yu Yifeng felt enlightened. He frowned and thought: In this way, artificial interference in the development of low-level civilizations can easily produce religious factors... This is also true.

The lizard natives of Nix have a worrying future. It will be even more difficult for them to get rid of religion!

Aboriginal lizards came into contact with humans in primitive times. The entire society has indeed taken a big step forward, but it has also reduced future potential to a certain extent. When they develop to a certain extent, they must fight against religious ideas.

It has become very difficult to remove the "gods" from their minds! Because they think they have really encountered "gods"!

This is something that people did not think of in advance. People take it for granted that everything is a good thing for them... but now it seems that this is not the case.

The development process of a civilization is the synthesis of multiple individuals and is extremely complex...a complexity that is difficult for computers to simulate.

No one knows whether there will be a certain variable that will develop and grow over time and eventually hinder the development of civilization.

Just thinking like this, Yu Yifeng suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and seemed to have thought of something more profound in the sociology of the universe... But for a while, he couldn't think clearly about this point of view, and he scratched his head anxiously.

Next, more stories began to play on the screen...all related to the so-called "Poseidon".

Someone's sacrifice was answered and a large amount of material was obtained; someone fell into the sea and miraculously survived; someone's illnesses were all cured while praying...

Anyway, there are strange stories like this, some are true and some are false, and people need to distinguish them by themselves. Moreover, these fanatical Diggers always have a way to make up some fables and add them to the stories to brainwash themselves.

Reading them one after another was like reading a serious Bible, making everyone feel dizzy. seems that the whole world has no habit of recording history, which makes all the stories fragmented, one in the east and one in the west.


Yu Yifeng shook his head. He finally understood why there was still so little technology in 120,000 years... The main reason was because of the gods! He only saw that all the behaviors of the indigenous people were revolving around the "gods", which also led to extremely slow social change.

Their slave era lasted stably for tens of thousands of years! Because everyone is trying their best to please the "Poseidon" and want to obtain various miracles... As long as they obtain miracles, of course they will be the leader, and there will naturally be people to support them!

For primitive man, this was a natural thought, without any logical problems.

And because of the real existence of "gods", the social structure has become extremely stable, and no one wants to innovate and think about the real mysteries of the universe.

Slave uprisings and dynasty changes are just a change of emperor. In essence, there is not much difference or much progress.

The feudal period that followed was similar...

The Dige civilization with the addition of "Gaia creatures" has a very long history and has been standing still in "one, two, one", circling around the "Poseidon".

Although this "Gaia" didn't move much... it might have just moved a few times unintentionally...

"They just relied on a huge amount of experience and slowly developed bit by bit until they used a lot of time and a lot of coincidences to pile up modern technology."

"...This situation is a bit like that of Ancient China, where people's way of thinking is completely stable...If there were no external intervention, perhaps Ancient China would have stayed in the feudal era for a long, long time."

"Yes, that's probably the case..."

Many scientists have begun to deduce civilization, and they feel sad when they think of their own history. Now they can reach the level of interstellar civilization...

What good luck!

At this time, Xu Yunjin suddenly coughed and said: "Okay everyone, our goal of this meeting is to find out the cause of the world war of the Dige civilization, or to understand the specific shape of Gaia's creatures... Now it's Isn’t it a bit off topic?”

Everyone was silent for a moment and gave up on this social discussion.

They thought hard, trying to connect the fragmented stories together, and analyze the behavioral logic of the "Gaia creature": why does it do this, and is there any fun in acting as a god behind the scenes? Has self-awareness really emerged?

A few minutes later, Wang Yufan from the Propaganda Department suddenly asked the host: "What about modern science? How did these Dige people give birth to modern science? They made satellites and invented nuclear bombs, so they couldn't be related to Poseidon. Bar?"

Unexpectedly, the female host nodded seriously and shook her head:

"A simple summary: More than a thousand years ago, a scientist was walking on the beach when he was suddenly hit by the tide. As a result, he shouted ecstatically: I know, I know! On this day , the emergence of our three major laws of mechanics equivalent to Newton's, which was an inflection point in modern science...

"However, religious experts attribute this enlightenment to Poseidon..."

The host lamented: "Especially in modern times, when the vast universe was discovered and the heliocentric theory was proposed, these religions also underwent a reform... They expanded the scope of the sea to the 'Sea of ​​Stars'. At this time, Poseidon became incompetent again. It’s impossible!”

It is conceivable that the sea god is so deeply rooted in the hearts of the Dige people that even modern science has attributed it to the god.

"Everyone has guessed...the main reason for the world war on this planet is because of the deep-rooted contradiction between the development of science and the original religion. With the slow development of science, there will always be smart people who begin to question whether "gods" are Existence... This is also the trigger for the final war."

Everyone looked thoughtful.

Yu Yifeng also frowned and thought: "The enlightenment of the Dige people came too late. Even after the atomic energy age... the spread of war was difficult to control, which also led to the ultimate tragedy. Could it be? Is that so?”

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