Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 40 Helium-3 Nuclear Bomb (2)

The crowd suddenly became noisy, replacing the hydrogen bomb with a helium-3 nuclear bomb. There was no problem with this plan. Everyone had already agreed, but why a billion-ton nuclear bomb?

The step was too big, and many people couldn't accept it for a while.

It’s so crazy, so perverted, how could you come up with something like this? ! When they think about the devastating destructive power of a nuclear bomb being used to propel a spaceship, many people start to feel numb. They don't know whether it's because of fear or excitement, or maybe both.

Professor Ding Yidong was unmoved. He withstood the pressure and continued to explain his plan. After people listened carefully, they found it still somewhat reasonable.

Many scientists heard this for the first time, and jumped out of their seats. They agreed with the former plan, but disagreed with the latter one, one billion tons, which was too exaggerated. The more mature "Big Ivan" was only 50 million tons. One billion tons, that’s a new level of magnitude!

But after being shocked at the beginning, many engineers suddenly cheered up. After Yu Yifeng poured a basin of cold water on their original fanatical mentality, they miraculously ignited again.

More than one person has this mentality. In their thinking, the design must be left to authoritative experts, and the specific construction must be left to themselves. This thought makes them enthusiastic.

More and more people are infected by this sentiment. A billion-ton nuclear weapon sounds cool and awesome. If you build it, you must build it!

Ding Yidong's heart was beating wildly. The arms expert felt that his lifelong ideal was about to come true. Surprisingly, there were so many people supporting him, and beads of sweat began to form on his forehead, and his words began to become hurried.

"According to my plan, a billion-ton super nuclear bomb can directly blast the spacecraft upward with its extremely powerful shock wave! At that time, we will fine-tune the direction and reach Mars!" Ding Yidong said excitedly, He slapped the table hard.

Build nuclear bombs, fly spaceships, that's it!

The people below began to cheer and began to support this very bold-sounding plan.

Yu Yifeng felt a little strange. He feels that people nowadays seem to have a Soviet-like wild style. They have just solved the problem of food and clothing, but they are full of enthusiasm to carry out those big projects and constructions.

This is of course a good thing, provided that these large projects and constructions are reliable.

However... he seemed to see that many scientists were actually opposing it? But the objections were quickly drowned out by the roar of the crowd. Since scientists are opposed, of course we have to listen to their opinions.

"Quiet, quiet! Please be quiet, Mr. Felix, what do you have to say?" Yu Yifeng's words were still very meaningful, and everyone began to quiet down.

Mr. Felix, the chief physicist, stood up from his seat and made his objections clear.

"Professor Ding, you have to know that there is almost a vacuum on the moon, so a nuclear explosion cannot produce a shock wave! Normally, the range of a nuclear explosion is very small. No matter how large the yield is, it will only expand the range a little! Your plan is completely It makes no sense!”

"According to the previous design, we planned to have the spacecraft carry a large number of nuclear bombs. When the spacecraft needs power, one will be released from the stern, and then some solid disks made of hydrogen-containing plastic will be released.

To put it simply, let the nuclear bomb push the disk first, and then let the disk push the spacecraft. "

"So, Professor Ding Yidong, please explain, why do we need to use one nuclear weapon with the equivalent of one billion tons? Why not use ten nuclear weapons with the equivalent of one billion tons, or one hundred million tons? I think the more points Fine, the higher the energy utilization rate.”

Professor Ding Yidong was stunned. He knew that if these scientists were not satisfied, his plan would definitely not be successful. These top scientists have always been the most sensible people, and they cannot be fooled by just a few words.

Of course, he proposed this plan not because he was handsome or awesome, but because he had his own considerations, otherwise Yu Yifeng would not be so easily persuaded by him.

He organized his words and said: "My plan is different from yours. My plan uses shock waves. If there is no shock wave, then artificially create a shock wave!"

"Although the moon is a vacuum environment, as long as there are media such as air and dust, shock waves will naturally occur."

"In my plan, we first build a thick metal protective device at the bottom of the spacecraft. Then we dig a sealed cave under the spacecraft and fill it with a large amount of air or other things, whether solid or liquid."

"Finally, we placed the nuclear bomb in the cave. When detonated, because there is a medium in the cave, a huge shock wave will be generated instantly, directly bombarding the spacecraft and lifting it up!"

Felix pondered for a long time, and finally nodded, admitting that this plan did have some feasibility. According to Ding Yidong, large-yield nuclear weapons are indeed needed. The shock wave of small-yield nuclear weapons is not strong enough.

Of course, there are more details to make up when considering energy consumption, safety, engineering volume, and other aspects.

Compared with the previous solutions, both solutions can be said to have their own advantages and disadvantages.

The scientists naturally divided into two groups, and they started to discuss these two plans. The public said that the public was right, and the mother-in-law said that the mother-in-law was right, and they argued endlessly.

"What if a big nuclear bomb fails? We have never had such technology!"

"Thermonuclear weapons are not difficult for us!"

"With a hundred nuclear bombs, it doesn't matter if one fails, but now that there is only one, the success rate is greatly reduced..."

"The probability of failure should be very low, about the same as being killed by an asteroid."

"From an energy consumption perspective..."

Neither of the two factions could convince the other, they were arguing with each other, and there were even signs of a fight if they disagreed...

Yu Yifeng didn't know what to say. They argued and discussed to be responsible for life and the entire human race. However, both solutions are theoretical and neither has been put into practice, nor can one be said to be better or worse.

If there is a referendum, Ding Yidong's plan will definitely be chosen. Now these engineers are obsessed with building a big nuclear bomb!

However, more scientists prefer the small nuclear bomb solution. After all, it is something that has been discussed for so long. Its safety is guaranteed and cannot be defeated by Ding Yidong with a few words.

How to do it? Yu Yifeng had a headache. The final decision still rested with him. But it was difficult for him to make up his mind in a short while. This was related to the life of all mankind!

He suddenly gritted his teeth and couldn't make up his mind, so he decided to make two plans together! At worst, it will just waste some helium-3 and steel, what a big deal. Building this kind of nuclear bomb consumes very little energy, so it doesn't hurt to have a few more.

"Well, everyone, please be quiet and I will announce the results of today's discussion!"

Yu Yifeng said, and everyone became quiet. It felt a little strange. The discussion hadn't been completed yet, so why was the result suddenly announced?

"First, from now on, the hydrogen bomb plan will be canceled and officially changed to the helium-3 nuclear bomb plan! We will allocate the freed up energy indicators next." After hearing this, some project leaders began to get excited. At this time, we must obtain more energy, and we cannot let the project progress lag any longer.

"The two plans for nuclear bomb propulsion are implemented at the same time. The first one uses a gigaton helium-3 nuclear bomb propulsion plan, and the other plan is changed to a backup plan, and Felix is ​​responsible for it."

Hearing this, some people started to cheer, especially some Maozi who didn't know why. They were so excited that they couldn't control themselves and started shouting hysterically.

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